• Czech Republic05:05
  • Rate per hour €24.00 EUR
  • Rate per word €0.06 EUR
  • Subtitling
  • Translation
Being a gamer since early childhood, I have a very close relationship to videogames. They are a severely underappreciated audivisual medium with very specific linguistic rules and features. Luckily, I managed to join my passion for videogames with my Master's from translation studies, and as a result, I provide high-quality audiovisual translation and localization services.
  • Action
  • Action-Adventure
  • Adventure
  • Casino
  • Casual
  • Education
  • Fighting
  • Massive Multiplayer
  • Role play
  • Shooting
  • Simulation
  • Strategy
  • Sports
  • Console Games
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows
  • Linux

Language variants:

  • Source languages
  • English – US
  • Target languages
  • Czech – Standard-Czech


  • MUNI:
  • English to Czech
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