• Letonia19:13
  • Hourly Rate€35 EUR
  • On-site
  • Consecutive
  • Simultaneous
  • Whispered
If you are preparing an event and need an interpreter from English into Latvian and vice versa...
If you need your event materials translated with due respect towards the vocabulary, style, formatting and deadlines...
If you need someone experienced with international travel, different types of equipment, settings and venues...
If you are dealing with confidential content...
If you need to find more interpreters working from Latvian into other languages...

... I might be able to help you.
Specializing in:
  • Juridic (general)
  • Guvern/Politică
  • Organizaţii/dezvoltare/cooperare internaţională
  • Internet, Comerţ electronic
  • Computere: Software
  • Afaceri/Comerţ (general)
  • Marketing/Cercetare de piaţă
  • Economie
  • Jurnalism


  • University of Latvia:
  • din engleză în letonă
  • din germană în letonă
  • din letonă în engleză
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