Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 28 '12 pol>eng pozyskiwanie acquisition? pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '12 pol>eng źródła objęte ekscerpcją excerpted sources pro closed no
- Aug 27 '12 pol>eng siedziba Dowództwa Okręgu Generalnego Łódź nr IV headquarters of Łódź (General) Military District No. 4 pro just_closed no
3 Feb 18 '11 pol>eng zawisła pending pro closed no
4 Feb 14 '11 pol>eng polega na consists in pro closed no
4 Feb 9 '11 pol>eng rozliczyć należności settle the liabilities pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '11 pol>eng dane w tys.zł. (data) in KPLN pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '11 pol>eng ośrodek center pro closed no
- Feb 3 '11 pol>eng istotne zdarzenie material event pro closed no
- Feb 3 '11 pol>eng jednak nie później niż do końca miesiąca not later however than by the end of the month pro closed no
- Feb 3 '11 pol>eng niskotonażowe low-ton pro just_closed no
4 Feb 3 '11 pol>eng Faktura ma zostać wystawiona na wartość the invoice is to be issued for the amount of _ pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '11 pol>eng stan konta account's balance pro closed ok
- Feb 2 '11 pol>eng obsługa biurowa office services pro closed no
- Feb 2 '11 pol>eng przyjmowanie intake pro closed ok
4 Feb 2 '11 pol>eng orzeczenie o stopniu niepełnosprawności disability degree certificate pro closed ok
- Jan 31 '11 pol>eng przekazać transfer pro just_closed no
4 Jan 24 '11 pol>eng rozrachunki kadrowo-płacowe HR and payroll settlements pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '11 pol>eng procurement manager zaopatrzeniowiec pro closed ok
4 Jan 19 '11 pol>eng sytuacja procesowa (strony) procedural situation pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '11 pol>eng żądanie dobrowolnego spełnienia świadczenia request for a voluntary discharge (of a performance) pro closed no
4 Jan 19 '11 pol>eng idące w parze go hand in hand with pro closed ok
4 Jan 7 '11 pol>eng koszty nadzwyczajne extraordinary costs pro closed ok
4 Jan 4 '11 pol>eng okres kwalifikowalności period of eligibility pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '11 pol>eng protokół rozbieżności record of divergences pro closed ok
- Dec 22 '10 pol>eng władnące dominant pro closed no
- Dec 22 '10 pol>eng samorządność autonomy pro closed no
- Dec 20 '10 pol>eng stacja dializ dialysis station pro closed ok
4 Dec 17 '10 pol>eng kapitały pieniężne money capitals pro closed ok
4 Dec 17 '10 pol>eng moment powstania revenue point pro closed ok
4 Dec 8 '10 pol>eng bilans zamknięcia closing balance sheet pro closed ok
4 Dec 7 '10 pol>eng wydatki kwalifikowane eligible costs pro closed ok
- Dec 1 '10 pol>eng outlet outlet (shop) pro closed no
- Dec 1 '10 pol>eng zakupy inwestycyjne investment pucrhases pro closed ok
4 Nov 30 '10 pol>eng na terenie nieruchomości on the site of the property pro closed ok
4 Nov 25 '10 pol>eng raport jednostkowy statutory (quarterly) report pro closed ok
4 Nov 24 '10 pol>eng śpiochy/śpioszki (sleeveless) footed sleeper pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '10 pol>eng śpiochy/śpioszki sleeveless rompers / romper suit pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '10 pol>eng prawo powszechnie obowiązujące universally binding law pro closed ok
- Nov 7 '10 pol>eng zatrudnienie za pośrednictwem innego podmiotu outsourcing (employment) pro closed ok
- Nov 5 '10 pol>eng w ramach firmy within the framework of the new company pro closed no
- Nov 4 '10 pol>eng unos evaporation pro closed no
4 Nov 3 '10 pol>eng bruzda wielka mózgu medial longitudinal fissure pro closed ok
- Nov 3 '10 pol>eng tkanka ziarnicza Hodgkins cell pro closed no
- Nov 2 '10 pol>eng zaległe zobowiazania finansowe outstanding fees pro closed ok
4 Oct 22 '10 pol>eng miary siły związku measure of relationship strength pro closed no
4 Oct 22 '10 pol>eng zjawiska wskaźnikowe indicator phenomena pro closed no
4 Oct 22 '10 pol>eng zależność krzywoliniowa curvilinear dependence pro closed ok
- Oct 22 '10 pol>eng podniesc zarzut wadliwosci orzeczenia Raise the objection of insufficiency of judgement pro open no
4 Oct 22 '10 pol>eng kocioł dwuciągowy two-pass boiler pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered