Glossary entry

Serbian term or phrase:

zbornost suđenja

English translation:

[the principle of] adjudication by a panel of judges

Added to glossary by Bogdan Petrovic
Sep 4, 2017 17:24
6 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Serbian term

zbornost suđenja

Serbian to English Law/Patents Law (general) Judiciary
Takođe su sporna rešenja o sužavanju sudijskog imuniteta, koji je već usko vezan za obavljanje sudijske funkcije, o napuštanju zbornosti suđenja, odnosno istiskivanju sudija-porotnika iz suđenja (a alternativno, umesto sudija-porotnika, uvođenje porote, ili zamena sudija porotnika sudijama na obuci, odnosno polaznicima početne obuke u Pravosudnoj akademiji).


Daryo Sep 5, 2017:
... Thus, there may be collegiality among, say, trial judges [NOTE: that decide on their own], even though it does not necessarily extend to decision-making on particular cases. Trial judges have basically monarchial power over their own courtrooms, even though they may work with their colleagues, for example, in accomplishing trial court aims or fashioning trial court rules. At the same time, they may consult with their trial court colleagues on matters that do affect particular cases; for example, sentences, jury instructions, admissibility of particular evidence, or the like. But it is a collegiality of a different kind from that of appellate judges.
Daryo Sep 5, 2017:
may well sound very similar, but it's not the same far from it.

Adjudication by Collegial courts (as opposed to: ... by a single judge)

it's about the number of judges deciding together a case.


Judicial collegiality

it's about good work relationship between all judges from the same court - which doesn't mean necessarily that 2 or more judges showing "collegiality" in their relations are deciding together one and same case!!! IOW nothing to do with "зборност".

For a court, collegiality consists in the relationship among equals in rank, and usually carries positive connotations of cooperativeness and joint efforts toward achieving appropriate aims, operations, and functioning of the court as an institution. [NOTE: says nothing about 1, 2 or 3 judges deciding any particular case]

Proposed translations

5 hrs

[the principle of] adjudication by a panel of judges

as opposed to: "single-judge adjudication"

can't find anything shorter

zbornost suđenja = the principle that the case should be decided by a panel of judges (by more than one judge - makes no difference if they are all magistrates or some of them are lay judges - it's still "zbornost suđenja")

see ref.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Natasa Stankovic : Žao mi je, ali to nije prevod (tj. značenje) „zbornosti suđenja“, već opis (objašnjenje) načina na koji se ta „zbornost“ postiže (by a panel of judges).
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala!"
1 hr

judicial collegiality, collegiality of judging
- For a court, collegiality consists in the relationship among equals in rank, and usually carries positive connotations of cooperativeness and joint efforts toward achieving appropriate aims, operations, and functioning of the court as an institution.

Court Culture Contemporary Problems
- Lay judge has nothing to lose; collegiality of judging and a quantity preponderance of the lay judges in the judging panel make it difficult to exercise influence thereon from the outside.

Note added at 18 hrs (2017-09-05 11:54:04 GMT)

Ovaj tekst je iz crkvenog prava, ali suštinsko značenje „zbornosti“ je isto:

Zakonik kanonskog prava - teološko-pravna sinteza Sabora
- nauk koji prikazuje Crkvu kao zajedništvo i potom određuje međusobne odnose koji moraju vladati između partikularne i opće Crkve te između zbornosti Biskupskog zbora i prvenstva rimskog prvosvećenika;
- doctrine presenting the Church as a community and defining the relationships which must exist between the particular and universal Church, and between the collegiality of the Bishop's college and the primacy of the Roman Pontiff;
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : JЕДАН пример "пољског енглеског" је прилично климава основа за "100% сигурно" поготову када СВИ примери на оригиналном енглеском указују на сасвим друго значење: "collegiality" = "колегијалност мећу судијама" НЕ "зборност = суде двоје или више судија"
3 hrs
Kolega, kontekst u najvećoj meri određuje značenje neke reči, a sigurna sam da i vi to dobro znate. U ovom slučaju (kontekstu), skoro 100% sam sigurna da je zbornost (SR) = collegiality (EN). I još jednom - laku noć!!!
agree Vojislava Jankovic (X)
12 hrs
agree milena beba
18 hrs
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Reference comments

4 hrs


Почетна / СУДСКА ВЛАСТ / Положај судија и судова по Уставу РС


У суђењу учествују судије и судије поротници, на начин утврђен законом. Законом се може прописати да у одређеним судовима и у одређеним стварима суде само судије. Суд суди у већу, а законом се може предвидети да у одређеним стварима суди судија појединац (члан 142, ставови 4, 5 и 6. Устава РС).

Note added at 4 hrs (2017-09-04 22:14:00 GMT)

Ustavna načela o sudovima - Scribdčela-o-sudovim...
Translate this page
Zbornost suđenja Ovo načelo ustavi najčešće izražavaju odredbom prema kojoj sud sudi u veću. Radi zaštite pravatnosti u postupku. radi javnog reda i morala.

Note added at 4 hrs (2017-09-04 22:22:20 GMT)

60. Funkcionalna nadležnost kao procesna pretpostavka

Na funkcionalnu nadležnost sud pazi po službenoj dužnosti tokom cijelog postupka. Povreda odredaba o sastavu suda predstavlja apsolutno bitnu povredu parničnog postupka, ako se vrijeđa princip zbornosti suđenja ****(ta povreda postoji ako je sudio sudija pojedinac, a trebalo je suditi vijeće;**** u obrnutom slučaju ne postoji povreda zbornosti).

Note added at 5 hrs (2017-09-04 22:33:04 GMT)

Zakon o parničnom postupku propisuje kada sudovi sude u zbornom sastavu, a kada po predmetu postupa sudija pojedinac (čl. 35–38. ZPP-a).

Note added at 5 hrs (2017-09-04 22:45:49 GMT)

Judicial panel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A judicial panel is a set of judges who sit together to hear a cause of action, most frequently an appeal from a ruling of a trial court judge. Panels are used in contrast to single-judge appeals, and en banc hearings, which involves all of the judges of that court. Most national supreme courts sit as panels.

In the United States, most federal appellate cases are heard by three-judge panels. The governing statute, 28 U.S.C. § 46(c), provides:

Cases and controversies shall be heard and determined by a court or panel of not more than three judges (except that the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit may sit in panels of more than three judges if its rules so provide), unless a hearing or rehearing before the court en banc is ordered by a majority of the circuit judges of the circuit who are in regular active service.

Most trials in the United States District Courts are held before a single judge, but there are some circumstances where the trial itself is required to be held before a three judge panel.
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