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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Handshake with Hungarian colleagues

March 23, 2016, 9:00 pm
英国LiverpoolIn personEnglish英语
Event Organizer:

Christine Andersen

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (10) / Confirmed: 6 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Erzsébet Czopyk  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Philharmonic Pub (36 Hope St, Liverpool)  y
Christine Andersen  \"Organizer\" Sorry I can't make it on the 23rd - I have a tight family programme and the logistics are just too complicated. Have a good time when you do meet up!  n
XRichard Lackey (X)   See you all Thursday evening!  y
Ivan Czar  \"Photographer\" ...  y
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather   Thursday is better for me too!  y
dushenka   Hi, your suggested change of date to Thursday 24th works well for me.   y
Matthew Spofforth   Hi guys, same as Richard really, any day other than Wed is fine:) The Phil is a fav of mine.  y
XKaren Cleary (X)   Hope to be able to make it.  m
tshimoda   Had a deadline issue and can't make it. Hope to meet you all sometime :)  
JacquiMHill   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Liverpool - United Kingdom
Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:06
正式会员 (自2006)
+ ...
Thursday 24th of March Feb 12, 2016

Dear All, according to requests, the date is moved to Thursday evening but this is now final. Please review your schedule and change your attendance status accordingly.

Thank you all, Liza

[Edited at 2016-03-14 19:35 GMT]

Richard Lackey (X)
Richard Lackey (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:06
+ ...
Philharmonic Pub in the city centre Feb 16, 2016

Dear Erzsébet,

Liverpool is indeed a very friendly place, being from London I can tell you that it's a lot more friendly than my home city! I'd be happy to meet up in the evening and discuss translation in the UK. Might I suggest the Philharmonic Pub (36 Hope St, Liverpool) as the meeting place? It's a gorgeous, traditional pub in the city centre and is a pleasant place to sit and chat over a beer or two. They have good beers and ciders on tap.


... See more
Dear Erzsébet,

Liverpool is indeed a very friendly place, being from London I can tell you that it's a lot more friendly than my home city! I'd be happy to meet up in the evening and discuss translation in the UK. Might I suggest the Philharmonic Pub (36 Hope St, Liverpool) as the meeting place? It's a gorgeous, traditional pub in the city centre and is a pleasant place to sit and chat over a beer or two. They have good beers and ciders on tap.



Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:06
正式会员 (自2006)
+ ...
@Richard Mar 7, 2016

Shall we move the date or this is Ok for you?

Richard Lackey (X)
Richard Lackey (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:06
+ ...
Tuesday or Thursday? Mar 14, 2016

Hi Liza,

I can't make it on Wednesday evening but Tuesday or Thursday evening would be fine by me, or alternatively a lunch. Would you be free on either of these two evenings?

Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:06
正式会员 (自2006)
+ ...
Thursday 24th of March Mar 14, 2016

Dear All, according to requests, the date is moved to Thursday evening but this is now final. Please review your schedule and change your attendance status accordingly.

Thank you all, Liza

[Edited at 2016-03-19 19:44 GMT]

dushenka  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:06
+ ...
Change if date to Thur 24th Mar 14, 2016

Hello, this date works better for me too. See you then.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:06
正式会员 (自2003)
+ ...
Sorry I can't make it! Mar 15, 2016

My hospitable brother no longer lives on the Wirral, and I am tied up with family activities all week, definitely on the Thursday... It was a long shot anyway, but I hope you have a lovely time.

Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:06
正式会员 (自2006)
+ ...
only 2 days left to start Mar 20, 2016

Christine, I am so sorry we cannot see you in person...

We are very excited. Richard, could you please help how we can get from the LPL John Lennon Airport to the Albert Dock with public translaportation? Or by cab if it is not too expensive. Last time I arrived to Liverpool by train so i do not know howicon_smile.gif

ibis Liverpool Centre Albert Dock
27 Wapping, Liverpool, L1 8LY

... See more
Christine, I am so sorry we cannot see you in person...

We are very excited. Richard, could you please help how we can get from the LPL John Lennon Airport to the Albert Dock with public translaportation? Or by cab if it is not too expensive. Last time I arrived to Liverpool by train so i do not know howicon_smile.gif

ibis Liverpool Centre Albert Dock
27 Wapping, Liverpool, L1 8LY

[Edited at 2016-03-20 16:18 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-03-20 16:19 GMT]

Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:06
正式会员 (自2006)
+ ...
Welcome, Karen! Mar 20, 2016

Any way we can help you to come?

Matthew Spofforth
Matthew Spofforth  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:06
正式会员 (自2015)
+ ...
Just a quick note! Mar 21, 2016

Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be finishing work at half 6 and will head over after I grab a bite to eat.
I am a wheelchair user, so I'll try to get a decent size table downstairs in the lounge at the back with the log fire;) For those of you who don't know, it's the room past the bar on the right:)

Ivan Czar
Ivan Czar  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:06
+ ...
Arrived Mar 24, 2016

Hello Everyone,

My number is 0036 20 961 5761. Call me if you dont find meicon_smile.gif


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