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Sep 28, 2021 (posted Just finished three articles on Economics, English to Indonesian, about "Data Skills" and "Setting Up Analytics Lab".
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Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Indonesian: STRESS IN THE FAMILY Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English Family life is a major source of stress today. To see evidence of this stress, you have only to pick up your local newspaper and scan the pages. All the far too common elements we read about in our newspapers and see on television: divorce, separation, suicide, murder, alienation – dramatic examples of the family under stress.
In commenting on the mobility of modern families, Alvin Toffler says in Future Shock, “The magnitude of 36 millions moving American from city to city is the same as if the combined populations of Cambodia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Iraq, Israel, Mongolia, Nicaragua, and Tunisia were to be forced from their homes and be relocated. That news would make front page headlines, but the huge migration within America seems to go without much flourish!”
Average Americans may move because they are switching jobs every three years. That often brings about traumatic changes in habits, social ties, and schooling. An official in IBM’s medical department observed that such changes involves losses of some kind, “Familiar faces, places, pleasures, ways of doing things and organizational supports are changed ... such losses are more severe than many persons recognize.”
Another significant cause is that of changing family roles. In less than one generation, the traditional roles played by men and women have undergone greater change than they had in the last ten generations. One marriage counselor observed:
After a while you begin to sense that their real problem is that they feel lost, confused and alienated because the roles of being a husband or a wife or a parent have changed so much from the day when they were kids. They no longer know what the standards and values of family life are today. They don’t know what to tell their kids.
One significant role change brought about, in part, by the women’s liberation movement, has been that of women switching from homemaker to breadwinner. Increasing numbers of women taking professional positions in the business world will have an enormous impact on corporations and the communities of people around them. Males will be dealing with female bosses, and women will be reevaluating themselves as peers – and bosses. For many situations there will be few precedents and few role models to study.
Eli Ginzberg, a health economist and professor at Columbia University, has observed that the changing roles of men and women is a worldwide phenomenon and not limited to the United States. He calls the role change the “single most outstanding phenomenon of this century.”
Translation - Indonesian Kehidupan keluarga merupakan sumber stres yang utama saat ini. Untuk melihat bukti dari stres ini, Anda hanya perlu memungut surat kabar lokal dan membaca halaman-halamannya secara sepintas. Unsur-unsur yang sangat umum yang kita baca di surat kabar dan kita saksikan di televisi: perceraian, pisah tempat tinggal, bunuh diri, pengasingan diri – merupakan contoh-contoh dramatis mengenai keluarga yang mengalami stres.
Mengomentari mobilitas keluarga-keluarga modern, Alfin Tofler mengatakan dalam bukunya Future Shock, “Besarnya perpindahan 36 juta orang Amerika dari kota ke kota hampir sama seperti jika gabungan populasi Kamboja, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Irak, Israel, Mongolia, Nicaragua, dan Tunisia dipaksa ke luar dari negara mereka dan direlokasi. Itu akan menjadi berita utama di halaman depan surat kabar, meskipun demikian migrasi yang sangat besar di Amerika Serikat tampaknya berlangsung tanpa banyak komentar!”
Rata-rata orang Amerika mungkin pindah tempat tinggal karena mereka berganti pekerjaan setiap tiga tahun. Hal ini sering mengakibatkan perubahan yang traumatis dalam kebiasaan, ikatan sosial, dan pendidikan di sekolah. Seorang pejabat di departemen pengobatan IBM mengamati bahwa perubahan semacam ini mengakibatkan perasaan kehilangan, “Wajah-wajah yang dikenal, tempat-tempat yang biasa dikunjungi, kegembiraan, cara mengerjakan sesuatu dan dukungan organisasi berubah ... rasa kehilangan semacam ini lebih berat dari yang diperkirakan banyak orang.”
Penyebab penting lainnya adalah perubahan peran dalam keluarga. Dalam waktu kurang dari satu generasi, peran tradisional yang dimainkan oleh pria dan wanita telah mengalami perubahan yang lebih besar daripada yang terjadi selama sepuluh generasi terakhir. Seorang konselor pernikahan mengamati hal ini:
Setelah beberapa waktu Anda mulai merasa bahwa masalah mereka yang sebenarnya adalah mereka putus asa, bingung, dan terasing karena peranan sebagai seorang suami atau istri atau orangtua telah begitu banyak berubah dibanding ketika mereka masih kanak-kanak. Mereka tidak lagi mengetahui standar dan nilai-nilai kehidupan keluarga saat ini. Mereka tidak tahu apa yang harus mereka ajarkan kepada anak-anak mereka.
Salah satu perubahan peran yang antara lain ditimbulkan oleh gerakan kebebasan wanita adalah wanita telah berganti peran dari ibu rumah tangga menjadi pencari nafkah. Jumlah yang meningkat dari wanita yang memiliki jabatan profesional dalam dunia bisnis akan memiliki dampak yang sangat besar pada perusahaan dan masyarakat di sekelilingnya. Kamu pria akan berurusan dengan atasan wanita, dan kaum wanita akan menilai diri mereka sebagai teman sejawat – dan sebagai bos. Dalam banyak situasi hanya akan ada sedikit hal yang menjadi preseden dan sedikit panutan untuk diteladani.
Eli Ginzberg, seorang pakar sumber daya kesehatan dan profesor di Universitas Columbia, telah mengamati bahwa peran yang berubah dari pria dan wanita merupakan gejala di seluruh dunia dan tidak hanya terbatas di Amerika Serikat. Ia menyebut perubahan peran itu sebagai “sebuah fenomena yang paling menonjol dalam abad ini.”
English to Indonesian: TOP FIVE JOB SKILLS IN BUSINESS Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - English Job searches can be difficult enough without trying to second-guess what the employer is looking for in a new hire. Also, the corporate changes constantly to keep pace with the economy and needs of individual businesses.
With that in mind, Celestine Schall, director of career development of Alverno College, believed a positive and realistic way to keep current news is to visit a variety of area businesses and government agencies. Her goal is to discover firsthand what employers were seeking in job candidates and obtain practical advice on how people should market themselves.
“Today, employers are really focusing on the need for communication. Twenty years ago, people would talk about job candidates being prepared within the field and knowledge base. Now they are saying that preparation within the area is still very important, but you must have the communication abilities to operate within the occupation.”
She lists the ‘top five’ criteria that employers look for in job candidates: communication skills, initiative and enthusiasm, appearance, ability to solve problems, and responsibility/ flexibility.
Not surprisingly, excellent communication skills headed that list.
“Employers are looking for communication ability across the board: speaking with others, being able to write, being able to be a team member in order to think through plans with other people and get in: being able to deal with multi-cultural populations, dealing with top people and government officials as well as communicating effectively with any person who may walk through the door.”
Second, Scahll said employers want people who are enthusiastic and show initiative, those who are interested in what is happening. “The company wants to know what the interviewee can do for the corporation, how well the person will contribute,” she said.
Appearance ranked third on the list; companies want their employees to present a good image and to be promotable. “It isn’t just clothes, but self-assurance – how the person presents himself or herself,” Schall said.
Fourth, employers are seeking people who have good problem-solving ability. "In an interview, you must support what you are saying with examples and use your experiences intelligently to support their abilities,” Schall said.
Finally, employers value responsibility and flexibility. Scahll also emphasized the importance of the resume and cover letter in showing writing skills so an employer can screen you “in” rather than “out.”
Translation - Indonesian Pencarian pekerjaan bisa jadi akan cukup sulit tanpa adanya antisipasi mengenai apa yang dicari pemberi kerja pada karyawan baru. Selain itu, perusahaan juga terus berubah agar dapat mengikuti perkembangan ekonomi dan tuntutan bisnis perorangan.
Berdasarkan pertimbangan di atas, Celestine Schall, direktur bidang pengembangan karir di Alverno College, merasa yakin bahwa cara yang positif dan realistis untuk tetap mengikuti perkembangan adalah dengan mengunjungi beraneka bisnis lokal dan lembaga-lembaga pemerintahan. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui secara langsung apa yang dicari oleh para pemberi kerja pada calon karyawan serta memperoleh petunjuk praktis mengenai bagaimana seseorang harus mempromosikan dirinya.
“Pada masa kini, para pemberi kerja benar-benar berfokus pada perlunya komunikasi. Dua puluh tahun yang lalu, orang mengatakan bahwa para calon karyawan harus memiliki dasar pengetahuan serta kesiapan dalam bidangnya. Saat ini mereka akan mengatakan bahwa persiapan di bidangnya masih sangat penting, tetapi Anda harus memiliki kemampuan komunikasi untuk dapat melakukan pekerjaan Anda.”
Schall menuliskan “lima kriteria utama” yang dicari oleh para pemberi kerja pada calon karyawan: ketrampilan berkomunikasi, inisiatif dan antusiasme, penampilan, kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah, dan tanggung jawab/fleksibilitas.
Tidak mengherankan bahwa ketrampilan komunikasi yang sangat baik berada di urutan teratas. "Pemberi kerja menghendaki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang menyeluruh: kemampuan berbicara dengan orang lain, kemampuan menulis, kemampuan bekerja sama dengan tim agar dapat memikirkan rencana bersama dan mampu menghadapi masyarakat multi budaya, orang-orang penting and pejabat pemerintah serta dapat berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan siapa saja yang mungkin akan datang berkunjung.”
Kedua, Scahll mengatakan bahwa pemberi kerja menginginkan orang-orang yang antusias dan menunjukkan inisiatif, yaitu orang-orang yang peduli pada apa yang sedang terjadi. “Perusahaan ingin mengetahui apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh calon karyawan bagi perusahaan, sejauh mana ia dapat memberikan sumbangan terhadap perusahaan,” katanya.
Penampilan menempati urutan ketiga; perusahaan ingin agar para karyawan mereka memberikan kesan yang baik dan dapat menjadi sarana promosi. “Masalahnya bukan hanya cara berpakaian, melainkan rasa percaya diri – bagaimana karyawan membawa diri,” kata Schall.
Keempat, pemberi kerja mencari orang-orang yang memiliki kemampuan yang baik untuk memecahkan masalah. “Dalam sebuah interview, Anda harus mendukung apa yang Anda katakan dengan contoh-contoh dan menggunakan pengalaman Anda secara cerdas untuk menopangnya,” kata Schall.
Akhirnya, pemberi kerja menghargai tanggung jawab dan fleksibilitas. Scahll juga menekankan pentingnya daftar riwayat hidup/CV dalam menunjukkan kemampuan menulis sehingga pemberi kerja akan menyeleksi Anda untuk masuk ke dalam perusahaan dan bukan menolak Anda.
Translation education
English Department, Faculty of Languages and Art, Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) Malang
Years of experience: 31. Registered at Sep 2017. Became a member: May 2021.
English to Indonesian (S1 degree in English (Institute of Teacher Training and Education), verified) Indonesian to English (Translation Certificate (University of Indonesia), verified) English to Indonesian (Translation Certificate (University of Indonesia), verified) English (Singapore Volunteers Overseas Workshop (English ln Teaching), verified) English (Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language, verified)
English (Cambridge University Press Workshop) English (ITP TOEFL Test (by ETS Jakarta), verified) English (TOEIC Test (by ETS Jakarta)) English (McGraw-Hill ELT Workshop, verified)
Besides teaching, translation is another thing that I enjoy doing. In fact, it has been my passion for a long time. My first work in translation was a short story entitled I’ll Always Remember Stephen which was published in Femina magazine shortly after I graduated from high school, but my career as a freelance English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English translator started with the translation of a book published by Penerbit Kalam Hidup Bandung in 1986. Since then I have enjoyed over twenty-five years of experience working on various types of translation, including books, booklets, letters, manuals, documents and articles. Up to now I have translated about 70 books and booklets for some prominent publishers in Indonesia.
My first translation project with a foreign client was with JICA, Japan in 1996 – at that time partnering with Jasa Tirta Malang. My main task was to assist the JICA staff to understand the Indonesian government decrees and other articles by translating them from Indonesian into English. The opportunity as an interpreter came when I was offered to participate in an Education Fair in 1997, followed by the same events in the following years.
In 1997 I took the Translator Certification Examination held by the Translation Center of the Faculty of Literature, University of Indonesia. I passed with an ‘A’ and became a certified translator the same year. In 2013 I took part in an international event and became one of the Liaison Officers for the IX Asian Pacific Astronomy Olympiad that was held in a city in North Sulawesi. I am now a full member of HPI (The Association of Indonesian Translators).
Apart from my experience as a freelance translator and interpreter, I have had the pleasure of working as an English lecturer and teacher for a lot of years, including teaching English (and Math) to some students of Wesley International School privately. Years of exposure to English language teaching and years of experience in dealing with various types of translations has helped to shape my skills and abilities in translating. For the past three years, I have been working as a part-timer at the Translation Department of an international institution. If you need me for any translation project, you can contact me at [email protected] or through the internal message system provided by My biggest interest is in education, psychology, counseling, and religion, but I have also done other fields such as business, advertising, stories, documents, agreement, social studies, medical (general). Recently I have also developed an interest in internet marketing and frequently listen to videos about internet marketing. For more complete information about the translation work I have done, you can refer to my CV (My CV and credentials are available upon request).
It would be a great pleasure for me to be of service to you.
Keywords: Advertisement, advertising, anggota HPI, anthropology, articles, Association of Indonesian Translators, bahasa, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, bisnis. See more.Advertisement, advertising, anggota HPI, anthropology, articles, Association of Indonesian Translators, bahasa, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, bisnis, booklet, book translator, brochures, business, business and management (general), certified translator, certified Indonesian English translator, child care, children, children rights, communication, company profile, contracts, conversation, correspondence, counseling, cultural studies, culture, curriculum, developmental psychology, document, education, educational materials, e-learning, English to Indonesian, English to Indonesian translator, ethics, family, family relationship, freelance, freelance certified translator, freelance professional translator, freelance translator, gender issues, general, health, health care, history, Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia, HPI, hospitality, hotel and tourism, human relations, human resources, human rights, iklan, Indonesian to English, Indonesian to English certified translator, Indonesian to English translator, interpreter, information technology (general), kesehatan, kontrak, komunikasi, language, language service, letters, letter of recommendation, management, manuals, marketing (general), marriage, medical (general), music, online translator, online translation, pariwisata, pedagogy, penerjemah, penerjemah bersertifikat, penerjemah Indonesia Inggris, penerjemah Inggris Indonesia, penerjemah lepas, penerjemah online, penerjemah profesional, periklanan, perjanjian, penterjemah, popular psychology, presentation materials, professional translator, profile, proposal, psikologi, psikologi anak, psikologi perkembangan, psikologi remaja, psychology, public relations, qualified translator, relationship, school profile, science, sihapei, social psychology, social science, speech, surat, surat-menyurat, teenager, terjemahan, tourism, tourism and travel, training, translate, translating, translation, translation business, translation service, translator, woman, woman rights, women, women studies.. See less.