Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

auto de suspensión de juicio a prueba

English translation:

adjournment in contemplation of dismissal / deferred judgment / deferred adjudication

Added to glossary by Laura Carrizo
May 26, 2012 04:24
12 yrs ago
26 viewers *
Spanish term

auto de suspensión de juicio a prueba

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Criminal law
I know that "suspensión de juicio a prueba" is translated as "probation," but is there a fixed phrase for "auto de suspensión de juicio a prueba"?

Thanks for your contributions!


Sandro Tomasi May 28, 2012:
Laura, I would use "deferred adjudication" for Canada. They have alternative measures, but their code mentions adjudication in various places so the concept of D. A. would go understood within the context of it all.

Also, you may not have to include "court order" because judgment or adjudication may be enough, depending on your overall context.
Laura Carrizo (asker) May 26, 2012:
It's an Argentine document that has to be translated to be submitted to the Canadian authorities. Grazie, Sandro!
Sandro Tomasi May 26, 2012:
Laura, There are many ways of saying this in US English. Is that your TL or is it UK or other?
Laura Carrizo (asker) May 26, 2012:
Further in the document, there appears this phrase "El Juzgado (...) resuelve SUSPENDER EL PRESENTE PROCESO A PRUEBA seguido contra el Sr. xx"

So I have to translate the noun and the verb, in these two sentences... Thanks!

Proposed translations

6 hrs

adjournment in contemplation of dismissal

and then " contemplation of dismissal".
Peer comment(s):

neutral Sandro Tomasi : Conceptually, ACD hits the mark. The only thing is that it is only usedmin New York State.
8 hrs
Yes, I didn't have the extra context given when posting, thanks for the comment!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "All the options were helpful and I have even used one or the other alternatively along my text. However, this is the one that, in my opinion, gives a better idea of what my term is about. Unfortunately I cannot give points to all... Thanks to all the colleagues for their contributions!"
7 hrs

writ of supersedeas/stay of proceedings

Es lo que sugiero para auto de suspensión de juicio.
Something went wrong...
9 hrs

stay of proceedings

"Stay of proceedings" is the English equivalent for the concept in Spanish Law of "archivar" or "sobreseimiento". I understand that the source term implies this concept of "archivar" o "sobreseer" - "dismiss" in English.
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15 hrs

deferred judgment/adjudication

Black's Law Dictionary (9th ed.): deferred judgment. A judgment placing a convicted defendant on probation, the successful completion of which will prevent entry of the underlying judgment of conviction. This type of probation is common with minor traffic offenses. — Also termed deferred adjudication; deferred-adjudication probation; deferred prosecution; probation before judgment; probation without judgment; pretrial intervention; adjudication withheld.

Note added at 15 hrs (2012-05-26 19:50:47 GMT)

auto: court order

SUSPENDER EL PRESENTE PROCESO A PRUEBA: defer adjudication/judgment in the case at hand
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