Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Libro de Calificación Escolar

English translation:

Report Card

Added to glossary by Gabriela Tenenbaum (X)
Jun 26, 2001 03:11
23 yrs ago
32 viewers *
Spanish term

Libro de Calificación Escolar

Spanish to English Other

Proposed translations

38 mins

Report Card

You will find it as:

Boletín de calificación, Libreta de Calificación, etc. Eso varía según el país.
Pero la traducción es: "Report Card"

Espero te sirva!

Saludos #:)

I'm a Teacher!

Peer comment(s):

agree Parrot : That's how I knew it - a long time ago!
39 mins
agree Maria Paz : Gabytene is right that's how we translate it at the school I work at. Suerte!
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
10 mins

Report book

I guess this varies across countries and schools. My daughters bring their report books with all their marks at the end of each term


a good dad.. :>

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Comment: "not bad translation but found better solution"
33 mins

school report

Like the last answer, I suppose it depends on the country, but I certainly got my school report at the end of each term/year.
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3 hrs

libro de calificación escolar=grade book boleta=report card

the book used by the teachers to record grades and assignments is a grade book. It is normally part of what teachers turn in at the end of the school to the administration for storage in case a grade issue comes up. The report card for the student is the boleta escolar.
20 years school experience.
Peer comment(s):

agree Henry Hinds : Muy de acuerdo; me consta su experiencia.
13 hrs
agree Flavio Ferri-Benedetti : Much better! This is the definitive answer
1 day 2 hrs
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2 days 15 hrs

Me parece que...

no se refiere al boletín de calificaciones, sino al libro en el que la institución educativa registra la calificación correspondiente a cada alumno. (Luego esas calificación se trasncriben en el boletín que se lleva el alumno).

Sería interesante que quien pregunta clarifique esto, aportando el poco o mucho contexto con el que cuenta.
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