termbase fuzzy matches in MemoQ 2013
Thread poster: simon tanner
simon tanner
simon tanner  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:17
Italian to English
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Jun 26, 2013

OK, now I've complained about this before, but now it seems Kilgray have delivered the goods, or at least so they claim in their literature for MemoQ 2013. However, despite looking through the interface and options I can't seem to find any fuzzy match settings for termbases, and results that I would expect a fuzzy match search to find - "procuratori" when "procuratore" is in the termbase, for example - just aren't appearing in the results window. Could someone please tell me how to get this func... See more
OK, now I've complained about this before, but now it seems Kilgray have delivered the goods, or at least so they claim in their literature for MemoQ 2013. However, despite looking through the interface and options I can't seem to find any fuzzy match settings for termbases, and results that I would expect a fuzzy match search to find - "procuratori" when "procuratore" is in the termbase, for example - just aren't appearing in the results window. Could someone please tell me how to get this function up and running?

And please don't tell me that I am going to have to edit every single entry in every single termbase... Setting fuzzy capability for new entries on the fly is one thing, but changing thousands of existing terms quite another... There must be some global setting or batch process, mustn't there?

[Edited at 2013-06-26 16:23 GMT]

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 07:17
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it's gotta be done manually I'm afraid (memoQ 2013 was released unfinished) Jun 26, 2013

Hi Simon,

It looks like the only way to do it so far is to edit your old TB in a text editor or in Excel. If you use Excel, please be careful to do Save as: Unicode text (*.txt) after you have finished editing your TB. Otherwise you run the risk of messing up special characters due to Excel's lack of proper UTF-8 support.

This is obviously ridiculous and needs to be fixed ASAP. Kilgray should have created a migrate tool for us before releasing this version
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Hi Simon,

It looks like the only way to do it so far is to edit your old TB in a text editor or in Excel. If you use Excel, please be careful to do Save as: Unicode text (*.txt) after you have finished editing your TB. Otherwise you run the risk of messing up special characters due to Excel's lack of proper UTF-8 support.

This is obviously ridiculous and needs to be fixed ASAP. Kilgray should have created a migrate tool for us before releasing this version. God knows how many poor souls are going to completely trash their old term bases fiddling with Excel or text editors.

How do I get the fuzzy matching for term bases created in memoQ 6.2?

When you want to use your term bases in memoQ 2013 which were created in memoQ 6.2 or earlier, the term defaults will have the Yes, No, Custom and 50% minimum matching. For all newly entered terms in this term base, you can choose from the new options: Fuzzy, Exact (the former No), Custom (pipes, asterisk) and 50% prefix (the former 50% minimum).

How to:

When you import a CSV file created in memoQ 6.2 and exported from memoQ 6.2, it will contain the Yes, No, 50% minimum and Custom matching values. In order to globally change e.g. the Yes value to Fuzzy for all your terms and to use the new Fuzzy matching for all terms, you can do the following:

1. Export your CSV file from memoQ 6.2, and open the CSV file in Excel.
2. Search for HalfPrefix, and replace it with Prefix. Save the CSV file.
3. Import the CSV file in memoQ 6.5. All you terms will now have the new value Fuzzy.'

(http://kb.kilgray.com/article/AA-00468/0/How-do-I-get-the-fuzzy-matching-for-existing-term-bases.html )


simon tanner
simon tanner  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:17
Italian to English
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csv export-import Jun 27, 2013

Hi Michael,

how irritating! Thanks for the pointer. I tried doing this, but when I opened the file in excel the columns were all screwed up. I wish I knew how to post a screen shot, so I could show you, but basically the layout was:

Column A-------------------- Column B --------------------------- Column C

So as you can see, the "case permissive" and "half prefix"
... See more
Hi Michael,

how irritating! Thanks for the pointer. I tried doing this, but when I opened the file in excel the columns were all screwed up. I wish I knew how to post a screen shot, so I could show you, but basically the layout was:

Column A-------------------- Column B --------------------------- Column C

So as you can see, the "case permissive" and "half prefix" information was distributed somewhat strangely. I tried various export options without any success, and needless to say, when I reimported, the term translation column was empty...

Any idea on what I'm doing wrong? Let's hope our friends at Kilgray are following this! Maybe they can provide an answer!

Thanks for your help and for any further illumination you may be able to provide.

[Edited at 2013-06-27 10:00 GMT]

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 07:17
Member (2009)
Dutch to English
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Hi Simon, Jun 27, 2013

I asked about this on the memoQ mailing list and someone pointed out that all you need to do is open the termbase inside memoQ to edit it. So:

Project Home > Term bases > right-click: Edit

Then, select all the entries you want to change on the source side, then go down and select which Matching setting you want and click OK. Also do this for the target side.

I haven't tried this on my main TB as I am too busy at the moment, but I will probably get around to
... See more
I asked about this on the memoQ mailing list and someone pointed out that all you need to do is open the termbase inside memoQ to edit it. So:

Project Home > Term bases > right-click: Edit

Then, select all the entries you want to change on the source side, then go down and select which Matching setting you want and click OK. Also do this for the target side.

I haven't tried this on my main TB as I am too busy at the moment, but I will probably get around to it on the weekend.


Andriy Yasharov
Andriy Yasharov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:17
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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Opening a CSV file in Excel Jun 27, 2013

simon tanner wrote:

I tried doing this, but when I opened the file in excel the columns were all screwed up. I wish I knew how to post a screen shot, so I could show you, but basically the layout was:

Column A-------------------- Column B --------------------------- Column C

So as you can see, the "case permissive" and "half prefix" information was distributed somewhat strangely. I tried various export options without any success, and needless to say, when I reimported, the term translation column was empty...

After exporting a CSV file from memoQ, launch MS Excel program and open the exported CSV file by pressing Ctrl-O and selecting the CSV file. MS Excel will then ask you some questions about the separator used to separate the values in your CSV file. You will then see all the data in your file and will be able to edit it accordingly.

simon tanner
simon tanner  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:17
Italian to English
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It works!!! Jun 27, 2013

Thanks Andrey for your suggestion, but as it turns out the solution is even simpler, as Michael said in his post. I opened the termbase for editing, then in the termbase menu, clicked on "select all". I then changed the setting down in the left hand corner to "fuzzy". I then went and checked that it actually works, and it does. Literally a couple of mouse clicks. Hundreds of terms sorted in seconds! Thanks; I really appreciate your help! This makes MemoQ practically perfect now, as far as I'm co... See more
Thanks Andrey for your suggestion, but as it turns out the solution is even simpler, as Michael said in his post. I opened the termbase for editing, then in the termbase menu, clicked on "select all". I then changed the setting down in the left hand corner to "fuzzy". I then went and checked that it actually works, and it does. Literally a couple of mouse clicks. Hundreds of terms sorted in seconds! Thanks; I really appreciate your help! This makes MemoQ practically perfect now, as far as I'm concernedCollapse


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termbase fuzzy matches in MemoQ 2013

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