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Feb 22, 2010 21:07
14 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term

zapata de escudo

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering mining
I get a variety of translations for Zapata one of which is brake pad. This is the context..........En el escudo se distinguen tres tipos de zapatas


Eileen Brophy (asker) Feb 27, 2010:
All I can give is the context I have Liz!! :(
liz askew Feb 27, 2010:
Dear Eileen
Perhaps if you had supplied several sentences of context you may have received more relevant answers:) Saludos y buen fin de semana!
Emma Ratcliffe Feb 23, 2010:
The context states "en el escudo se distinguen tres tipos de zapatas", "zapata de escudo" is not what you are looking for here.
eski Feb 22, 2010:
Hi Eileen As you say, I'm no expert in highway design, but my experience in construction tells me that they're referring to the footing which sustains the sections of the tunnel shield as you move forward with the construction.
Eileen Brophy (asker) Feb 22, 2010:
The shield rests on the segments while moving forward, so I assume it is something related to footing, no? So .....? Not shoes? Better footing? This needs someone who is specialised in the subject rather than just a guess (with all respect for answers from non specialists).

Proposed translations

3 mins

zapata = brake pad escudo = shield, so brake pad shield?

Brake System Car Parts, English to Spanish Dictionary
- [ Translate this page ]
Brake Pad Pin Clip, Sujetador de pasador de pastilla de freno. Brake Pad Sensor, Sensor de pastilla de freno ... Dust Shield, Escudo de polvo. Brake Drum, Tambor de freno ... Parking Brake Shoe Set, Juego de zapatas de freno de estac. ... - Cached - Similar
Palabras Sis.frenos en Ingles traduccion espanol [Archivo ...
- [ Translate this page ]
Brake Pad Pin Clip Sujetador de pasador de pastilla de freno. Brake Pad Sensor Sensor de pastilla de freno ... Dust Shield Escudo de polvo. Brake Drum Tambor de freno ... Parking Brake Shoe Set Juego de zapatas de freno de estac. ... › ... › Automoviles › General Tech – Cached

Drum brake dust shield - Patent 6073734
by KE Davison - 2000 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
For this reason, visual inspection of the brake friction pads from the inboard side will be substantially impeded by the dust shield, unless one or more ... - Similar
# [PDF]
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
production shield using five (5) Rivets. Premature rear wheel inner brake pad wear may. (W525106-S427). occur on some vehicles used in severe duty ... - Similar
Seine Systems > Ti Brake Shield
Ti Brake Shields are cut to the same shape as the brake pad (fig. 3) and are installed between each brake pad and the caliper piston Figure 4 shows a Ti ...
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4 mins

stone shield (for footing)

Foundation and pier footings can easily be designed to keep within the safe ..... A stone shield to protect the base of an earth block wall is shown in b., ... - En caché - Similares
Footings - [ Traducir esta página ]All stone footings should lie on their natural or quarry, beds, and all joints and spaces between the stone must be well filled with mortar. ... - En caché - Similares
Shield for building foundation - Patent 4907386 - [ Traducir esta página ]de P Ekroth - 1990 - Citado por 3 - Artículos relacionados
In general, the footings 21 are first poured and the shield 20 is laid on .... S. The three major foundations consist of poured concrete, stone and field ...

Note added at 5 mins (2010-02-22 21:12:37 GMT)


Note added at 42 mins (2010-02-22 21:50:00 GMT)

Believe me, you've never offended me in any way: my comment in "discussion entries" is based on my experience working with a company here in Acapulco, who was involved in the several tunnels we have at the entrance of the Municipality: although my participation had to do with designing buildings and residences for them; I often accompanied the boss to the job sites and so my comment is not totally unfounded (I refer to my comment in discussion.)
Note from asker:
No I didn't mean to offend, simply that it refers to zapatas del escudo,so I thought they would be fixed to the shield, but as I am no expert either, I really do need someone who knows about these damn mining machines :((
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22 mins

shield shoe

If you are talking about a TBM (tunnel-boring machine), which I think you probably are, then shoe seems to fit (anchor shoe, gripper shoe, clamping shoe...). I'm afraid I am pressed for time, so cannot investigate any further right now.

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-02-22 23:18:21 GMT)

Just found this is Wikipedia (not the best ref, I know, but seems to suggest I may be on the right lines)

Una tuneladora, T.B.M. (del inglés Tunnel Boring Machine) o minador a sección completa es una máquina capaz de excavar túneles a sección completa, a la vez que colabora en la colocación de un sostenimiento si este es necesario, ya sea en forma provisional o definitiva.

La excavación se realiza normalmente mediante una cabeza giratoria equipada con elementos de corte y accionada por motores hidráulicos (alimentados a su vez por motores eléctricos, dado que la alimentación general de la máquina se realiza con energía eléctrica), aun cuando también existen tuneladoras menos mecanizadas sin cabeza giratoria. El empuje necesario para adelantar se consigue mediante un sistema de gatos perimetrales que se apoyan en el último anillo de sostenimiento colocado o en zapatas móviles (denominadas grippers), accionados también por gatos que las empujan contra la pared del túnel, de forma que se obtiene un punto fijo desde donde empujarán.

Cuando se ha terminado un ciclo de avance, se necesita reposicionar las zapatas de agarre (grippers), para la cual se apoya la viga principal en el apoyo trasero. Una vez anclados los grippers en su nuevo emplazamiento, se libera el apoyo trasero y se inicia un nuevo ciclo de avance.

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-02-22 23:24:29 GMT)

El escudo trasero: o escudo de anclaje, incorpora las zapatas de los grippers operables a través de ventanas. En su parte posterior incorpora el erector de dovelas y los cilindros de empuje para la propulsión en modo escudo normal.

- Para roca dura (topos).Simple o doble escudo
En general estas TBM para roca están diseñadas para excavar
rocas duras y medianas. En función de las características geológicas, se determina si se emplea un TBM topo, TBM Escudo simple o TBM Doble escudo. El topo se emplea cuando el terreno es estable y no requiere un soporte inicial; trabaja apoyando sus zapatas de anclaje sobre la pared del túnel, siendo éste su apoyo para el empuje total de la TBM.

Note added at 3 hrs (2010-02-23 00:13:45 GMT)

Telescopic shield machines allow for raster tunnel excavation as the segments are fitted in concurrent operation time during blasting (digging). In this case, digging time approaches 100% of operating time. The rear shield is fitted with grippers.

Grippers are shoes that press radially against the walls of the excavated tunnel.

Gripper shoesConvex steel structures attached to both sides of a TBM that extend and anchor against the side of the tunnel walls to support the TBM while boring and react both the torque and thrust of the TBM.
Note from asker:
Thank you Nikki for your help :-0))
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