Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Sep 7 '17 eng>ita Guide Dogs vehicles Guide Dogs pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '17 eng>ita maximum displacement cilindrata massima pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '17 eng>ita saloon and estate (touring) berlina e station wagon (Touring) pro closed ok
4 Jul 25 '17 eng>ita terminal voltage tensione (ai morsetti/ai capi della batteria) pro closed ok
- Sep 17 '15 eng>ita wild stripes strisce vivaci pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '15 eng>ita organic social engagements social engagement organici pro closed no
4 Aug 18 '15 eng>ita retention rate tasso di fidelizzazione pro closed ok
- Apr 23 '15 eng>ita cable scarf sciarpa a treccia pro closed ok
- Apr 16 '15 eng>ita Booster pack x pacchetto aggiuntivo x pro closed ok
4 Mar 19 '15 eng>ita challenger stimolatore pro closed ok
4 Mar 24 '15 eng>ita Control card box scatola di comando pro closed ok
- May 15 '13 eng>ita crowd-pleasing perfetto per l'intrattenimento pro closed ok
4 Feb 2 '13 eng>ita EPC EPC pro closed ok
4 Nov 8 '11 eng>ita service and engineering tasks compiti di progettazione e manutenzione pro closed ok
4 Apr 16 '11 eng>ita Strong pipeline solida pipeline pro closed ok
4 Apr 1 '11 eng>ita marketing edge vantaggio commerciale pro closed ok
4 Feb 27 '11 eng>ita spotwise acquisti spot / a spot pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '10 eng>ita probing investigazione pro closed no
4 May 14 '10 eng>ita judgment call decisione personale pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '09 eng>ita 2nd day air orders spedizione via aerea il giorno lavorativo successivo pro closed ok
4 Sep 2 '09 eng>ita N+1 superiore diretto (nel contesto specifico) pro closed ok
- Aug 1 '09 eng>ita Design Engineers ingegneri di progetto pro closed no
- Oct 2 '08 eng>ita energy and emissions trading mercato energetico ed emission trading pro open no
- Apr 15 '09 eng>ita Key business results risultati chiave pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '09 eng>ita blanket community of residents in una forte ed ampia comunità tra i residenti a pro closed ok
4 Apr 15 '09 eng>ita DesignLine email and sell sheet una linea di e-mail e fogli di lavoro con un nuovo design/stile pro closed ok
4 Apr 27 '07 eng>ita semi-restricted calls chiamate semiprivate/semiriservate pro closed ok
4 Apr 25 '06 ita>eng appoggiando (in this context) posing the orange slice against the border of the mold and letting the other half .... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered