Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
English translation:
Spanish term
- *Cooperativismo*
- Legislación Empresarial
- Gestión Empresarial
De antemano, muchas gracias por su gentil ayuda...
4 +4 | Cooperativism | eski |
5 +1 | cooperativism | Benjamin A Flores |
4 | Cooperativism | liz askew |
3 | Unionism | Richard Hill |
Non-PRO (1): philgoddard
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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)
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Proposed translations
Here, one can find basic information about the terms and concepts that are most
widely utilized in the field of popular cooperativism. Audit Committee: This is the ... - Cached - SimilarThe New Cooperativism | Vieta | Affinities: A Journal of Radical ...
The New Cooperativism. ... by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), it did
offer guidance for thinking about cooperatives, cooperativism, and cooperation. ... - Cached - SimilarEnabling Ethical Economies: Cooperativism and Class — Crit Sociol
Enabling Ethical Economies: Cooperativism and Class ... analysts on the left,
revisiting both the revolutionary and gradualist socialist critiques of cooperativism
. ... - SimilarEnabling Ethical Economies: Cooperativism and Class
late 1970s enabled the message of this cooperativist movement to spread ....
ownership and organization of industry and the bene ts of cooperativism or ... - Cached - Similar
Note added at 3 mins (2011-10-18 16:25:19 GMT)
eski :))
It is a modern example of what the power of cooperativism can do in the world of agriculture.
1 : Industrial Relations
2 : Labour Legislation
3 : Global Human Resource Management
4 : Trade Unionism and ILO
5 : Human Resource Development
6 : Compensation Management
7 : Project Work
In 1982 Mr Zarb attended an intensive course in trade unionism in Denmark and the following year he was elected on the Executive Committee of the GWU Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Section, and also as a member of the National Council of the Union.
Trade Unionism, Collective Bargaining, Industrial Relations Settlement, Union Management Relation, Labour Welfare and Social Security
Course description for TUC diploma in Contemporary Trade Unionism for union reps
Note added at 19 mins (2011-10-18 16:41:50 GMT)
"Trade Unionism"
A study of the relationship between the labour force and management in the modern organization. Particular attention is given to the nature and role of trade unionism and collective bargaining. A basic objective of the course is to explore the conditions for effective industrial relations in the process of management.
neutral |
: No, that's sindicalismo.//In that case I take back my disagree! That said, trade unionism is only one aspect of cooperativism, and there's a perfectly good word that's the exact equivalent of the Spanish.
15 mins
unionism: n. unionismo, agrupación obrera, cooperativismo, formación de gremios, sindicalismo
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