Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Adscripto; cátedra; titular de la cátedra

English translation:

Graduate teaching assistant; professorship or chair; chaired professor or full professor

Added to glossary by Yolanda Broad
Apr 3, 2001 13:38
23 yrs ago
24 viewers *
Spanish term

Adscripto; cátedra; titular de la cátedra

Spanish to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
Adscripto ad honorem por concurso; cátedra; titular de la cátedra
Change log

May 16, 2008 04:06: Andrea Quintana changed "Field" from "Other" to "Social Sciences" , "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Education / Pedagogy"

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Graduate teaching assistant; professorship or chair; chaired professor or full professor

From Oxford SuperLex, for "adscripto:

adscripto2 -ta m, f (RPl) (en Arg) graduate student who also
teaches in the department; (en Ur) person who carries out
certain administrative tasks in a secondary school

cátedra f (en la universidad) professorship, chair;

[Note: in the US, this is equivalent to a **full** professorship--the top rank for university instructors]


Again, this is either a "full professor" or someone who has been named to a funded "chaired professorship": a chaired professor.

Here are a few examples of "chaired professor" I picked up using Google (Google found 1,200 sites with the term):

Stanley Sandler named engineering's first chaired professor
Vol. 19, No. 27. April 13, 2000. Stanley Sandler named
engineering's first chaired professor. ... - 4k

Stanley Sandler named engineering's first chaired professor
Stanley Sandler named engineering's first chaired professor.
Stanley I. Sandler, Henry Belin ...

Lally School Names New Chaired Professor
Lally School Names New Chaired Professor. Shikhar Sarin,
a scholar in the field of new product ...

Michael Shur Becomes Chaired Professor
Review Nov. 22, 1996, Michael Shur Becomes Chaired Professor. SHEILA NASON. Michael S. Shur ...

The confusing part about translating the Spanish term is that a cátedra/catedrático falls about halfway between the two meanings in English: someone whose rank is "catédratico" occupies a chair, **but** the chair is not specially funded, the way such chairs are in our own university system. My recommendation is that you go with "full professor" unless the "cátedra" actually has a name attached to it.
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30 mins

appointed; (professorial) chair; tenured holder of profes-

sorial chair (tenured full professor in some circles).
Without further context, I assume University terms.

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