Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Serbo-Croat term or phrase:
English translation:
make-up; assembly; composition
Serbo-Croat term
5 +1 | make-up; assembly; composition | V&M Stanković |
5 +1 | layout | Zoran Pavlovic |
5 -1 | forcing | sofijana |
5 -1 | break through | Speakering (X) |
3 | desktop publishing | Natasa Grubor |
Oct 28, 2008 08:13: Natasa Grubor changed "Language pair" from "English to Serbo-Croat" to "Serbo-Croat to English"
Proposed translations
make-up; assembly; composition
U zavisnosti od konteksta:
prelom novina - newspaper maker-up
prelom oglasa - ad maker-up
prelom reklamnog teksta - advertising make-up
prelom stranice - page make-up, page assembly, page composition
prelom tabaka - sheet assembly
prelom teksta - text assembly
prelom višestubne stranice - multicolumn page make-up
(Vukičević B, Rečnik štamparstva i izdavaštva en-sr/sr-en)
A Glossary on Printing & Color
Page make-up
The arrangement of lines of type and illustrations into pages of proper depth with page numbers, headings, etc.
( )
Creda Communications - Glossary
Makeup: in composition, the arrangement of type and illustrations into sections or pages of proper length.
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Page Make Up
In stripping, the assembly of all elements to make up a page. In design and dtp, the assembly of page elements such as type, logos, and colour separations in position to compose a complete page with all elements which are then displayed onscreen as they will appear in the final reproduction.
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desktop publishing
agree |
Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X)
: upravo, a i potvrdjeno u recniku :)
1 day 16 hrs
break through
disagree |
Mira Stepanovic
: confidence level 5 is way too high for guessing; the asker has clearly specified Printing and Publishing field where 'prelom' has a very exact meaning in Serbo-Croat
6 days
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