Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 21 '09 pol>eng nieprzekraczalny termin final date/cut-off date.. easy closed no
NP Sep 3 '08 pol>eng czy oskarżony był już sądownie karany? Was the defendant previously convicted (of any crime)? easy open no
- Sep 2 '08 pol>eng wycena Real Estate Appraisal or Valuation easy closed ok
- Aug 26 '08 pol>eng DWUDZIESTEGO CZERWCA TYSIAC DZIEWIE CSET DZIEWIATEGO ROKU Born on June 20th, 1909 easy closed no
1 Aug 18 '08 eng>pol revelation wyjawienie/ujawnienie easy closed ok
- Apr 23 '08 eng>pol cost together with profit koszt łącznie/razem z zyskiem easy closed ok
NP Apr 10 '08 pol>eng skazany prawomocnym wyrokiem sądu with the court lawful decision/ruling, the defendant was convicted.... easy open no
4 Feb 1 '08 pol>eng KARTA TERENU DO MIEJSCOWEGO PLANU ZAGOSPODAROWANIA PRZESTRZENNEGO site (layout) planning certificate/chart/worksheet easy closed no
- Dec 29 '07 eng>pol documentary stamps (stanowe) pieczecie (dokumentowe) easy open no
4 Dec 29 '07 eng>pol perfecting the title korygowanie (poprawka) bledow w tytule wlasnosci easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered