Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Cónsul General Adscrito del Perú

English translation:

Deputy Consul General of Peru

Added to glossary by Henry Hinds
Jul 13, 2011 19:17
13 yrs ago
101 viewers *
Spanish term

Cónsul General Adscrito del Perú

Spanish to English Law/Patents Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Cónsul General Adscrito del Perú
Buenos días,

Espero que puedan ayudarme con una expresión al inglés: “Cónsul General Adscrito del Perú”, incluida en la firma de dicha autoridad en un documento emitido por el Consulado de ese país en los Estados Unidos. Muchas gracias.

Giovanni VL
Change log

Jul 27, 2011 04:07: Henry Hinds Created KOG entry


FVS (X) Jul 13, 2011:
Henry is right here, adscrito=adjunto El cónsul puede tener cualquiera de las categorías que correspondan al funcionario diplomático. Generalmente, los cargos que se ostentan son:
cónsul general
cónsul general adscrito o adjunto
cónsul honorario
cónsul adscrito o adjunto

Proposed translations

18 mins

Deputy Consul General of Peru

Cónsul General Adscrito del Perú = Deputy Consul General of Peru

Adscrito = Deputy o puede ser también: "adscrito a..." = assigned to
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
9 mins
Gracias, Phil.
agree FVS (X) : Yes. See my disc. entryi.
26 mins
Gracias, FVS.
agree Pablo Julián Davis : Yes, correct; in this context, adscrito/adscripto=adjunto (Engl. deputy xxx) . However, can't see how the "assigned to" construction applies--as consuls are not assigned "to" the service of a country by an outside authority.
41 mins
Gracias, Pablo. En otros CONTEXTOS y no necesariamente cónsules, "assigned to" funciona, lo que señalo por si se ofrece, pero aquí no.
agree AllegroTrans
20 hrs
Gracias, Allegro.
agree Wilsonn Perez Reyes : Prefiero "assigned". Cónsul adscrito sería: Assigned Consul
2811 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
5 mins

Principal Officer of Perú

Una sugerencia.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Henry Hinds : "Principal Officer"... ¿un cargo nuevo en al consulado?
13 mins
disagree AllegroTrans : KudoZ ref does not demonstrate this to be correct: "peru" in English has no accented character (there are none in English anyway)
20 hrs
Something went wrong...
12 mins

Consul General accredited to Peru

Peer comment(s):

disagree Henry Hinds : Oh no, he is "from" Peru, not sent to Peru from another country.
9 mins
Something went wrong...
18 mins

Assigned Consult General of Peru

New York Times: Toronto Consul Made A Consul General
You +1'd this publicly. Undo - CachedJOHN K. CALDWELL, of Berea, Ky., now detailed to the Department of State, assigned consul general at Sydney, Australia. EDWARD B. RICHARDSON of Boston, ...
►Background Information: Martha de Rosas
You +1'd this publicly. Undo - CachedSimilar
In July 15 2000, Ambassador Ortiz de Rosas was assigned Consul General of Mexico to the state of Oregon. It is her goal to develop new and innovative ...

Newly Assigned Consul General He Shijing Arrived in Cebu
You +1'd this publicly. Undo - CachedNewly Assigned Consul General He Shijing Arrived in Cebu. 2007-08-07. Hon. He Shijing, the newly assigned Chinese Consul General arrived in Cebu City on the ...

Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco Welcome Reception for ...
You +1'd this publicly. Undo - CachedOn October 7th, the Sacramento Japanese American community held a welcome reception for newly assigned Consul General Inomata and Mrs. Inomata in Elk Grove. ...


Note added at 18 mins (2011-07-13 19:36:29 GMT)

Assigned Consul General (without the "t")


Something went wrong...
25 mins

Peru's Deputy Consel-General

See 'Elizabeth Benavides' in the two webpages.

Note added at 46 mins (2011-07-13 20:04:27 GMT)

Sorry, that's 'consul'!
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