Mar 10, 2019 11:06
5 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Swedish term

ett tusental studenter

Swedish to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
If tusental studenter would be thousands of students, why add "ett" ?
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Non-PRO (2): Christopher Schröder, Helen Johnson

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Agneta Pallinder Mar 10, 2019:
ett tusental v. tusentals Thousands of students would be "tusentals studenter"; around a thousand students would be "ett tusental studenter".
And another way of saying around a thousand students would be "tusentalet studenter".
John Krause Mar 10, 2019:
"some one thousand students"
Charlesp (asker) Mar 10, 2019:
don't know I would think that it was 1,000 students; but then it appears to read "thousands of students"

- am I missing something? (or is the original written ambiguous?)
Deane Goltermann Mar 10, 2019:
It depends on your context... how many is many?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

around a thousand students

I would think this is more like around a thousand or a thousand or so, not necessarily over a thousand. Just roughly a thousand.
Peer comment(s):

agree Agneta Pallinder : Yes, definitely - cf "ett tiotal" (about ten), "ett hundratal" (about a hundred)
3 hrs
Thanks Agneta!
agree Didier Declercq (X) : Yes. Here is an article that has both:
4 hrs
Thanks :)
agree Michele Fauble
4 hrs
Thanks :)
agree Sven Petersson
5 hrs
Thanks Sven!
agree Anna Herbst
14 hrs
Thanks :)
agree Helen Johnson : Just poetic licence I imagine
2 days 1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
53 mins

over a thousand students

For example... would match one type of context... as in
Note from asker:
ok. that's a good compromise.
Peer comment(s):

agree Hugh Curtis : over a thousand or [so] students
37 mins
Thanks, Hugh! Right more or less...
disagree Anna Herbst : It could be just under 1000 as well. A thousand or so...
15 hrs
Right, more ore less...approximations are always that, even in Swedish. And here we're trying to be precise? But 'ett tiotal' is hardly ever less than ten, 'ett hundratal,' well, less than 100 sometimes, but not very often... how many is many?
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

a thousand or so students

An approximation.
Peer comment(s):

agree Anna Herbst : Another good option
10 hrs
Thanks Anna.
Something went wrong...
7 hrs

some one thousand students

It means "about a thousand students," but a stylistically precise translation is "some one thousand students."
More than a thousand would be "drygt tusen" and less than a thousand would be "knappt tusen."
Peer comment(s):

agree George Hopkins : Although 'knappt tusen' means 'barely a thousand' not less than...
15 hrs
agree Helen Johnson : Yes, nothing wrong with that
1 day 20 hrs
Something went wrong...