Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 8 '13 ara>eng قوم لوط People of Lot pro closed no
- Jan 8 '13 ara>eng الساكت عن الحق شيطان أخرس A mute bird makes no omen pro closed ok
4 Jul 7 '12 eng>ara 4B + G +34 +1M عدد 4 طوابق سرداب (تحت أرضي)+طابق أرضي+ 34 طابق+ 1 صيانة pro closed ok
- Apr 1 '12 eng>ara by-products منتوجات جانبية pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '12 ara>eng مندوب التنفيذ Execution Officer pro closed ok
4 Mar 18 '12 eng>ara (Step and Grade Schedual) noun جدول الدرجات والرتب pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '11 eng>ara sprig of cress الرشاد pro just_closed no
4 Nov 9 '11 eng>ara STOP OR I WILL SHOOT أوقف ترى أرمي pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '11 eng>ara precipitation عتبة/درجة الهطول pro closed no
4 Oct 26 '11 ara>eng ترحما عليه asking God to have mercy upon him pro closed no
- Oct 26 '11 ara>eng يتباركون ويقسم to ask the blesssing of/ swear by pro closed no
- Oct 26 '11 ara>eng له كرامات Prodigies pro closed no
- Oct 21 '11 eng>ara smooth line خط متصل/ مستو/ أملس pro just_closed no
- Oct 19 '11 ara>eng حق اختصاص Hypothecation pro just_closed ok
- Oct 19 '11 eng>ara financial well-being الرفاه المالي pro just_closed no
- Oct 19 '11 eng>ara melting pot بوتقة pro just_closed no
4 Oct 18 '11 eng>ara otherwise howsoever بأي طريقة أخرى مهما تكن pro closed ok
- Oct 18 '11 eng>ara jumper مريول/ مريلة pro just_closed no
- Oct 18 '11 ara>eng الرجوع على Claim pro closed no
3 Oct 12 '11 eng>ara king in all but name الملك غير المتوج pro closed ok
4 Oct 12 '11 eng>ara the ink had dried on the government's announcement قبل أن يجف حبر إعلان الحكومة pro closed no
4 Oct 12 '11 eng>ara calls the shots مسيطر أو ممسك بزمام الأمور pro closed ok
- Oct 11 '11 eng>ara Devil's Advocacy الجدل الشكلي pro closed ok
4 Oct 10 '11 eng>ara drip feeding investment استثمار تدريجي pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '11 eng>ara hung vote تصويت بدون أغلبية pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '11 eng>ara 2 all تعادل 2-2 pro closed no
- Oct 6 '11 eng>ara Palisade سياج/سياجي pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '11 ara>eng ورق السدر الأخضر Buckthorn pro closed ok
- Sep 26 '11 eng>ara Perplexity تشابك/تشويش pro just_closed no
- Sep 20 '11 eng>ara ridges and valleys of the sealant النتوءات والأخاديد في العازل pro just_closed no
- Sep 19 '11 ara>eng الرجوع بالضمان على Claim for Liability pro open no
4 Sep 19 '11 eng>ara the hole in the roll فتحة البكرة/ اللفافة/الدولاب/ العجلة pro closed no
- Sep 19 '11 eng>ara masking for blending تغطية/غطّ pro closed ok
- Sep 14 '11 ara>eng تحليل المواد العضوية biodegradation pro closed no
- Sep 13 '11 eng>ara hand block حجر السنفرة pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '11 eng>ara sticky vanish مزيل الورنيش اللزج pro just_closed no
- Sep 10 '11 eng>ara poor texture or hiding طبقة رديئة وتستير ضعيف pro just_closed no
- Sep 10 '11 eng>ara overrepresented تتجسد بكثرة pro closed no
- Sep 8 '11 eng>ara shrines later springing up وانتشرت الأضرحة فيما بعد تخليداً لذكرى ثورة الفرسان pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered