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New Plus package benefit: Free download of Henk Sanderson's IATE terminology packages
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Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
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Horse's mouth Jun 3, 2017

I think that if you look the gift horse in the mouth, you'll just find Henk Sanderson's packages 🐴

Since you don't use WIWO, granting that permission will do nothing in effect. It's not as if someone was peering over you shoulder to see what you were working on...

Having said that, I like the fact some of us do not take granting such permissions... for granted.

Way to go!

Maija Cirule
Maija Cirule  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:59
German to English
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Wow Jun 3, 2017

Henry Dotterer wrote:

Maija Cirule wrote:
you are beating a dead horse. TM town seems to be a failure and you are trying to revive it by an imaginary increase in number of users. Nothing personal, just naked truth. gains nothing by your logging into TM-Town (obviously). The story here is simple: Henk's glossaries are popular, so we negotiated a deal to benefit Plus subscribers.

More like "gift horse" than dead horse...

what an unrivaled generosity, sincerity, and selflessness. You have got a lot of nerve to declare such a [redacted].

Have a wonderful weekend and good luck!

Siegfried Armbruster
Siegfried Armbruster  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:59
English to German
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In memoriam
Hang on a minute! Jun 3, 2017

Maija Cirule wrote:
you are beating a dead horse. TM town seems to be a failure and you are trying to revive it by an imaginary increase in number of users. Nothing personal, just naked truth.

Don’t mix things up. We are not talking about TM town here. Henk has done an extremely good job. I remember well how we tried to process these glossaries. Henk was the only specialist who really succeeded. And the price he is asking is really like giving them away for free. I would be more than willing to pay 3digit amounts for them.

In my opinion, it is an excellent addition to the Plus package, and one of the very few „gadgets“ that are useful for me. But again, this thread is not about the Plus package either, it is about the IATE terminology packages.

Maija Cirule wrote:
what an unrivaled generosity, sincerity, and selflessness. You have got a lot of nerve to declare such a "redacted]".
Have a wonderful weekend and good luck!

This is just unfair. How about contributing something to the site. What would you do in Henry’s shoes? Any ideas? Criticizing is easy – and can be useful/positive. Contributing would be better.

The site could for example still benefit from a better localization. Investing some time and effort in this area would benefit us all. But as I said before, we should not drift away.

I can only recommend to get Henk´s files be it via TM town or via the Plus package.

[Edited at 2017-06-03 11:54 GMT]

Susana E. Cano Méndez
Susana E. Cano Méndez  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:59
French to Spanish
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Thanks Jun 3, 2017

I wish to express my thankfulness to Henk, who has granted TM-Town permission (under a specific agreement, I suppose) to release these glossaries for free.

Mair A-W (PhD)
Mair A-W (PhD)
Local time: 01:59
German to English
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overthinking Jun 3, 2017

Vanda Nissen wrote:

Hi Jared,

Thank you for your reply. You have said, ''The permissions you are granting are to allow TM-Town to permit you to post them from TM-Town, which is part of the family now, if you wish (if you do not, nothing happens, of course). "What I am working on". Do I understand you correctly that me and Maija can get the access without disclosing this information? Can we get a direct link? Thank you! As you said, it is run by the same folks so it should be easy just to give us this access.

I think you are overthinking the WIWO thing. If you post WIWO to ProZ, the permissions you grant to TM-Town, allow ProZ to share the information to TM-Town (or the other way, I'm not sure?). If you don't post WIWO to either, there is nothing to share, so the permissions don't achieve anything.

D. I. Verrelli
Wojciech_ (X)
Wojciech_ (X)
Local time: 01:59
English to Polish
+ ...
Hmmm Jun 3, 2017

I'm trying to find out in what way those packages are different from the already free packages available at
You just download the extraction tool, then download your desired packages and voila! All free of charge - took me 15 minutes.

[Edited at 2017-06-03 11:55 GMT]

Maija Cirule
Maija Cirule  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:59
German to English
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I have not said Jun 3, 2017

Siegfried Armbruster wrote:

Maija Cirule wrote:
you are beating a dead horse. TM town seems to be a failure and you are trying to revive it by an imaginary increase in number of users. Nothing personal, just naked truth.

Don’t mix things up. We are not talking about TM town here. Henk has done an extremely good job. I remember well how we tried to process these glossaries. Henk was the only specialist who really succeeded. And the price he is asking is really like giving them away for free. I would be more than willing to pay 3digit amounts for them.

In my opinion, it is an excellent addition to the Plus package, and one of the very few „gadgets“ that are useful for me. But again, this thread is not about the Plus package either, it is about the IATE terminology packages.

Maija Cirule wrote:
what an unrivaled generosity, sincerity, and selflessness. You have got a lot of nerve to declare such a "redacted]".
Have a wonderful weekend and good luck!

This is just unfair. How about contributing something to the site. What would you do in Henry’s shoes? Any ideas? Criticizing is easy – and can be useful/positive. Contributing would be better.

The site could for example still benefit from a better localization. Investing some time and effort in this area would benefit us all. But as I said before, we should not drift away.

I can only recommend to get Henk´s files be it via TM town or via the Plus package.

[Edited at 2017-06-03 11:54 GMT]

that the glossaries are bad, have I? I do not speak about glossaries but about the mandatory obligation to fulfill several preconditions for getting access to them. Can you feel the difference between these two things? Or maybe you should read my coments once more.
Regarding contribution something to the site - in the future, would you please be so kind as to refrain from giving unsolicited advice? Thanks a million in advance.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:59
Member (2009)
Dutch to English
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why all the paranoia? Jun 3, 2017

Jorge Payan wrote:

As Vanda and Maija, I am not at all interested in granting permission to anybody to see what I am working on. As a Plus subscriber, I expect to receive a non-conditioned download link.

[Edited at 2017-06-03 05:04 GMT]


It's not so much "granting permission to anybody to see what I am working on", but "granting permission to anybody to see what I am working on" if you post something @ in the first place.

If you post nothing about what you are working on, nothing gets published. All this permission refers to is the programmatic linking of the two systems, should you choose to use it. I don't see what the big deal is. Proz is offering Henk's very nice IATE extractions, for free, for Plus Packagers.


D. I. Verrelli
Wojciech_ (X)
Wojciech_ (X)
Local time: 01:59
English to Polish
+ ...
Strange Jun 3, 2017

Michael Joseph Wdowiak Beijer wrote:

Jorge Payan wrote:

As Vanda and Maija, I am not at all interested in granting permission to anybody to see what I am working on. As a Plus subscriber, I expect to receive a non-conditioned download link.

[Edited at 2017-06-03 05:04 GMT]


It's not so much "granting permission to anybody to see what I am working on", but "granting permission to anybody to see what I am working on" if you post something @ in the first place.

If you post nothing about what you are working on, nothing gets published. All this permission refers to is the programmatic linking of the two systems, should you choose to use it. I don't see what the big deal is. Proz is offering Henk's very nice IATE extractions, for free, for Plus Packagers.


My earlier posting hasn't been approved yet, but I just stated that those glossaries are available already free of charge and with the extraction tool provided there it takes just a few minutes to have them for free.

RHaeusermann  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:59
Member (2012)
German to English
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No download button for me Jun 3, 2017

I'm logged into TM Town under my Pro ProZ account, but I don't get the "free download" button. All I get is a window asking for my credit card. What gives?

..... (X)
..... (X)
Local time: 08:59
Differences Jun 3, 2017

RHaeusermann wrote:
No download button for me 06:36

I'm logged into TM Town under my Pro ProZ account, but I don't get the "free download" button. All I get is a window asking for my credit card. What gives?

Sorry for the issue you experienced, it is now fixed. Can you please try again.

Wojciech_ wrote:
I'm trying to find out in what way those packages are different from the already free packages available at
You just download the extraction tool, then download your desired packages and voila! All free of charge - took me 15 minutes.

The package includes different extractions specifically formatted for each of the major CAT tools such as Trados Studio, memoQ, CafeTran, DVX, and WordFast.

The author of these files has spent a considerable amount of effort to clean up issues and problem areas found in the raw IATE download including:

  • Handling of synonyms – sometimes synonyms are strung together within one text record, separated by a semicolon, sometimes they get separate text records

  • Context notes are sometimes inserted in the text record between square brackets

  • The termbase lists subjects as numerical codes, that can only be resolved after consulting the code definitions on the IATE website; however the codes in the file do not correspond with the codes on the website, and the website does not define all codes found in the .tbx file

  • The termbase contains text entries varying from just one word or expression up to complete sentences, inclusive remarks and explanations; these longer text entries have no purpose in a termbase

  • The IATE file contains numerous non-UTF-8 characters

  • Many of the first users complained about the occurrence of a lot of 1-, 2- and even 3-letter words; others did not want ACRONYMS and abbreviations in their termbase, or at least have the possibility to create separate termbases for these terms

  • Since many entries in the IATE file have multiple (sub)domains assigned, merging separately extracted files from multiple domains into one database can lead to a substantial overlap caused by duplicate entries
    What's included?

This package includes the following:
(all .csv, .tmx, .xml, .tbx are encoded in UTF-8, except for WordFast *TB.txt files which are coded in UTF-16LE)


  • *1ch*.*, *2ch*.*, *3ch*.*, *abb*.* files, containing 1-character, 2-character, 3-character and abbreviation/acronym terms only; note that terms added to the *abb* file may also be found in one of the other files. The reason for adding terms to these separate files is the possibility to add them into separate termbases in order to avoid overloading the main termbases with uninteresting short words.

For DVX2/3 and other not specifically targeted CAT tools
  • *TB.csv files for importing short strings (less than 4 words) into a Termbase

  • *TM.csv files for importing long strings (4 or more words) into a translation memory

  • *.dvtdt file containing the termbase definition for creating a DVX2 or DVX3 Termbase

For WordFast
  • *TB.txt files for importing short strings into a Termbase (coded in UTF-16LE)

  • *TM.tmx files for importing long strings into a translation memory

For SDL Trados
  • .xdt file containing the termbase definition for the language pair; works with SDL Multiterm Desktop, versions 2011 and upwards

  • *TB*.xml files for importing short strings directly into a Studio Termbase, versions 2011 and upwards

  • *TM.tmx file for importing long strings directly into a Studio Translation Memory, versions 2011 and upwards

For CafeTran
  • In CafeTran .csv files, synonyms within one Concept-ID of the IATE termbase will be output into one entry, separated by ‘;’.

  • The file IATE_CafeTranTM*.csv contains strings with 4 or more words.

  • The other CafeTran .csv-files contain the shorter strings.

For memoQ
  • memoQ Custom field import scheme for the Translation memory: memoQ*TM-scheme.xml

  • memoQ*TM.tmx for filling the Translation memory with long strings

  • memoQ termbases can be filled with the IATE_[lang1]_[lang2]_TB.csv files

For packages where the IATE termbase contains at least 100,000 terms in each of the languages, a subset of files for the following domains:
  • Agriculture, Agri-foodstuffs and Environment

  • Employment And Working Conditions, Business And Competition, International Relations, Politics, European Union and International Organisations

  • Production, Energy and Industry

  • Law, Finance and Science

  • Social Questions and Education and Communications

  • Economics, Trade, Geography and Transport

A word document with detailed instructions on how to import the files into various CAT tools

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:59
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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Gift??? Jun 4, 2017

Henry Dotterer wrote:

More like "gift horse" than dead horse...

I think we have already paid for this ''gift'' - Plus subscription is considerably higher than the Standard one and it is unfair to expect more commitments from us.

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:59
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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Why unfair? Jun 4, 2017

Siegfried Armbruster wrote:

This is just unfair. How about contributing something to the site. What would you do in Henry’s shoes? Any ideas? Criticizing is easy – and can be useful/positive. Contributing would be better.

The site could for example still benefit from a better localization. Investing some time and effort in this area would benefit us all. But as I said before, we should not drift away.

We are contributing by paying our membership fees, we are contributing by answering Kudoz questions which helps to increase the site's visibility. I am also a trainer and I am presenting for free at the upcoming virtual conference without stipulating my conditions. It would be nice to get something in return, also uconditionally.

Anyway, I stop tilting at windmills here:).

[Edited at 2017-06-04 01:32 GMT]

RHaeusermann  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:59
Member (2012)
German to English
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Works Jun 4, 2017

Kevin Dias wrote:

Sorry for the issue you experienced, it is now fixed. Can you please try again.

Thank you very much for fixing this Kevin. It worked!

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:59
English to Italian
Differences... Jun 4, 2017

Kevin Dias wrote:

The package includes different extractions specifically formatted for each of the major CAT tools such as Trados Studio, memoQ, CafeTran, DVX, and WordFast.

The author of these files has spent a considerable amount of effort to clean up issues and problem areas found in the raw IATE download including:

I had no problem downloading and converting the Italian IATE database into a usable termbase for Studio... I'm not an expert either. Took me about half an hour...

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New Plus package benefit: Free download of Henk Sanderson's IATE terminology packages

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