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pre-translate with OmegaT ?
Thread poster: Mathias S. (X)
Mathias S. (X)
Mathias S. (X)
Local time: 08:52
Mar 27, 2019


through my question in CAT Tools Technical Help I came to OmegaT. I was able to successfully install it, import my document and add my termbase (as glossary). Also the replacement of terms from my glossary works fine when I edit a segment, the glossary terms are automatically added to the
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through my question in CAT Tools Technical Help I came to OmegaT. I was able to successfully install it, import my document and add my termbase (as glossary). Also the replacement of terms from my glossary works fine when I edit a segment, the glossary terms are automatically added to the text to be translated.

What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pretranslate the entire document with the glossary terms. So is it possible to get OmegaT to automatically run through the entire document (across all segments) only translating the glossary terms?

I also came across DGT-OmegaT where an Search and Pre-translate dialog is presented. But I can't see if this would help for my approach and besides I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available").

thanks in advance

Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 02:52
Russian to English
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Ask on the Yahoo list Mar 28, 2019

I don't know, but if nobody replies here, please ask on the Yahoo list, where most of the developers are to be found:

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
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English to Afrikaans
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Not yet available Mar 28, 2019

Mathias S. wrote:
What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pre-translate the entire document with the glossary terms. So is it possible to get OmegaT to automatically run through the entire document (across all segments) only translating the glossary terms?

There is no such feature, yet. It may be something that a groovy scripter can script. Either way, you could suggest is as a feature:
(there doesn't seem to be such a feature request yet)

Local time: 08:52
Pre-translate in DGT-OmegaT Mar 29, 2019

I also came across DGT-OmegaT where an Search and Pre-translate dialog is presented. But I can't see if this would help for my approach

Actually no, this screen does not yet integrate auto-translation of glossaries. I can think about it for the future.
The role of this screen is normally to translate small segments whose translation is trivial: for example those who contain only a phone number.

and besides I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available").

No idea about what happened, probably a problem of memory at server side. I tried today and it worked correctly.

Samuel Murray wrote:
There is no such feature, yet. It may be something that a groovy scripter can script. Either way, you could suggest is as a feature:
(there doesn't seem to be such a feature request yet)

In any case, note that contrarily to lot of other CAT tools, OmegaT does not have a draft status: a segment is either empty or translated. I suppose that it is a good reason why the core team did not want to have a feature which auto-fills all segments in one step directly in the core (i.e. preferably in a script).
If such a feature is added, don't forget that once you use it, all your segments will have the same status, so you won't have any way to distinguish between those you have reviewed and/or fully translated, and those which were automatically filled.
When my clients asked about the pre-translate screen, I alerted about this point but some of them don't hesitate to use regular expression "." to translate the full document. Technically it does not make any problem, functionally that is another story...

Mathias S. (X)
Mathias S. (X)
Local time: 08:52
pretranslate with glossary terms Mar 29, 2019

Thanks a lot for your answers! Actually, I'm not sure if my approach is eligable at all, since my experience with CAT Tools is based just on some days of research. But it looks like an usable process for me so I'm going to continue the approach, which is:
1) glossary-pretranslate with preferably OmegaT
2) translate whole document with
3) final review and corrections directly in the word file

I know that I'll not use benefits of translation memory, but I d
... See more
Thanks a lot for your answers! Actually, I'm not sure if my approach is eligable at all, since my experience with CAT Tools is based just on some days of research. But it looks like an usable process for me so I'm going to continue the approach, which is:
1) glossary-pretranslate with preferably OmegaT
2) translate whole document with
3) final review and corrections directly in the word file

I know that I'll not use benefits of translation memory, but I don't really see a noteworthy number of recurring texts in our docs. I assume experienced translators/CAT tool users may furrow one's brow but for our low quantity of required translations this should do the job for now.

I found a workaround to pretranslate the entire document with the glossary terms by keep [CTRL]+N pressed so omegaT will run through the entire document segment by segment. I may outsource this to a virtual machine doing this by an AutoIt-Script or perhaps when I have consolidated this I'll come back one day with the feature request

>> I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available")
> No idea about what happened, probably a problem of memory at server side. I tried today and it worked correctly
For me this issue is still persistant. I can open but when I try to download from the link this ends up in time out (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT). I've testet with all browsrs (IE, FF, Chrome). I've not seen any other issues with internet connection so I assume it has something to do with the site or the route from my location. DGT is still interesting for me, esp. in regards of using the glossary in SQL with the Teambase feature.

best regards

[Edited at 2019-03-29 12:13 GMT]

[Edited at 2019-03-29 12:14 GMT]

Local time: 08:52
Download problem: firewall ? Mar 29, 2019

For me this issue is still persistant. I can open but when I try to download from the link this ends up in time out (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT).

Well, that sounds like a firewall problem in your side: probably your administrator defined some rules against "unsafe" links, and this one can be considered as such, either because of the port number or because it targets a zip file, who knows.
Try to download from a computer outside your office's network. Even if you are not allowed to send it later at work, the test will almost confirm my hypothesis and then next week I will try to find a solution.

Mathias S. (X)
Mathias S. (X)
Local time: 08:52
firewall Mar 29, 2019

> Well, that sounds like a firewall problem in your side
You are right, from home I can access the download. Thanks again. But also very odd, that hasn't happened to me for 10 years in the company yet.

[Edited at 2019-03-29 20:29 GMT]

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
English to Czech
There are old scripts for it Mar 29, 2019

Mathias S. wrote:

What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pretranslate the entire document with the glossary terms. So is it possible to get OmegaT to automatically run through the entire document (across all segments) only translating the glossary terms?

I tested two scripts:

* #Purpose: Pretranslate certain untranslated segments
* #Files: Requires 'pretranslate.ini' .ini subfolder of the current project's root
* #Format: Plain text, where *each* line is:
* [Search Pattern] [Tab] [Replace Pattern];
* only the last line *must* be empty.
* #Note: Only those segment where a [Search Pattern] is found,
* are pretranslated and prefixed with {PRETRAN}
* #Details:
* @author Kos Ivantsov
* @author Yu Tang
* @based on Didier Briel's "search and replace script"
* @date 2013-12-28
* @version 0.2
* #Purpose: Batch search and replace in the whole project
* #Files: Requires 'search_replace.ini' in .ini subfolder of the current project's root
* #File format: Plain text, where *each* line is:
* [Search Pattern] [Tab] [Replace Pattern];
* only the last line *must* be empty.
* #Details: http: //
* @author Kos Ivantsov
* @based on Didier Briel's "search and replace script"
* @date 2013-07-22
* @version 0.1
they are still working.
1. You need to have these scripts, and
2. You need to put your glossary into subfolder .ini a and name it as is mentioned above.


03 Search Replace Pretranslate - Animation



PS: A short presentation will be ready in April.

[Edited at 2019-03-30 13:15 GMT]

Mathias S. (X)
Mathias S. (X)
Local time: 08:52
pre-translate scripts Apr 1, 2019

Thanks again for your support and efforts. Unfortunetely this scripts create nonsense (with your sample) or do not work on my sources. The replacement doesn't work correctly. From your example:
original: pre-translate with OmegaT ?
result: vor-treinseinie wesh OmegaT ?
only "pre" was corretly replaced to "vor". But the words "treinseinie wesh" do not exist, neither in your pretrans
... See more
Thanks again for your support and efforts. Unfortunetely this scripts create nonsense (with your sample) or do not work on my sources. The replacement doesn't work correctly. From your example:
original: pre-translate with OmegaT ?
result: vor-treinseinie wesh OmegaT ?
only "pre" was corretly replaced to "vor". But the words "treinseinie wesh" do not exist, neither in your pretranslate.ini nor in the German language at all. This kind of error is spreading across all replacements.

- Morover when executing the pretranslate script against my word document it seems to hang up (endless cursur flickering). Update: it run through but took some minutes, showing about 1000 segments with (distorted) replacements
- the search_replace script works only for the selected segment, even though distorted replacements also come out here
- if I try with my own glossary source (as .ini files) the OmegaT GUI is frozen for about 1 minute (not even cursor flickering) and when its back nothing changed.

However I was able to download and can use DGT-OmegaT now, so I'll go deeper as time allows.

[Edited at 2019-04-01 12:01 GMT]

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 02:52
Member (2005)
English to Chinese
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Is it possible to pre-translate a document with MT in OmegaT? Apr 1, 2019

It is possible to pre-translate a document with MT in OmegaT?

I'm just curious.

[Edited at 2019-04-01 16:50 GMT]

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
English to Czech
EN-DE and EN-CS presentations Apr 1, 2019

Milan Condak wrote:

PS: A short presentation will be ready in April.

A feature Propagate in Wordfast Classic works for years. Translator can select Glo1, Glo2 or Glo3 and set-up a different colour for glossaries.

OmegaT and script Pretranslate: After EN->DE test I made EN->CS.

Předběžný překlad v OmegaT?


01 Předběžný překlad v OmegaT?
02 Source - Initial Target - Target (DE pretranslated)
03 Source - Initial Target - Target (CS předběžný překlad) - Animace
04 Source - Initial Target - Target (CS pretranslated)

Maybe there is an impact of numbers (frequency) in the third column.

Pretranslate with MT: I pretrasnlate TXT file out of OmegaT, create TMX in LF Aligner. I put TMX into subfolder tm/auto and what is translated by translator "LF Aligner" comes from such TMX.

(Czech Wordfast Trainer)

Local time: 08:52
Now implemented Apr 5, 2019

Mathias S. wrote:
What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pretranslate the entire document with the glossary terms. So is it possible to get OmegaT to automatically run through the entire document (across all segments) only translating the glossary terms?

I also came across DGT-OmegaT where an Search and Pre-translate dialog is presented. But I can't see if this would help for my approach and besides I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available").

As I said in one previous answer, this option was not available until now. I just published a new version (3.2 update 9) which adds it:

Test and tell me if it solves your problem.

However, I did not change my mind about this feature. Nothing prevents you from translating the full project like this, but since OmegaT does not have the notion of status, you cannot make the difference between a segment pre-translated (and not fully, since only glossary entries are translated) and a segment which you did review and eventually modify after. Without that, I would personnally never work like this.

jyuan_us wrote:

It is possible to pre-translate a document with MT in OmegaT?

I'm just curious.

[Edited at 2019-04-01 16:50 GMT]

In OmegaT probably not (or eventually via a script), but with the just mentioned DGT-OmegaT's pre-translate screen, yes: simply select "Translate as --> Machine translation".


[Edited at 2019-04-05 12:33 GMT]

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
English to Czech
Two presentations Apr 8, 2019

tcordonniery wrote:

I would personnally never work like this.


vs. DGT-OmegaT

DGT-Wizard a lokální MT

01 DGT-OmegaT 3.2
02 Vytvořit projekt a nastavit MT
03 DGT-Wizard a DGT-OmegaT - menu - Animace
04 Nástrojová lišta a překlad z TMX - Animace

Replace glossary entries

Překlad segmentů pomocí glosáře

01 DGT-OmegaT
02 Průběh překladu pomocí glosáře - Animace
03 EN-CS [MT]
04 EN-CS Replace glossary entries
05 Interlingua Praga 2019
06 IA-CS Replace glossary entries


Mathias S. (X)
Mathias S. (X)
Local time: 08:52
DGT-OmagaT replace glossary entries Apr 8, 2019

Thanks once more for your efforts. The new 'replace glosary entries' feature works very efficiently and matches the behaviour I was looking for.

I just wonder why it doesn't work in every case. I've prepared an example sample docx and glossary (as zip file):

Can you see if I missed something or it's simply a bug?

These glossary entries are not replaced/translated:
Allgemeine Daten						General Data
Größe des Hauptfensterbildes anpassen Resize main screen Picture

but others like:
Berechtigungen		permissions
Datenblätter Data Sheets

are translated perfect.

best regards

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
English to Czech
Set-up and playing around Apr 8, 2019

Mathias S. wrote:

Can you see if I missed something or it's simply a bug?


try in a frame "Expression mode" select "Reguläre Ausdruke". I did not tested it with your data.


[Edited at 2019-04-08 20:56 GMT]

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pre-translate with OmegaT ?

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