Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 1 '16 eng>ind it's all or nothing Jadi[lah] juara atau pulang dengan tangan hampa pro just_closed no
- Jun 16 '16 ind>eng Penolakan anak atas nasab denial of blood lineage of the child pro closed ok
2 Apr 22 '16 eng>ind Flirt tebar pesona pro closed no
4 Apr 14 '16 jav>eng mbojo get married pro closed no
- Feb 2 '15 ind>eng Waktu pun menanti times (are) awaiting us pro closed ok
4 Oct 4 '14 eng>ind how to make things rather than making things cara menciptakan produk baru, bukan sekadar cara berproduksi pro closed no
- Jan 23 '14 eng>ind Homestay (Host Families) Inap Keluarga (Keluarga Asuh) pro closed no
4 Nov 11 '13 ind>eng Direktorat Perbendaharaan Dirjen KPPN Directorate of Treasury, Directorate General of Treasury Affairs, State Treasury Service Office pro closed no
4 Sep 10 '13 eng>ind without which the notion does not exist tanpa ada inovasi gagasan itu tidak akan muncul pro closed no
- Aug 7 '13 ind>eng Redikinya? very fortunate pro closed no
4 Aug 7 '13 ind>eng Bisa gan won't be succesful, mate/buddy pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered