Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
3 Jun 4 '09 eng>rus Brokenness over sin сокрушаться по поводу совершенных грехов pro closed ok
- May 28 '07 rus>eng u okruzhayushchikh po uvesistomu polenu naidet i so vsei duri im tresnet. ...but he does find a heavy log in the eye of another and is sure to strike at it pro closed no
- Apr 24 '07 rus>eng Дальше - больше And that was just the jumping-off point pro closed ok
4 Nov 30 '06 eng>rus mistaken identity заблуждения, (призрачные) иллюзии pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '06 rus>eng быстро-быстро перебегали flitted about pro closed no
4 Nov 3 '06 rus>eng всем родня everybody's cousins pro closed ok
4 Nov 3 '06 rus>eng ягодка sweetie pie, etc. pro closed no
- Oct 3 '06 deu>eng s. d. s.d. = siehe dies = see this pro closed ok
4 Sep 6 '06 eng>rus I told him: "You may release me now," like Blanche says from "A Streetcar Named Больше держать не обязательно. pro closed ok
4 Aug 21 '06 rus>eng жили тем, что обманывали made their living by swindling pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '06 rus>eng просители petitioners pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '06 eng>rus fabric wallpaper текстильные pro closed no
- Jul 20 '06 rus>eng помощи ждать неоткуда (кому-л.) was now left on his own, with no one to help pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '06 rus>eng Свечной заводик, свечной завод moonlighting pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '06 rus>eng пойдёт под бубны мелькать... tambourine pro closed no
4 Feb 8 '06 rus>eng образное выражение figurative expression/phrase pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '06 eng>rus I am having a trouble with this person. но как? ведь.... pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '06 rus>eng повторяя каждый его шаг trailing in his footsteps pro closed ok
- Jan 13 '06 rus>eng что еще нужно, чтобы купить все what more can you wish to buy anything you please pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '06 rus>eng цепко держал в памяти tenacious memory pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '05 rus>eng не копать I can dig or not dig if I want to pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '05 rus>eng одним рывком поставил yanked pro closed ok
- Aug 8 '05 rus>eng вeчно ты первый лезешь do you always want to be the first one! pro closed no
- Aug 1 '05 eng>rus moral crusader моралист pro closed ok
- Jul 12 '05 rus>eng распиравшие ее новости the news that was oozing from every pore pro closed ok
- Jul 11 '05 eng>rus from the fact that you can be shrewd проницательный, сообразительный pro closed no
- Jun 29 '05 rus>eng распирало от желания he was bursting with the desire pro closed ok
- Jun 27 '05 rus>eng вытряхнуть мешки beat the pod out of bean sacks pro closed no
- Jun 21 '05 rus>eng в голове все перемешалось so that everything went topsy-turvy in his head pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '05 rus>eng "не думай о секундах свысока" it's the seconds that make a minute / hour pro closed no
- Jun 9 '05 rus>eng проиграть кому-л. в карты lose to smb pro closed ok
- Jun 9 '05 rus>eng нос загибался до рта nose crooking down to his mouth pro closed no
- Jun 7 '05 rus>eng пробежав и проскакав до tripping/trotting and leaping across the meadow to the roads crossing pro closed no
- Jun 6 '05 rus>eng забирать на себя болезни draw in pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '05 rus>eng сыгрануть в картишки flip cards pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '05 rus>eng казаться прекрасной как никогда seemed so beautiful as never before pro closed no
- May 23 '05 rus>eng ах вот ты, значит, как You're full of mischief, aren't you! pro closed ok
- May 17 '05 rus>eng утонула в его руке nestled pro closed no
- May 6 '05 rus>eng отпустить ветки прямо в лицо to whoosh the branches right into the warriors' faces pro closed no
- May 3 '05 rus>eng выходит, не забываете so you do remember Grandpa Ramil, don't you pro closed ok
- May 3 '05 rus>eng общий любимец Everyone's Pet pro closed no
- Apr 24 '05 rus>eng нашли кого убеждать Like he needs to be convinced! pro closed no
- Apr 22 '05 eng>rus Hanging on the promises верить обещаниям pro closed ok
- Apr 19 '05 rus>eng под их шепот lulled by their rasping whisper pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered