Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 16 '07 rus>eng под научным руководством he was the scientific supervisor for... pro closed ok
- Mar 16 '07 rus>eng есть подвижки в данном направлении There is certain progress in this area. pro closed ok
4 Mar 9 '07 rus>eng построенный с удвоенным масштабом scaled up by a factor of two pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '06 rus>eng Относить к identify pro closed ok
- Oct 26 '06 eng>rus фраза субъективные выводы pro closed no
- Jul 25 '06 rus>eng попарно связанные в coupled into pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '05 rus>eng предоставлять информацию о... в режиме on-line через Internet informs readers on ... in the on-line mode via the Internet pro closed no
- Nov 3 '05 rus>eng гарантировать от safeguard against pro closed ok
- Oct 26 '05 rus>eng менять порядок расположения на обратный reverses the order of curves pro closed ok
- Oct 26 '05 rus>eng Далее идёт... connect all three>> pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '05 rus>eng более отчетливо видно, как изменяется which is more vivid representation of how N changes depending onApparently, download.con has a prett pro closed ok
4 Sep 23 '05 rus>eng Если этого не делать, то... otherwise pro closed ok
- Jul 4 '05 rus>eng Сложность.... приводит к необходимости развития... complexity of... results in / leads to / conditions the development of... pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '05 rus>eng оказаться в резонансе may come to be in resonance pro closed no
- May 30 '05 rus>eng в литературе имеются лишь отдельные результаты по scholarly treatises / research provide/s sporadic results on .... pro closed no
- May 25 '05 rus>eng чтобы было возможно применить..., необходимо иметь... Application of the results requires efficient methods of.... bla-bla pro closed ok
- May 20 '05 rus>eng неточностИ приложения нагрузки deviations in load application to workpiece pro closed ok
4 May 16 '05 rus>eng процарапать через маску scraped / abraded through a mask pro closed ok
4 May 13 '05 rus>eng к расчету колебаний On pro closed ok
- May 13 '05 rus>eng Развитие общего направления в... Evolution of ... theory pro closed ok
- Apr 25 '05 rus>eng awkward phrase, help please Wide application of XXX in modern engineering necessitates the strudy of physical processes in YYY. pro closed no
- Apr 25 '05 rus>eng малоподвижно локализутся в нескольких местах slow-moving solid particles localize in compact areas? pro closed no
- Apr 19 '05 rus>eng исследуемый образец the sample under study/consideration pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered