Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 22 '05 ita>eng in seno herein confirmed easy closed ok
- Dec 29 '04 ita>eng conoscenza analitica full congnizance easy closed ok
- Nov 28 '03 ita>eng polisomi non so la traduzione easy closed no
- Jan 3 '03 ita>eng sopradiaframmatici super-diaphragmatic easy closed no
4 Nov 6 '02 ita>eng banco sega bench saw easy closed ok
2 Oct 17 '02 ita>eng chiusura centralizzata central locking easy closed ok
- Oct 15 '02 ita>eng autodescante selfpriming electropump easy closed ok
- Oct 14 '02 ita>eng complessi complessi easy closed no
4 Jul 25 '02 ita>eng tondini rods easy closed ok
- Jul 24 '02 ita>eng soleggiatura sunny easy closed no
4 Jul 21 '02 ita>eng owes to the notion/rather than any "necessary"causative link più o meno easy closed no
4 Jul 20 '02 ita>eng in a glowing tribute/Victorian attitudes entusiastico easy closed no
4 Jul 20 '02 ita>eng spero un giorno riincontrarti, magari li'... I hope easy closed no
4 Jul 20 '02 ita>eng was chennelled to/ portfolio lending segue easy closed no
- Jul 20 '02 ita>eng lasciano il tempo che trovano le deleghe bla bla easy closed no
4 Jul 20 '02 ita>eng la legge non guarda in faccia nessuno everybody is equal before the Law easy closed ok
- Jul 16 '02 ita>eng controllo in accettazione e in corso d'opera ci provo easy closed no
- Jul 16 '02 ita>eng gabbie d'armatura saldate production of reinforcing steel mash easy closed no
3 Jun 25 '02 ita>eng eri già andato via you had already gone away easy closed no
- Jun 25 '02 ita>eng contrattualmente e esplicitamente previsto contractualy and specially provided easy closed no
3 Jun 19 '02 ita>eng croce commissa crux commissa easy closed ok
- Jun 19 '02 ita>eng a cui si aggiunge covered by a dome easy closed ok
4 Jun 12 '02 ita>eng beni culturali cultural heritage easy closed ok
4 Jun 11 '02 ita>eng e s.s.m.m. e successive modifiche easy closed ok
- May 22 '02 ita>eng fascia time bracket easy open no
4 May 21 '02 ita>eng bifora double arched window - bifora - mullioned window easy closed ok
4 May 17 '02 ita>eng verifica che tutte le informazioni richieste siano state inserite Ensure easy closed no
4 May 16 '02 ita>eng OGGETTISTICA giftware/souvenirs easy closed ok
4 May 13 '02 ita>eng entro questa data within this date easy closed no
- Apr 23 '02 ita>eng in tempi sempre più brevi ever decreasing periods of time easy closed no
- Apr 18 '02 ita>eng finanziamenti per la ricerca grants for (scientific) research easy closed ok
4 Apr 15 '02 ita>eng Un importante fattore di competitività per uno sviluppo sostenibile a key factor of competitiveness easy closed no
- Apr 15 '02 ita>eng fattore di competitività competitiveness easy closed ok
3 Mar 27 '02 ita>eng tende da *interni* ed *esterni* indoors and outdoors curtains easy closed ok
4 Mar 26 '02 ita>eng gorgonzola naturale natural gorgonzola easy closed ok
4 Mar 26 '02 ita>eng comme risulta dal registro degli ati di morte as recorded in Register of deaths easy closed ok
- Mar 26 '02 ita>eng filtro antibatterico anti-bacteria filter easy closed ok
- Mar 18 '02 ita>eng fece erigere; una miscela d'arte affascinante Bishop G.O. easy closed ok
- Mar 15 '02 ita>eng trattabile normal, regular easy closed no
4 Mar 12 '02 ita>eng giunta di confindustria confindustria easy closed no
4 Mar 6 '02 ita>eng collegio notarile del distretto di Udine glossario easy closed no
4 Mar 5 '02 ita>eng etichettificio labels manufactoring company easy closed ok
4 Mar 5 '02 ita>eng vellum,carta patinata,vergata, carte termiche;carte laminate;acetati; see list easy closed no
- Feb 17 '02 ita>eng par conditio par conditio/par condicio easy closed ok
4 Feb 17 '02 ita>eng ciao e... a presto Bye....until next time easy closed ok
- Feb 12 '02 ita>eng fatta la tara fare la tara easy closed ok
2 Feb 8 '02 ita>eng PREMICURSORE push-cursor? easy closed no
4 Jan 30 '02 ita>eng Si degni gradire, l'espressione della mia considerazione piu' distinta please accept... easy closed no
- Jan 28 '02 ita>eng vecchi, la testa non la si cambia piu. You can't teach an old dog new tricks easy closed ok
2 Jan 24 '02 ita>eng Franco Cliente sdoganato FOB destination? easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered