Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

en la que se encuentra dentro de la poblacion a la que pertenece

English translation:

its planning status within the municipality it belongs to

Added to glossary by Charles Davis
Feb 21, 2013 08:30
12 yrs ago
21 viewers *
Spanish term

"..en la que se encuentra dentro de la poblacion a ;a que pertenece"

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Other Expert valuation report
Hi I am translating a valuation report. In its initial comments section it says:

"Para la finca que nos ocupa se ha tenido en cuenta la situacion urbanistica en la que se encuentra dentro de la poblacion a la que pertenece, tanto en en cuanto a la ubicacion de las fincas en si dentro de esta poblacion, como a la situacion socioeconomoica de dicha poblacion dentro de la provincia de C-."

I believe the first section should translate as something like "In relation to the property with which we are concerned, we have taken into account its planning status (or perhaps planning situation)" but I am struggling to make sense of the remainder. "dentro de la poblacion a la que pertenece" to me means "within the population to which it belongs" but I dont see how that makes sense in relation to the first part of the sentence. If the sentence is referring to "the planning status of (e.g something like) the neighbourhood/area in withih the property is located (rather than the planning status of the property itself) why does the sentence have so many referential terms? Surely it should read "la situacion urbanistica en la que se encuentra la poblacion a la que pertenece" or "la situacion urbanistica que se encuentra dentro de la poblacion a la que pertenece"?

Nor do I understand the sense of "la ubicacion de las fincas en si dentro de esta poblacion" though I understand (or thought I did!) the individual words within that phrase.

Any help very gratefully received.
Kind regards
Change log

Feb 23, 2013 17:34: Charles Davis Created KOG entry

Feb 23, 2013 17:34: Charles Davis changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1321043">Charles Davis's</a> old entry - ""..en la que se encuentra dentro de la poblacion a ;a que pertenece""" to ""its planning status within the municipality it belongs to""


Billh Feb 21, 2013:
I see your problem. Urbanistica would usually refer to planning but the context here suggests something slightly different. The words of your question are straightforward. I think perhaps you ought to think more about the word urbanistica. It can also mean just plain 'urban' which would make more sense here.

Proposed translations

1 hr

its planning status within the municipality it belongs to

First, "situación urbanística". I am sure your first thoughts on this were correct. It refers to the legal status of the property with respect to the local planning authority. Here are a couple of examples of the expression. The first refers to an industrial estate:

"Situación urbanística
Le corresponden los usos, aprovechamientos y demás determinaciones del Plan Parcial sector industrial Valdegalindo, asumido, añadiendo algunas determinaciones adicionales, por el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Tordesillas (P.G.O.U), SUED-11, con aprobación definitiva de los Proyectos de Actuación, de Parcelación y de Urbanización."

As we can see here, the "situación urbanística" is defined in terms of planning regulations and rulings.

"Tengo un apartamento que quiero comprar en la zona de Granada pero tengo dudas sobre su situación urbanística.
Cómo puedo asegurarme de que la misma es legal?"

In other words, how can I find out whether this property has proper planning permission?

So I think "planning status" would be the most accurate expression.

As for "población", as Billh's answer indicates, it doesn't mean "population" here, but rather town, city, urban area, locality, settlement:

"3. f. Conjunto de edificios y espacios de una ciudad." (DRAE).

We don't really have one word in English that covers this; normally you would say city, town or village, according to the size of the "población", but you need to know what size of "población" it is. "Township" is a very particular kind of territorial division in parts of the US, as well as being a kind of shanty town in South Africa, so I don't think it's the ideal term.

I would suggest taking the liberty of calling it a municipality in this particular case. Municipio and población are not synonymous, but in this case we are talking about planning authority, which is necessarily exercised at a municipal level, and so the planning status of the property is in relation to the municipality it belongs to: the one within whose limits the property lies.

"La situación urbanística en la que se encuentra" literally means the planning situation in which it finds itself, which simply means what I am calling its planning status.

"La ubicacion de las fincas en sí dentro de esta poblacion" means the location of the properties themselves within this town/municipality. "Ubicación" refers to physical location.
Peer comment(s):

agree James A. Walsh
1 hr
Thanks, James :)
agree Richard Hill
4 hrs
Thanks, Rich :)
agree John Cutler
1 day 2 hrs
Thank you, John :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks for your help with this, I really appreciate it!"
37 mins

its urban situation within the township to which it belongs.

It seems to me that here urbanistica does not have its usual meaning of planning but simply urban.

Note added at 38 mins (2013-02-21 09:08:30 GMT)

This would make complete sense in the context of a valuation - position, position, position, etc.

Note added at 41 mins (2013-02-21 09:11:34 GMT)

The valuer is looking at the position of the properties within the township itself and the socio-economic status of the township in the province. All appropriate in the context of a valuation.

Note added at 43 mins (2013-02-21 09:13:50 GMT)

The Collins defines urbanistico as adj town planning (atr); urban, city (atr)

Note added at 58 mins (2013-02-21 09:28:17 GMT)

you could put position for situation if you prefer.

Note added at 1 hr (2013-02-21 09:34:49 GMT)

tanto en en cuanto a la ubicacion de las fincas en si dentro de esta poblacion, como a la situacion socioeconomoica de dicha poblacion dentro de la provincia de C-.
both in terms of the location of properties generally within this township and the socio-economic situation of the township with the province of C.

hope this clarifies your other doubt.

Note added at 1 hr (2013-02-21 09:37:49 GMT)

within that should be
Note from asker:
Dear Bill Thank you for your time and comments on this, especially for your help with the translation of "poblacion" in this context. Much appreciated. Best wishes Emma
Peer comment(s):

agree Cecilia Barraza-Mukherjee
1 hr
Thanks Cecilia.
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