Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jun 4 '23 eng>eng prosecuted accused of a crime pro closed no
- Apr 29 '23 eng>eng commitment Transformation into something tangible, real, solid, stable pro closed no
- Apr 29 '23 eng>eng thresholds of sunrise and sunset as the bookends of life The cycle of life pro closed ok
- Apr 24 '23 eng>eng Finding Our Ground finding our inner peace, strength and connection pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '23 eng>eng attention addiction Attention seeking pro closed no
- Mar 17 '23 eng>eng he has the Terminex people out Terminix professionals pro closed no
- Feb 18 '23 eng>eng did you offend To cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful. pro just_closed no
4 Feb 18 '23 eng>eng and we should be cut Be cut off from God pro closed no
4 Feb 17 '23 eng>eng impose To be forced pro closed no
- Feb 14 '23 eng>eng do not engage with evidence Do not understand, interrogate and research evidence pro closed no
- Feb 9 '23 eng>eng Putting a trek-ready spin range is inspired by trek themes pro closed no
- Jan 18 '23 eng>eng maybe have countertop come out horizontal in the middle of island Standalone (separated) cabinet pro closed no
- Jan 18 '23 eng>eng further back is the top to below living room High ceilings pro open no
4 Jan 7 '23 eng>eng "She attempted to play the player rather than the ball". to criticise someone at a personal level rather than something they have done pro closed ok
4 Dec 12 '22 eng>eng a new possibility of humanity a new type of humanity pro closed no
- Dec 2 '22 eng>eng ... to be rejected like a girl at a dance sitting alone near the punch bowl? to be rejected over and over again without reason pro closed ok
- Dec 2 '22 eng>eng ... to be rejected like a girl at a dance sitting alone near the punch bowl? To be rejected out of lack of love pro closed ok
4 Nov 27 '22 eng>eng the output or the total value of products The products are created pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered