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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation Volume: 16000 words Completed: Jul 2014 Languages: English to Arabic
Website translation: Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical industry
Collaboration in a website translation (Translation + Reviewing) for a major U.S manufacturer in the biotechnology and pharmaceuticals sectors. This project was completed by a team that consisted of two professional medical translators (An M.D colleague, and myself- a pharmacist & translator).
Translation Volume: 5500 words Completed: Jun 2014 Languages: English to Arabic
User Manual for a Household Appliance
Translation of a user's manual for a household appliance, including diagrams and graphics. The project also implicated communicating with the DTP team and reviewing the layout to be published.
positive Unlimited World Translations: Noura did an incredible job with this translation and managing the DTP-team to produce an awesome manual
Translation Volume: 1050 words Completed: Apr 2014 Languages: English to Arabic
Bruchure translation of a cruising and tourism company
Promotional brochure for a major scandinavian cruising company. Tasks: English to Arabic translation + Proofing and checking the layout of the Arabic brochure to ensure top quality.
Translation Volume: 4200 words Completed: May 2014 Languages: English to Arabic
iPad/Android Educational App Translation (Maths for children)
Translation of a children's educational App (Mathematics and educational games). This app was chosen as one of the best kids apps for 2013, and the translation covered all the in-app texts, marketing/promotional material, and the app's introduction for iOS and Google Play stores.
Translation Volume: 10300 words Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of a major Hotels & Tourism website (10,300 words)
Arabic localization of a major website in Tourism and Hotels. The project was challenging due to the great amount of details and variables, and was completed up to the end client's full satisfaction.
Tourism & Travel, Tourism & Travel
positive member : Noura is a very determined and professional translator. It’s been a pleasure to work with her.
Software localization Volume: 3000 words Completed: Jan 2014 Languages: English to Arabic Arabic
Arabic language learning App, Localization & Marketing Translation
Arabic language learning application for iPad & iPhone. Translating 3000 words from English to Arabic, and writing their phonetic transcription according to The Library of Congress Romanization tables (ALA-LC). Plus translating the App's introduction for the App Store, user guide, and app's commands list.
Translating English subtitles into Arabic for "La Educacion Prohibida/ The Prohibited Education", a 2:20 hours long documentary produced by REEVO about schools,education, and innovative educational initiatives. And translating REEVO's promo into Arabic.
Education / Pedagogy, Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Media / Multimedia
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Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Arabic: Therapeutic monitoring of vancomycin in adult patients General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Over the years, vancomycin has been one of the most studied antibiotics. Extensive pharmacokinetic studies in a variety of patient populations and the availability of commercial drug assays have allowed clinicians to target serum vancomycin concentrations precisely in a relatively narrow range.
This approach has been advocated to lessen the potential for nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity and to achieve therapeutic concentrations. However, it should be noted that the practice of routine monitoring and adjusting of serum vancomycin drug concentrations has been the subject of intense debate for many years.
The controversy has resulted from conflicting evidence regarding the use of serum vancomycin concentrations to predict and prevent drug-induced toxicity and as a measure of effectiveness in treating infections.
Translation - Arabic عبر السنوات، كان الفانكومايسين أحد أوفر الصادات حظاً من الدراسة. وقد أدت الدراسات الموسعة للحرائك الدوائية والمطبقة على مجموعات متنوعة من المرضى، إضافة إلى توافر التجارب التجارية الدوائية، إلى السماح للأطباء السريريين باستهداف تراكيز مصلية دقيقة للفانكومايسين ضمن مجال ضيق نسبياً.
وقد تم تأييد هذه المقاربة لتقليل احتمالات حدوث السميتين: الكلوية والأذنية، إضافةً للوصول إلى التراكيز العلاجية الفعالة. لكن تجدر الإشارة إلى أن مسألة مراقبة وتعديل التراكيز المصلية للفانكومايسين بشكل روتيني كانت مثار جدلٍ واسعٍ لسنوات عديدة.
وقد نجم هذا الجدل عن تضارب الأدلة المتعلقة بجدوى الاعتماد على التراكيز المصلية للفانكومايسين كوسيلة للتنبؤ المسبق والوقاية من سميته الدوائية، وكمقياس لفعالية هذا الدواء في علاج الأخماج.
English to Arabic: Article "Different Ways of Thinking" - مقال:الأنماط المختلفة للتفكير General field: Science
Source text - English Original: Different Ways of Thinking
The idea that people have different thinking patterns is not new. Francis Galton, in Inquiries into Human Faculty and Development, wrote that while some people see vivid mental pictures, for others
"the idea is not felt to be mental pictures, but rather symbols of facts. In people with low pictorial imagery, they would remember their breakfast table but they could not see it."
It wasn't until I went to college that I realized some people are completely verb al and think only in words. I first suspected this when I read an article in a science magazine about the development of
tool use in prehistoric humans. Some renowned scientist speculate that humans had to develop language before they could develop tools. I thought this was ridiculous, and this article gave me the first inkling that my thought processes were truly different from those of many other people. When I invent things, I do not use language. Some other people think in vividly detailed pictures, but most think in a combination of words and vague, generalized pictures.
For example, many people see a generalized generic church rather than specific churches and steeples when they read or hear the word steeple. Their thought patterns move from a general concept to specific examples. I used to become very frustrated when a verbal thinker could not understand something I was trying to express because he or she couldn't see the picture that was crystal clear to me. Further, my mind constantly revises general concepts as I add new information to my memory library. It's like getting a new version of software for the computer. My mind readily accepts the new "software," though I have observed that some people often do not readily accept new information.
Unlike those of most people, my thoughts move from video -like, specific images to generalization and concepts. For example, my concept of dogs is inextricably linked to every dog I've ever known. It's as if I have a card catalogue of dogs I have seen, complete with pictures, which continually grows as I add more examples to my video library.
Translation - Arabic الأنماط المختلفة للتفكير
ليست فكرة أن الناس يختلفون في أنماط تفكيرهم بالجديدة. ففي عمله "أبحاث في المقدرات والتطورات البشرية" كتب فرانسيس غالتون أنه بينما يرى بعض الناس صوراً عقلية حية، فإن "الفكرة" لدى أناس آخرين " لا تُدرَك بكونها صوراً عقلية، بل بكونها رموزاً للحقائق. قد يتذكر ذوو التصور الذهني الضعيف مائدة إفطارهم، لكنهم لا يستطيعون رؤيتها."
قبل التحاقي بالجامعة، لم أدرك أن بعض الأشخاص لغويون بالكامل ولا يفكرون إلا من خلال الكلمات. لقد شككتُ في ذلك للمرة الأولى عندما قرأت مقالاً في مجلة علمية حول تطور استخدام الأدوات لدى إنسان ما قبل التاريخ. وفيها خمّن أحد العلماء المشهورين أنه كان على البشر تطوير اللغة قبل أن يتمكنوا من تطوير الأدوات. اعتقدتُ أن ذلك سخيف، وأعطاني ذاك المقال التلميح الأول بأن عملياتي الذهنية مختلفة حقاً عما هو حال الكثير من الناس. عندما أخترع الأشياء، لا أستخدم اللغة. قد يفكر البعض من خلال صور ذات تفاصيل دقيقة، لكن الأكثرية يفكرون عبر مزيج من الكلمات وصورٍ عامة مبهمة.
على سبيل المثال، عندما يقرأ الناس أو يسمعون عبارة "برج كنيسة"، فإن الكثيرين يرون في أذهانهم كنيسةً نمطية بشكل عام دون رؤية كنائس أو أبراج بعينها. إن وتيرة تفكيرهم تنتقل من التصور العام إلى أمثلة محددة. عادةً ما كنت أشعر بإحباط شديد عندما لا يتمكن مفكر لغوي من فهم شيء أحاول التعبير عنه، لأنه لم يستطع رؤية الصورة التي كانت صافيةً كالبلور بالنسبة لي. علاوةً على ذلك، فإن عقلي يعدّل التصورات العامة باستمرار عندما أضيف معلومات جديدة إلى مكتبة ذاكرتي. يشبه ذلك إدخال نسخة برمجيات جديدة إلى الكمبيوتر. فعقلي يتقبل "البرنامج" الجديد في التوّ، رغم أنني لاحظت عدم تقبل بعض الأشخاص للمعلومات الجديدة بسرعة.
بخلاف معظم الناس، تنتقل أفكاري من صور محددة، أشبه بالفيديو، إلى التعميم والمفاهيم. فمثلاً، يرتبط مفهومي عن الكلاب، بشكل لا يمكن فصمه، بكل كلب عرفته خلال حياتي. كما لو أنني أحتفظ بفهرس بطاقات للكلاب التي سبق لي رؤيتها، كاملٍ ومصوَّر، ويزداد حجماً باستمرار كلما أضفتُ المزيد من النماذج إلى مكتبة الفيديو لدي.
Professional Native Arabic Translator, 11 years of experience
Medical - Pharmaceuticals - UN & NGOs - Marketing - Healthcare - Cosmetics - Arts - Pedagogy
Naturally Translated!
Photo: Latakia, Syria
. My Services:
With a combination of high professionalism and excellent communication skills, I'm often described by my regular clients as "easy to work with", a badge that I proudly wear!
- English to Arabic Translation:
Mainly in the specialty fields that you can see on the running text above. I treat each text with great care and full attention, and I don't hesitate to turn down a job offer if I felt that it can't be done perfectly for any reason; therefore, once I accepted your job offer, it means I'm confident that it fits well within my capabilities, specialties, and schedule; and that you won't worry about quality or accuracy.
- Monolingual Arabic Proofreading/Editing:
Monolingual Proofreading includes correcting your Arabic text for spelling, grammatical mistakes, inconsistencies, as well as odd or wrong compositions.
Monolingual Editing backed with 14 years of passionate practice in the writing domain, this service includes all of the above, PLUS improving style and fluency towards an Arabic text that flows naturally.
* Please note that these two monolingual services DO NOT include checking the original translation's accuracy (If the text is a translation). However, sending me the source text can help in queries.
. Award-winner for Linguistic & Translation Excellence: .
. Rates:
My rates should be visible to you on this profile page if you are logged in as an "Outsourcer". Otherwise, you can simply ask me for a quote by clicking the small envelope "Send Email" at the top of this page. I'll be here to reply soon!
A Certified PRO Translator
In 2013, I was awarded the PRO Network Certificate at after completing all professional and linguistic requirements.
How it all started:
The beginning of my professional life was as a PHARMACIST, then it got inevitably driven into my linguistic life-long passion, I shifted routes, giving up the white coat.
Many sources flowing into the mighty Translation River
I'm fortunate to have multiple talents in arts and literature, a very good command of English, a variety of genuine cultural and scientific interests, and an in depth Arabic linguistic knowledge.
Over the years, I learned to employ all these capabilities in producing a creative and sound Arabic writing style that will communicate your message and documents into a live Arabic translation that looks just like an original Arabic work.
- A proved successful career with international foundations, manufacturers and institutions, as well as pioneer initiatives such as
'REEVO' - An international online Live Education Network
'AAMAL' The Syrian Organization for the Disabled -Damascus
Geneva Business School (GBS) in Switzerland
'Al Mafraq Hospital' Abu Dhabi, UAE
'L'Oréal ®' Paris,
'Two major cosmetics companies' USA,
and many others.
- Health & Medical articles writer for Al Arabi Magazine مجلة العربي, a renowned cultural Kuwaiti magazine distributed all over the Arab world.
- Story, Theater, and Article Writer since 1997
** One of my published articles in Al Arabi Magazine "Menopausal Depression", Issue 627, February 2011
28 years of education in a few lines:
Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy (Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria, 2002).
NLP Diploma from The American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (2010)
Fine Arts Degree from "The Plastic Arts Center In Latakia – Syrian Ministry of Culture, 2011"- A 2 years study degree. Specialties: Painting, Graphics, and sculpturing.
Story, Theater, and Article Writer since 1997 "Oops! That's not an education! But since the bullet points will probably attract your eyes; I thought of sticking this info right here :)"
English to Arabic volunteer translator
You & Me:
I'm glad you made it to the end of my introduction! I'm ready to encounter new translation challenges, and look forward to building a new and long term business relationship with you. So, what can I do for you today?
Let me know by: clicking the small envelope that says (Send Email) at the top of this page.
I'll be there to reply soon!
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