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Displaying 1 native speaker conversation partner in this pool

Joe U.
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Joe U. staff testing, please disregard

  • Conversation language:
  • zulu
  • Also works in:
  • American Sign Language,
  • limbile otomi,
  • zuni,
  • acoli,
  • Rohingya,
  • urdu,
  • engleză,
  • spaniolă,
  • chineză
  • Conversation topics:
  • Art
  • Agriculture / Gardening
  • Animals / Pets
  • Cinema / Television
  • Current affairs
  • Environment / Pollution / Global warming
  • Family / Personal life
  • Fashion / Clothes / Dressing
  • Finance / Economics
  • Food / Cooking
  • Video Games
  • Music
  • Sports
  • Technology
  • Travel
Rate per 10 minutes $1.00 USD
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