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Displaying 101 subtitlers in this pool

Rositsa N.
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Rositsa N.

Preserving original context and message

Rate per min. €8.00 EUR
  • немецкий болгарский
  • английский английский
  • болгарский болгарский
  • немецкий немецкий
  • английский немецкий
  • английский болгарский
Native in:
  • болгарский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • EZTitles
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Subtitle Workshop
I am a freelance translator since 2016 and I specialize in Audiovisual Translation. To work with language and speech in all their variety was always the biggest pleasure for me. Building a reliable bridge between source and target language, form and format and the sympathy for linguistics, art, cinema and education led me to my career as a freelance subtitler. I work with EZTitles and offer my services with flexibility and correctness in the name of accuracy and professional results.
René D.
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René D.

Make your videos more inclusive, add subtitles!

Rate per min. $6.00 USD
  • английский (US, UK) немецкий (Germany)
  • французский (Standard-France) немецкий (Germany)
Native in:
  • немецкий

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Edit
Since 2021 I worked on several short and long audio and video subtitling projects for diffrerent clients. Services varied from captioning to QC/Editing of existing subtitles and captioning/timecoding including translation, i.e. the source video's language differed from the target subtitle langugage and there were no existing source language subtitles.
Dr. Jens B.
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Dr. Jens B.

Experienced Subtitler with 10+ years experience

Rate per min. €6.00 EUR
  • английский немецкий
  • немецкий немецкий
  • английский английский
  • украинский немецкий
  • украинский английский
  • украинский украинский
Native in:
  • английский
  • немецкий

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • SubtitleEdit
Hey all,

I have been working as a professional translator and completed a variety of projects in the field of subtitling for clients all around the world, including Deluxe, Disney, Amazon Prime, and several Netflix premium partners.

As a German who did his Ph.D. in Germany, I know how important it is to deliver high quality on time. That is what I stand for!

Looking forward to your project!

Best, Jens
Katerina T.
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Katerina T.

Experienced Subtitler

Rate per min. €3.00 EUR
  • английский греческий (новогреческий)
  • немецкий греческий (новогреческий)
  • немецкий английский
Native in:
  • греческий (новогреческий)
  • немецкий
  • крик

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • Amara
  • EZTitles
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • Sfera
  • Zoosubs
Native Greek translator, providing subtitling and editing services from English and German into Greek.
Turdimurod R.
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Turdimurod R.

magic words that speak 7 years

Rate per min. €13.00 EUR
  • английский узбекский
  • английский киргизский
  • английский казахский
  • английский таджикский
  • английский турецкий
  • азербайджанский английский
  • туркменский английский
  • каракалпакский английский
  • английский татарский
  • английский русский
  • английский дари
  • английский персидский (фарси)
  • английский немецкий
  • английский французский
Native in:
  • узбекский
  • киргизский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
• Since 2010, subtitler in my working languages English, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Karakalpak, Turkment, Azerbaijani, Tatar, Turkish and Tajik.
• Software: Aegisub.
• My clients: Voice of Asia, GMC, Translation Gate, The LocMasters, Faithful Word Baptist Churge etc.
• 7+ years experience.
• Completed hundreds of professional video and audio subtitling projects.
• Specialized in Drama, Narration, Advertising, Marketing, TV and Radio, Feature films, Anime, Cartoons, and Video games.
Isa A.
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Isa A.

No more bad subs! Give your video the love it deserves.

Rate per min. €7.00 EUR
  • английский испанский (Latin American, Mexican)
  • немецкий испанский (Latin American, Mexican)
Native in:
  • немецкий
  • испанский

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Translation
  • aegisub
Translating, time-coding, adjusting frames and texts... Subtitles are much more than translating!
For my BA I studied Modern English Language and Literature with a specialization in Translation, were I learned the intricacies of translating literature and entertainment. Afterwards I studied an MA in Translation Science and Technology, where I furthered my skills using specialized software and various guidelines, including for people with hearing problems.
Carolin P.
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Carolin P.

Creative EN>GER translator and subtitler

Rate per min. €6.00 EUR
  • английский (US) немецкий (Germany)
Native in:
  • немецкий

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Transcription
  • Translation
I have done subtitling and proofreading/ QC work for various Netflix projects, including successful series like "Prison Break" or "The X-Files". I have been a translator for 5+ years and have a background in creative writing and journalism which grants a high-quality as well as a consistent and vivid reading experience. I am confident in translating from any English variant, be it US, UK, OZ, NZ, CAN...
Faiza O.
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Faiza O.

Use the right language with Pearl!

Rate per min. $10.00 USD
  • арабский (Egyptian, Syrian, Moroccan, Palestinian, Libyan, UAE) английский
  • французский арабский
  • французский английский
  • немецкий арабский
  • испанский арабский
  • итальянский арабский
  • голландский арабский
  • французский тамашек
  • английский берберские языки (другие)
  • английский португальский
  • чешский английский
Native in:
  • арабский
  • французский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle edit
  • Aegisub
We translate movies, documentaries, dramas, audio files, in different languages or fields.
I manage a team of qualified professionals, working in their mother tongue and field of expertise.
We translated videos for Youtube, Airbun, a Turkish drama for a Moroccan TV Chanel "2M", etc.
We have a very strong team in Arabic dialects, English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Thai, Portuguese, Berber/Tamasheq..etc.
Please feel welcome to contact us for more details.

Thank you
Megan F.
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Megan F.

Experienced Subtitle Translator

Rate per min. $5.00 USD
  • немецкий английский
Native in:
  • английский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • CaptionHub
  • Subtitle Edit
I have extensive experience creating subtitles for a diverse range of content, including TEDTalk videos, video game localization, educational videos, and films. This includes accurately conveying dialogue, captions, and contextual information while maintaining timing and synchronization with the audiovisual content. Through this wide spectrum of subtitling work, I have developed a keen understanding of various linguistic and cultural nuances, ensuring accurate content.
Isabelle G.
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Isabelle G.

Master the subtleties of oral language

Rate per min. €7.00 EUR
  • немецкий (Swiss) французский
Native in:
  • французский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • MediaHub, CaptionHub, agency owned software
Several hundreds of movies, series and documentaries for Switzerland.
Jacqueline B.
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Jacqueline B.

Experienced German into English and SDH subtitler

Rate per min. 5.50 GBP
  • немецкий (Germany) английский (US, UK)
Native in:
  • английский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • EZTitles 6
Provider of German into English subtitles and English subtitles for the Deaf and hard of hearing; 18 years in the subtitling industry, including 10 years working at a major subtitling company in London, mean I have the expertise and knowledge to spot any potential issues and flag them to my clients early on in the process. My workflow includes three stages (subtitle creation, subtitle review against video, proof-reading), to ensure the subtitles I provide are of the highest standard possible.
Monica P.
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Monica P.

Subtitles can be beautiful!

  • английский итальянский
  • немецкий итальянский
  • французский итальянский
Native in:
  • итальянский
  • английский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Annotation Edit
  • SubtitleNEXT
  • Aegisub
  • DivXLand Media Subtitler
  • EZTitles
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • Wincaps Q4
I'm a subtitling, audiovisual translation and transcription expert, Italian mother-tongue, English native equivalent, German and French as foreign languages with a degree in simultaneous interpreting and 23 years of experience in the language industry. I also lead a small team (not an agency) of subtitling and translation pros.
Benjamin S.
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Benjamin S.

Never Lost in Translation

Rate per min. $7.50 USD
  • английский (US, British, UK, Canadian, Australian) немецкий (Germany)
Native in:
  • немецкий

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • Aegisub
  • Proprietary agency software (e.g., Deluxe Entertainment)
I have been working as a subtitle translator and QC engineer for Netflix for over 5 years. As part of this engagement, I have been able to translate hundreds of thousands of words of subtitles for high-profile TV shows and films as well as quality check tens of thousands of dubbed audio and subtitle assets while maintaining a quality score above 97%, which places me in the top category of QC engineers with access to unlimited amounts of high-priority assets.
Ebrahim M.
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Ebrahim M.

Every word matters.

Rate per min. $2.30 USD
  • английский арабский
  • немецкий арабский
  • немецкий английский
Native in:
  • арабский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
• Native Arabic, French subtitler with an excellent command of the syrian and the Gulf region dialects.
•More than 10 years of experience in translation, interpretation, subtitling, transcription, proofreading , copywriting and editing.
• commited to the highest subtitling standards and qualities.
• Specialized in TV series, Feature films, Anime, Cartoons, Video games, Design, Travel, Sports, Health and documentaries.
Andy L.
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Andy L.

German subtitles in IT and Finance

  • английский немецкий
Native in:
  • немецкий

  • Transcription
  • Translation
I've been translating subtitles for companies for about 10 years, among them a leading global IT company. I translate from English to German (both German and Swiss German) in the areas of IT and Finance.
Maria Emanuela C.
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Maria Emanuela C.

30 years in translation, 10 in subtitling

Rate per min. €0.80 EUR
  • английский итальянский
  • французский итальянский
  • немецкий итальянский
Native in:
  • итальянский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Edit
With a background in technical, legal and marketing translations, I have later specialised in subtitling for documentaries and industrial videos using common subtitling software but mainly my main client's proprietary software. I have translated more than 100 documentaries so far.
Rolf K.
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Rolf K.

Way better than dubbing!

Rate per min. €7.00 EUR
  • английский немецкий (Germany)
Native in:
  • немецкий

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Translation
  • PMWin
DVD subtitling and proof-reading (selected titles):

Futurama, NYPD Blue, The Simpsons, Platoon, Charmed, Shogun, Sky Captain, Star Trek, Top Gun, Boyz N the Hood, Dawson’s Creek, Hellboy, Philadelphia, Seinfeld, Stargate Atlantis, Starsky & Hutch, The Shield, xXx 2, Everybody Loves Mickey, Angel, Babylon 5, Dallas, Friends, Joey, Matrix Reloaded, Pokémon, The O.C., Smallville, Third Watch
Elisabetta R.
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Elisabetta R.

12 years experience in subtitles

Rate per min. €3.00 EUR
  • английский (US, British, UK) итальянский (Standard-Italy)
  • немецкий (Germany, Swiss) итальянский (Standard-Italy)
Native in:
  • итальянский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • EZTitles
  • GTS
  • WinCAPS
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Subtitle Workshop
I have been translating and checking/editing/QCing subtitles for 12 years, since my Master Degree in Translation and Adaptation for Dubbing and Subtitling in 2005 at Free University in Rome, Italy. First experiences were at international film festivals and shows such as Venice Film Festival, Torino Film Festival and many others, where I was in charge of translating, editing and launching subtitles live. Currently I work as freelance translator and editor for international Media companies.
Mateusz I.
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Mateusz I.

Bringing cultures closer

Rate per min. €8.00 EUR
  • английский польский
  • немецкий польский
  • немецкий английский
Native in:
  • польский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Edit
  • , SubEdit
  • Subtitle Workshop
I have been translating, subtitling and timecoding video and audio material professionally since 2006.
My past work includes training video materials in social sciences and psychology, history documentaries, feature films, as well as hundreds of reportages, reality TV and entertainment materials for clients such as TVN, TTV and ATM.
Nitin G.
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Nitin G.

Extensive experience

Rate per min. $5.00 USD
  • пенджабский (пенджаби) английский
  • английский хинди
  • английский бенгальский
  • английский лао
  • английский телугу
  • английский кхмерский
  • английский курдский
  • английский английский
  • английский таи
  • сомали английский
  • малаялам английский
  • английский урду
  • английский гуджарати
  • английский
  • английский вьетнамский
  • итальянский хинди
  • английский амхарский
  • английский тамильский
  • японский арабский
  • арабский английский
  • иврит хинди
  • английский непальский
  • английский дари
  • английский пушту
  • немецкий хинди
  • английский санскрит
  • английский бирманский
  • японский английский
  • английский сингальский
  • английский хауса
  • английский йоруба
  • английский суахили
  • английский македонский
  • английский индонезийский
Native in:
  • хинди
  • пенджабский (пенджаби)

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
Extensive experience in closed captioning, hardcore subtitles, Netflix specifications, time syncing.
Idaira N.
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Idaira N.

Subtitling professional software.

Rate per min. €5.00 EUR
  • английский испанский
  • немецкий испанский
Native in:
  • испанский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
Master Degree in Translation for the Media, Subtitling and Audiodescription. Since then, in 2007, I've been working as a freelance translator and subtitler for major translation agencies and subtutling studios from all around the world. Took and passed with a high score Netflix Hermes text (Hermes number available).
Holger L.

I know what you are saying

Rate per min. $8.00 USD
  • английский (UK) немецкий (Germany)
Native in:
  • немецкий
  • английский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Gnome Subtitles (SRT compliant)
I can offer various services:

- converting existing text into subtitles = $4.00 or £3.00 per minute
- monolingual subtitling (e.g. German audio to German subtitles) = $6.00 or £4.00 per minute
- audio translation into time-coded Word file = $8.00 or £6.00 per minute
- audio translation into SRT subtitle file = $10.00 or £7.00 per minute
- German voice-over = $6.00 or £4.00 per minute

Rates are negotiable
Jochen S.
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Jochen S.

Professional and reliable

Rate per min. €8.00 EUR
  • английский (US) немецкий (Germany)
  • японский (Standard-Japan) немецкий (Germany)
  • японский английский
Native in:
  • немецкий

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • EZTitles
  • Subtitle Edit
6 years experience as a subtitle expert for movies, tv series, anime, as well as checking subtitles for language and technical issues.
My service include everything, that subtitling a movie contains, from beginning to end just let me know what you need.
The entertainment industry is my passion, so my subtitles will be natural and entertaining at the same time.
Anita G.
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Anita G.

Motivated, and proficient subtitler, striving for more.

Rate per min. €6.90 EUR
  • английский (US, UK) немецкий (Germany, Swiss)
Native in:
  • немецкий

  • Captioning
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
For the most part, I am writing subtitles for training and marketing videos, as well as diverse tutorials. I have also worked on a couple of ads for Coca Cola. In terms of tv productions, I was involved with some episodes of Jay Leno's Garage.
Some of the agencies I work for are Adapt Wordlwide, Rev, and TC:subtitles. My current project with the latter involves training videos and designer talks for a prominent Swedish fashion company.
My aspiration would be to participate in movie subtitling.
Murat S.
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Murat S.

Accurate, Dedicated and Punctual

Rate per min. €5.00 EUR
  • английский турецкий
  • немецкий турецкий
Native in:
  • турецкий

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
Certified Translator
Turkish, Native proficiency.
Advanced level in English and German.
Over thirteen years of translation/interpretation experience.
Two MA Degrees and PhD Candidate
MA in International Affairs & International Finance from Columbia University (in the USA)
Strong knowledge of finance terminology.
I work with care and precision. I have never missed a deadline.
I like to keep my clients happy by offering high quality service and professionalism with a reasonable rate.
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Always ready for action.

Rate per min. $10.00 USD
  • английский (US, British, UK) французский (Standard-France, African, Canadian, Cameroon)
  • немецкий (Germany, Austrian) французский (Standard-France, African, Cameroon)
  • китайский (Mandarin, Simplified) французский (Standard-France, African)
  • китайский (Mandarin, Simplified) английский (US, UK)
  • немецкий (Germany, Austrian) английский (British, UK)
Native in:
  • французский
  • английский

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Adobe première
  • SubNamer
  • Subtitle Worshop
I am a native English and French Speaker. with five years of experience in captioning, subtitling, voice - over works.
I handle a wide range of formats: VHS media, audio cassettes, minidiscs, WAV or MP3 files, CDs or DVDs or files supported by Windows Media Player ... I am able to work on any media. Upon request, i convert the audio files into Word or PDF format for possible proofreading or translation into another language.
I have been QCing subtitles for a major internet TV/show company .
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