Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 19 '18 nor>eng gjennomstriglet og snorrett alle vegner strained and stretched all directions pro open no
4 Dec 20 '10 eng>eng in case in case (it sinks) pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '10 nor>eng Samfunnsoppdrag societal function pro closed ok
4 Jun 2 '10 eng>eng punishable wrong punishable wrong pro closed no
4 Nov 12 '09 eng>eng paid 4 weekly every fourth week pro closed no
4 Sep 28 '09 nor>eng sofahuske sofa swing, garden sofa swing, swinging sofa pro closed ok
4 Jun 28 '09 nor>eng misjonsbefaling the Great Commission pro closed ok
2 Feb 28 '09 eng>eng post (verb) announce, publish pro closed no
- Feb 20 '09 eng>eng military ribbons military decorations/awards (see below) pro closed no
- Nov 18 '08 dan>eng foerstafdoede decedent pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '08 nor>eng Byfjellsforvalteren i Bergen kommune Administrator for Bergen's Peak District pro just_closed no
- Nov 3 '08 nor>eng nissemor Mother Christmas pro closed ok
4 Oct 23 '08 dan>eng U/AFG. (or "u.afg.") uden afgift pro closed ok
- Aug 31 '08 dan>eng højrestillet/venstrestillet right/left justified or right/left aligned pro closed ok
- May 13 '08 nor>eng boltetrekker pin puller pro just_closed no
- May 8 '08 nor>eng Forsvarets Sanitet Flymedisinsk Institutt Institute of Aviation Medicine pro closed ok
- Apr 24 '08 eng>eng how did you hear about us? "scoot" "Scoot" is a business finder site in the UK pro open no
4 Nov 19 '07 dan>eng ægteskabet er indgået mellem A and B the marriage is entered into between A and B pro closed ok
- Nov 19 '07 dan>eng vielsesmyndighed license to marry pro closed no
- Nov 13 '07 dan>eng sognepræsteembede the office of being parish priest/vicar pro closed no
- Nov 13 '07 dan>eng udmeldt resigned from/removed from pro closed no
4 Nov 13 '07 nor>eng vårjevndøgn day of the Spring equinox pro closed ok
3 Oct 18 '07 nor>eng fullt trøkk full blast pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '07 nor>eng jomfru spinster pro closed no
4 Sep 8 '07 eng>eng the technical term for when a person sets up the line on an already bolted route to lead a (sports) route pro closed no
4 Aug 22 '07 nob>eng integrasjonssweb (dedicated) integrated web network pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '07 eng>eng civil registry office See below... pro closed no
4 Aug 21 '07 eng>eng establishment those who are considered to be an authority pro closed ok
4 Aug 20 '07 dan>eng Kvadratalen square cubit pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '07 eng>eng high roll threshold designed to remain stable against rolling even on very steep ground pro closed no
- Aug 17 '07 eng>eng extreme-terrain gear reduction reducing gears for driving over extremely rough terrain, so that the vehicle can travel more slowly. pro closed no
- Aug 15 '07 dan>eng returdrej position reset pro closed ok
4 Aug 14 '07 dan>eng remons eller remonce (an almond cake filling called) remonce pro closed no
4 Aug 13 '07 nob>eng faste vakttillegg permanent on-call allowance pro closed ok
4 Aug 13 '07 nob>eng forslags- og innstillingsrett til aktuelle kandidater right of proposal and nomination pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '07 eng>eng Purpose Built built specially for a planned purpose pro closed no
4 Aug 12 '07 nob>eng tiltakspunkt improvement site pro closed no
- Aug 9 '07 ita>eng Scuola di Scienze Turistiche School of Tourism Science/School of Science of Tourism pro closed no
4 Aug 8 '07 nob>eng fellesbrev circular (letter) pro closed ok
4 Aug 8 '07 dan>eng Skærmbræt Dressing screen pro closed no
4 Jul 30 '07 eng>eng enter on write .... on (the label) pro closed no
3 Jul 8 '07 nor>eng interesseutvalg interest groups; clubs pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '07 nor>eng akademikarpådet Nordic Academic Council (Nordiska Akademikerrådet, NAR) pro closed no
4 Jun 27 '07 nor>eng heimemarka home pastures pro closed ok
3 Jun 27 '07 nor>eng blakk brown (in this context) pro closed no
3 Jun 27 '07 nor>eng odelsjente The time-honoured Lady of Norwegian farming pro closed no
4 Jun 11 '07 nor>eng høyskoleutdannelse/videregående skole university education/upper secondary school pro closed ok
4 May 28 '07 nor>eng blåtur surprise trip pro closed ok
- May 23 '07 eng>eng with influence based on personal insight See below... pro closed no
4 May 8 '07 nor>eng videregående skole Upper/senior secondary school pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered