This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Let's meet again

April 18, 2015, 4:00 pm
Velká BritánieBristolIn personangličtina
Meet at Boston Tea Party 293 Gloucester Road
Please note the date has changed from the previous 7th March.
Hope to see you there!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (17) / Confirmed: 4 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Gali Shapira  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Please note the Boston Tea Party in Gloucester rd, not Chletenham Rd   
Sandra Mouton   A bit too far in advance to be sure but I will try to be there. Thanks for organising.  y
Lucy Knight   I haven't made it for a while but I really enjoyed my last powwow - looking forward to another meet-up.  
Katie Morrissey   ...  m
Giles Bickford   Haven't been to a powwow for years. Time to go again  
Fiona Busfield   ...  m
Yulia Tsybysheva BA MSc MCIL   ...  m
Hannah Keet   ...  
Lucy O'Shea   Will be there - and bringing a friend (interpreter/translator)  y
Anna Heath  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Looking forward to meeting you all.   
GatesTranslate   Looking forward to it!  
SilverL   ...  
amanda moody   Looking forward to my first powow!  m
Maria Bravo   First time and don't know what to expect:)  y
Juan Pablo Sans   ...  
XAbigail Watson (X)   Hello! I only just found out about this Powwow - I would love to join you (work permitting) if it's not too late to sign up :)  
Ramona Amuza   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Bristol - United Kingdom
Gali Shapira
Gali Shapira  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
angličtina -> hebrejština
+ ...
Let's meet again Jan 11, 2015

I've enjoy the last POWWOW and thought it will be good to organize another one. I suggest the same place Bristol Flyers Gloucester Road or Boston Tea Party a bit further up Gloucester Road? The more the merrier!

[Edited at 2015-01-11 19:44 GMT]

Gali Shapira
Gali Shapira  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
angličtina -> hebrejština
+ ...
Next POWWOW Feb 13, 2015

Dear everybody who signed up for the powwow or who is about to join. I had just found out that I have to go to Israel on the 1st of March which means I cannot be there for the POWWOW! And I'm the organizer! I wounder if anyone is willing to take over the meeting this time. From what I understand there isn't much to it, just of a little bit of administration and being there on the day. In return you will earn many browniz points on Proz account.
If no one can do it do you mind changing the
... See more
Dear everybody who signed up for the powwow or who is about to join. I had just found out that I have to go to Israel on the 1st of March which means I cannot be there for the POWWOW! And I'm the organizer! I wounder if anyone is willing to take over the meeting this time. From what I understand there isn't much to it, just of a little bit of administration and being there on the day. In return you will earn many browniz points on Proz account.
If no one can do it do you mind changing the meeting to a later date? I'll be back on the 20th March.
Please get in touch asap with your comments.
Best wishes,

[Edited at 2015-02-13 19:29 GMT]

Sandra Mouton
Sandra Mouton  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
Člen (2008)
angličtina -> francouzština
+ ...
Move to 28th March? Feb 14, 2015

Hi Gali,
Perhaps you could delay this powwow till after you're back in Bristol. Why not Sat 28th March?
Hope to see you soon.

Gali Shapira
Gali Shapira  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
angličtina -> hebrejština
+ ...
POWOWOWS DATE Feb 16, 2015

It will be even the 4th April. Hope it's OK with you and everybody else?

Gali Shapira
Gali Shapira  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
angličtina -> hebrejština
+ ...
POWWOW Feb 16, 2015

Sorry meant even better the 4th

Sandra Mouton
Sandra Mouton  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
Člen (2008)
angličtina -> francouzština
+ ...
New powwow date Feb 18, 2015

Hi Gali,
The 4th is Easter Saturday so not sure it's ideal.

Gali Shapira
Gali Shapira  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
angličtina -> hebrejština
+ ...
POWWOW Feb 18, 2015

How about the one after 11th April? I'm worried about being busy on other commitments on the 28th of March so can't say yes for sure.

Gali Shapira
Gali Shapira  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
angličtina -> hebrejština
+ ...
New powwow date 18 Feb Feb 19, 2015

Hi everybody I'm thinking of changing Powwow date to the 18th of April (Please refer to the discussion entries above). Does anybody have a problem with this date or would like to propose another date? Please let me know...

Lucy Knight
Lucy Knight  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
francouzština -> angličtina
+ ...
18 Feb Feb 24, 2015

Hi Gali - 18 April should be fine for me, thanks for organising! Lucy

Ramona Amuza
Ramona Amuza  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 22:30
angličtina -> rumunština
+ ...
Thank you for a lovely afternoon! Apr 18, 2015

It was great meeting you all. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge! Looking forward to the next event!icon_smile.gif Ramona


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