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Displaying 32 subtitlers in this pool

Giada R.
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Giada R.

Professional, human-made subtitles

Rate per min. €9.00 EUR
  • イタリア語 イタリア語
  • 英語 イタリア語
  • フランス語 イタリア語
  • 日本語 イタリア語
Native in:
  • イタリア語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Edit
  • MSX
  • Subititle Workshop
  • Aegisub
  • Web-based subtitling software
I’ve worked with some of the leading players in the entertainment industry, and I’m also experienced in translating promotional, corporate and educational videos.
My expertise goes beyond the mere translation of audiovisual content – I can also take care of the technical aspects of subtitling, such as formatting and syncing issues.
You can count on me for help in linguistic and technical QA and QC of your subtitles. Available also for MT post-editing.
Shiho F.
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Shiho F.

Experienced Japanese to English Subtitler

Rate per min. $18.00 USD
  • 英語 (US, British, Canadian) 日本語 (Kansai)
Native in:
  • 日本語

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Aegisub
- Specialization: Training Videos, Marketing Videos, E-Learning Videos, and Documentaries
Alan G.
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Alan G.

Give your audience the best

  • スペイン語 スペイン語
  • 日本語 スペイン語
  • 英語 スペイン語
  • イタリア語 スペイン語
Native in:
  • スペイン語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • Aegisub
  • Subtitle Edit
  • SDL Trados Studio
-10 years of proven experience in translation, localization, editing and related fields, with top quality ratings
-Software including CAT tools for accuracy and speed
-Top-level certification as a Japanese-Spanish translator
-Bachelor of Arts and Master's Degree in Education (Yokohama National University)
-Member of Japan Translation Federation (JTF)
Nitin G.
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Nitin G.

Extensive experience

Rate per min. $5.00 USD
  • パンジャブ語 英語
  • 英語 ヒンディー語
  • 英語 ベンガル語
  • 英語 ラオ語
  • 英語 テルグ語
  • 英語 クメール語
  • 英語 クルド語
  • 英語 英語
  • 英語 タイ語
  • ソマリ語 英語
  • マラヤーラム語 英語
  • 英語 ウルドゥー語
  • 英語 グジャラート語
  • 英語
  • 英語 ベトナム語
  • イタリア語 ヒンディー語
  • 英語 アムハラ語
  • 英語 タミル語
  • 日本語 アラビア語
  • アラビア語 英語
  • ヘブライ語 ヒンディー語
  • 英語 ネパール語
  • 英語 ダリ語
  • 英語 プシュトゥー語
  • ドイツ語 ヒンディー語
  • 英語 サンスクリット語
  • 英語 ビルマ語
  • 日本語 英語
  • 英語 シンハラ語
  • 英語 ハウサ語
  • 英語 ヨルバ語
  • 英語 スワヒリ語
  • 英語 マケドニア語
  • 英語 インドネシア語
Native in:
  • ヒンディー語
  • パンジャブ語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
Extensive experience in closed captioning, hardcore subtitles, Netflix specifications, time syncing.
Jochen S.
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Jochen S.

Professional and reliable

Rate per min. €8.00 EUR
  • 英語 (US) ドイツ語 (Germany)
  • 日本語 (Standard-Japan) ドイツ語 (Germany)
  • 日本語 英語
Native in:
  • ドイツ語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • EZTitles
  • Subtitle Edit
6 years experience as a subtitle expert for movies, tv series, anime, as well as checking subtitles for language and technical issues.
My service include everything, that subtitling a movie contains, from beginning to end just let me know what you need.
The entertainment industry is my passion, so my subtitles will be natural and entertaining at the same time.
Thien N.
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Thien N.

Vietnamese Translator/Sub,U.S. based

Rate per min. $8.00 USD
  • 英語 ベトナム語
  • フランス語 ベトナム語
  • 日本語 ベトナム語
Native in:
  • 英語
  • ベトナム語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Workshop
• Native Vietnamese translator and subtitler, U.S. based.
• 10+ years of translation work.
Yuki M.
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Yuki M.

Experienced native Japanese subtitle translator

Rate per min. $10.00 USD
  • 英語 日本語
  • 朝鮮語 日本語
Native in:
  • 日本語

  • Time coding
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Edit
  • SSTG1
English -> Japanese
Korean -> Japanese

I have been translating for major OTTs.
James J.
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James J.

Japanese video subtitled into native English or Dutch

Rate per min. $12.00 USD
  • 日本語 英語
  • 日本語 オランダ語
Native in:
  • 英語
  • オランダ語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • Vegas Pro
I'm a native speaker of English as well as Dutch (dual UK/The Netherlands nationality, raised bilingually.)
Since 2004 I have been living in Western Japan, where I speak, read, and write Japanese on a daily basis.
I am able to accurately translate colloquial Japanese and slang into natural-sounding English and Dutch.

Please note that due to the scarcity of subtitlers who translate directly Japanese into Dutch my rates for Japanese-Dutch subtitling are 20 USD per minute of video.
Wing H.
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Wing H.

Elevate your media with expertly crafted subtitles

Rate per min. €6.00 EUR
  • 英語 中国語
  • 日本語 中国語
Native in:
  • 中国語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Sfera
  • Ooona
  • Localizor

- Over 25,000 minutes subtitled
- Expertise in TV series, films, documentaries, animations, shows, business and e-learning content, live events, and more
- Clients include Deluxe, Zoo, IDC, Amara, BBO, Sublime, Wilco, and others
Jason F.
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Jason F.

Professional JA-EN Subtitles by Native English Speaker

Rate per min. $20.00 USD
  • 日本語 (Standard-Japan, Kansai) 英語 (US)
Native in:
  • 英語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Ooona
  • Aegiesub
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Subtitle Workshop
My 20+ years of experience with Japanese language, culture, and entertainment media, including six years of studying and working in Japan, combined with my ability to write natural-sounding and entertaining English will ensure your titles connect with their target audience. I translated the subs for a many of the classic Showa-era Godzilla movies that ran on StarZ and are now part of the Criterion Collection. I have also translated and QCed numerous titles that are streaming on Netflix.
Antuel D.
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Antuel D.

Subtitler in love with words and movies

Rate per min. $5.00 USD
  • 英語 スペイン語
  • 日本語 スペイン語
Native in:
  • スペイン語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • VisualSubSync
-Native Spanish certified translator.
-Strong cinema background (subtitler and film student).

By combining my expertise in translation with my love for cinema, I can guarantee that language will not be a barrier and that your Spanish-speaking audience will be deeply immersed in the cinematic experience.
Krzysztof B.
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Krzysztof B.

Professional, diligent and creative.

Rate per min. €7.00 EUR
  • 英語 ポーランド語
  • 日本語 ポーランド語
Native in:
  • ポーランド語

  • Captioning
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Using: Subtitle Edit
  • Familiar with: EZ Titles
  • Familiar with: FAB
I began working as a subtitler in March 2016. Among others, I have subtitled such films as “Best of Enemies”, “Bad Santa” and “Wild Things”, and episodes of such series as “Mythbusters”, “House M.D.”, “Incorporated” “Rise” and “Condor” for leading SVOD providers. I have passed the Hermes test with the result of 94%. My extensive knowledge in the field of translation studies guarantees the high quality of my work.
Claudia D.
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Claudia D.

JP>ITA and ENG>ITA Subtitler

Rate per min. €7.00 EUR
  • 日本語 (Standard-Japan) イタリア語 (Standard-Italy)
  • 英語 イタリア語
Native in:
  • イタリア語

  • Captioning
  • Transcription
  • Translation
I have been subtitling Japanese animation prducts on a weekly basis since 2015 for an Italian distributor and published on a internet streaming service.
Lily S.
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Lily S.

Experienced HK Subtitle Translator

Rate per min. $3.00 USD
  • 英語 中国語
  • 日本語 中国語
Native in:
  • 中国語

  • Translation
I have been collaborating with subtitling service providers including BTI Studios since 2016. Whilst I mainly work with ZH-HK as my major language, I am also translating into ZH-TW.

Examples of some of the major shows I have worked on are:

Drama: Criminal Minds, Rectify
Comedy: Happy Endings, Curb Your Enthusiasm
Reality: Border Patrol
Sci-fic film: Interstellar
Thriller film: The Rite
Sport film: Borg vs McEnroe
Documentary: Ferrari
Marina T.
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Marina T.

Subtitler and spotter, Audiovisual Translation MA

Rate per min. 5.00 GBP
  • 英語 スペイン語 (Standard-Spain)
  • 英語 カタルーニャ語 (Central, Oriental)
  • 日本語 スペイン語
  • 日本語 カタルーニャ語
  • スペイン語 カタルーニャ語
Native in:
  • カタルーニャ語
  • スペイン語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Wincaps
  • Subtitle Edit
I'm a subtitler with experience with films, TV shows, e-learning courses, subtitle consultancy and more. I can subtitle from scratch, create closed captions and deliver burnt-in subtitles, working to your guidelines or providing my own.

Relevant education:
MA in Audiovisual Translation Studies - Leeds University
SDH course - ATRAE
Advanced subtitling course - ATRAE

I believe in making media accessible to everyone. You can rest assured your subtitles will be done with care and precision.
Shuhui T.
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Shuhui T.

Translation & Subtitling in Film & TV

  • 中国語 英語
  • 日本語 英語
  • 日本語 中国語
Native in:
  • 英語
  • 中国語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • OmegaT
  • Subtitle Edit
I provide freelance translation and subtitling services with a focus on film and television. I graduated with a major in digital film-making. With my passion for storytelling, I strive to create subtitles that are natural and true to source material. I have translated Japanese programes into English and Mandarin (Traditional), created English subtitles for Mandarin (Simplified) videos, translated Mandarin (Simplified) programes into English, and transcribed English audio interviews.
Betsy L.
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Betsy L.

J-to-E subtitler who puts cultural understanding 1st!

Rate per min. 1,200.00 JPY
  • 日本語 英語
Native in:
  • 英語

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
I am a Japanese-to-English visual media translator specializing in subtitling. I am a native English speaker who has been living in Japan for over six years. I live and breathe Japanese media content and am very passionate about creating high-quality, culturally informed subtitles for Japanese media. I have N1-certified Japanese language proficiency and have completed the professional course from the Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy.
mitsuyo L.
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mitsuyo L.

Japanese strong in marketing

Rate per min. $5.00 USD
  • 英語 (US) 日本語 (Standard-Japan)
Native in:
  • 英語
  • 日本語

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
Subtitling promotion videos, full length movies, Job training videos, interviews, dramas, documentaries.
Yoko H.
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Yoko H.

Eng > Jp Native Subtitle Translator

Rate per min. $6.00 USD
  • 英語 (US) 日本語 (Standard-Japan, Kansai)
Native in:
  • 日本語

  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • Sfera
Experienced English to Japanese subtitle translator. I have worked on TV programs, documentaries, feature films and other videos, mostly for Netflix.
Ling L.
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Ling L.

Accurate, Sincere, Smooth Communication

Rate per min. $8.50 USD
  • 英語 中国語 (Traditional)
  • 日本語 中国語 (Traditional)
Native in:
  • 中国語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Translation
*Native Taiwan Traditional Chinese Subtitler.

*5+ years of productive freelance work.

*Clients including Netflix, NBC, EBC...

*Performance Art educational background delivers more cultural oriented and viewer friendly subtitles.
Akiko M.
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Akiko M.

Native Japanese - subtitle

Rate per min. $5.00 USD
  • 英語 日本語
Native in:
  • 日本語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
+ I work with Mediacorp ( State run TV in Singapore) , for many subtitling projects
+ I am a subtitler for DotSub
+ I do many transcriptions and have an well-equipped office , with necessary software and devices to transcribe/ subtitle with timecode
+ I offer free unlimited revision and editing as required.
+ I can communicate effectively with all of my clients
Aleksandra R.
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Aleksandra R.

Bringing entertainment closer to people

Rate per min. $8.00 USD
  • 日本語 ロシア語
  • 英語 ロシア語
Native in:
  • ロシア語

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Translation
  • AegiSub
Hello and nice to meet you!
If you ever need your video to be localized into Russian, feel free to ask me. What I offer isn't mere translation - it is localization, conveying all meanings (even hidden) and emotions to the viewers in a way they understand best.
I work with various kinds of media: movies, series, heck, even ads, if you need to subtitle ads! So, next time you need some, for example, anime, localized, you have me!
I work with Japanese, English and Russian languages.
Jan-Christoph M.
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Jan-Christoph M.

Netflix certified subtitler/translator (Anime/TV/films)

Rate per min. €7.00 EUR
  • 日本語 ドイツ語
  • 英語 ドイツ語
Native in:
  • ドイツ語

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Aegisub
  • Subtitle Workshop
- 4+ years of experience translating subtitles/scripts
- Netflix approved (passed the Hermes test)
- well versed in Japanese popular culture (anime/games)
- passed Japanese language proficiency test N1 (highest level)
- rates depending on the requested service/urgency and source material

- New Initial D: The Movie 1-3 (Anime films, Peppermint Anime)
- The Vessel (Movie, Netflix etc.)
- Chesapeake Shores (TV series, Netflix etc.)
- Day 5 (TV series, Rooster Teeth)
Růžena S.
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Růžena S.

Certified Subtitle Translator EN-CZ

Rate per min. $5.00 USD
  • 英語 チェコ語
  • 日本語 チェコ語
Native in:
  • チェコ語

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • Amara
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • Sfera
I offer you my services in subtitle creation, translation, timing, QA, and editing
•Subtitler, translator and proofreader
•Netflix/Hermes test pass (H21332070)

•Experience in SferaStudios online software tool, willing to work with other subtitling tools
•Experience in subtitle translation for movies, TV series, and documentaries
•Experience in subtitle creation (translation and coding) for Japanese anime
Martina L.
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Martina L.

EN>IT JAP>IT FR>IT subtitler

Rate per min. €1.50 EUR
  • 英語 イタリア語
  • 日本語 イタリア語
  • フランス語 イタリア語
Native in:
  • イタリア語

  • Captioning
  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
I’ve been studying French for 8 years, English for 13 years and Japanese for 5 years. I also have an English Certification C1 and Japanese Certification N2, and I’ve recently graduated from Sapienza University of Rome in the Oriental Civilizations and Languages.
You can see an example of my subtitling work at
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Michelle T.
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Michelle T.

experience, german, english, japanese, quick, fast

Rate per min. €0.12 EUR
  • 英語 ドイツ語
  • 日本語 ドイツ語
  • 日本語 英語
Native in:
  • ドイツ語

  • Captioning
  • Translation
  • Aegisub
  • Subtitle Creator
  • Subtitle Workshop
  • Subtitle Edit
  • Subtitle Editor
✿⊰ Officially studying at a University for Japanese translation (Japanology) and English C2
✿⊰ Experience with subtitle programs (Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Workshop, Aegisub, Subtitle Creator..)
✿⊰ Very flexible due to the fact that I am a student with a lot of time.
✿⊰ Efficient and fast. Time Zones are no problem.
✿⊰ Studying semester abroad in Sendai
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