Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 17 '10 ara>eng عيد أضحى مبارك على الأمة الإسلامية قاطبة Happy Greater Bairam for the whole Islamic nation pro closed ok
- Jun 27 '10 ara>eng ضـاح glimmering-sunlit pro closed ok
3 May 18 '10 ara>eng حجوز foreclosure pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '10 ara>eng الهروب إلى الأمام dodging an issue by moving on to the next one fast pro closed ok
- Apr 18 '10 ara>eng الحكم معيب بالقصور المبطِل judment is procedually flawed pro just_closed no
- Apr 14 '10 ara>eng هارب من حكم قضائي evasion of arrest or(detention) offense pro closed no
- Apr 10 '10 ara>eng لإدالة الثبوت evidence pro closed ok
- Apr 5 '10 ara>eng جبار omnipotent pro closed no
- Feb 4 '10 ara>eng نوازع التطرف inclination pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '09 ara>eng جريمة ثابتة في حق proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt against ... pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '09 ara>eng إنسان قبل التأريخ cave man/stoneage man pro closed no
- Nov 29 '09 ara>eng باشوية administered or owned by a Pasha pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '09 ara>eng على صعيد أخر on another note pro closed no
- Nov 23 '09 ara>eng الريم scum pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '09 ara>eng الملاحق المرتدة addendum pro just_closed no
- Nov 21 '09 ara>eng عدل التنفيذ bailif pro closed no
- Nov 22 '09 ara>eng نظام الحكم kingdom regime pro closed no
- Nov 22 '09 ara>eng سيف مسلول The protector of pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '09 ara>eng نفاذ النظام The adoption of this directive pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '09 ara>eng النهى عن المنكر forbid the prohibitions pro closed no
- Nov 22 '09 ara>eng تتم البيعة be sworn allegiance pro closed no
- Nov 3 '09 ara>eng الحق الشخصي wave one's right pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '09 ara>eng عدد التأجيلات number of continuances pro closed no
- Oct 15 '09 ara>eng الإقتصاد الكلي Aggregat Economics pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '09 ara>eng ferekeeko smart alec/smart-arse/smart-ass pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '09 ara>eng المعلن إليه served with a summons/writ pro closed ok
- Oct 12 '09 ara>eng مذكرتنا investigative report pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '09 ara>eng المحل القانونى official place of residence pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '09 ara>eng ينظر فى قضية hearing the case/arraignment pro closed ok
- Oct 6 '09 ara>eng محلسة brownnosing pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '09 ara>eng الاقتضاب concisely,briefly pro closed ok
4 Sep 29 '09 ara>eng قاضى المعارضات appellant judge pro closed no
- Jun 10 '09 ara>eng الاستخلاف socially responsible investing pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '09 ara>eng عملية التورق acquiring stocks pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '09 ara>eng وكيل الضمان guarantor pro just_closed no
- Jun 10 '09 ara>eng نفقة بنوعها child support per se pro just_closed no
- May 30 '09 ara>eng صف ضابط private pro closed ok
- May 29 '09 ara>eng اخرج كامل مفاعيله fulfilled its obligations pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '09 ara>eng سحب زمني time,usance l/c pro closed ok
- Apr 20 '09 ara>eng مقترض راهن current borrower against collaterals pro closed no
- Apr 20 '09 ara>eng قواعد التغطية و التحصيل ما بين المصارف interbanks risk coverage and basis of collection pro closed ok
- Apr 18 '09 ara>eng تحصيل حاصل fait accomplit pro closed ok
- Apr 8 '09 ara>eng الاسم على مسمى crooked as a dog's hind leg- your name is mud pro closed ok
- Apr 7 '09 ara>eng المعتصمون pickerts pro closed no
- Apr 6 '09 ara>eng أركان الجيش للعديد chief of staff pro closed ok
- Apr 6 '09 ara>eng المحكم mediator pro closed no
- Mar 31 '09 ara>eng لحم مقلقل peppered steak or beef culets., steak au poivre pro closed ok
- Mar 28 '09 ara>eng الأوعية الادخارية saving plans pro closed ok
- Mar 28 '09 ara>eng المرافق العامة public services pro closed ok
- Mar 28 '09 ara>eng بعهدتكم you are in charge of pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered