Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 18 '13 eng>ara pulls up to stand يشب للوقوف pro closed ok
- Jul 19 '13 eng>ara stick person خطوط ترمز لشخص pro closed ok
- Jun 23 '13 ara>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
4 Jun 22 '13 ara>eng أفقيا وعموديا بسلك التعليم الابتدائي horizontally and vertically pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '13 eng>ara soft strategy استراتيجيات قليلة التكلفة / استراتيجيات ناعمة pro closed ok
- Jun 2 '13 eng>ara Number 8 Wire الإنجاز بأقل الإمكانيات pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '07 eng>ara community resource person مصدر/ ناقل خبرة عملية pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered