Jul 22, 2002 00:53
22 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Spanish term

sistema alternativo de ensilaje de forraje y granos

Non-PRO Spanish to English Other agricultura
Titulo parta incluir en un folleto de propagandas de maquinas ensiladoras de granos

Proposed translations

7 mins

alternative silaging/ensilaging system for feed(fodder) and grains

Peer comment(s):

agree R.J.Chadwick (X)
30 mins
agree Maria Luisa Duarte
59 mins
agree Sarah Ponting
5 hrs
thanks Sarah
agree cmwilliams (X)
8 hrs
agree x-Translator (X)
13 hrs
muchas gracias
agree Paul Mably (X)
16 hrs
thank you Paul
agree LoreAC (X)
1 day 9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
1 hr

fodder and grain alternative silaging system

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1 hr

alternative silaging system for foilage and grains

foilage is more frequently used in these cases.
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3 hrs

alternative ensiling system for feed and grain

see: http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/crops/forage/silage/silag2.html

Note added at 2002-07-22 04:29:09 (GMT)

\"forage\" might be a better choice than \"feed\" (see the Web page cited in my explanation)
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10 hrs

alternative silo system for fodder and cereal

sounds more natural
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