Mar 13, 2004 20:29
20 yrs ago
Russian term

V sluchai chego pridrat'sia ne k chemu, s krovi vikachivat' he budut.

Russian to English Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
A drug user says that it is if safest to take drugs at the place where you can buy them, that 'ukololsia, vizhodish, to est' ti pustoi. V sluchai chego pridrat'sia ne k chemu, s krovi vikachivat' he budut.

Does this mean: so long as no one has a go at you, gives you a hard time?
I am not sure about the reference to blood. Does it mean 'so long as you don't get into a fight?'
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (1): sergey (X)

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Proposed translations

17 mins

they can't find anything, they will not take your blood for analysis

After you have consumed the drugs, you go out [of the place], you are "empty" [= have no drugs with you]. If something happens [= police suspect you], they [=police] can't find anything, they will not take your blood for analysis.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kirill Semenov : police will have no reasons to bother you, they can see what's in your pockets, but not what 's in your blood
51 mins
Right you are.
agree kire (X) : exactly
2 hrs
agree shlepakoff
2 hrs
agree Sascha : with Kirill: (the police) would have no justification to harass you - they can pull the drugs out of your pockets (or even body openings), but "pump it out" of your blood - no way.
4 hrs
neutral sergey (X) : he is more concerned about someone take it out of his blood
12 hrs
agree Olga Judina : police can't have you for posession, they'd need to extract drug from the blood first
1 day 12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much. You have broken it down very clearly and convincingly. Thanks to everyone else who answered and also to everyone who made comments - there were some very useful ones there."
56 mins

no one's got any reason to beat you up; they're not going to spill your blood

The whole passage:

If you've just shot up and you leave, that means you don't have any drugs on you. In that case no one's got any reason to beat you up; they're not going to spill your blood.
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11 hrs


In case of anything going wrong there's nothing to pick on. They won't have your blood tested (anyways).
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11 hrs

should he be stopped, there are no flies on him (outwardly he is clean), and they are not going to d

should he be stopped, there are no flies on him (outwardly he is clean), and they are not going to distil it out of his blood after pumping it out to take it (the drug) away from him

Note added at 12 hrs 10 mins (2004-03-14 08:40:28 GMT)

drug addicts apart from worrying about being arrested are also constantly concerned that someone would also take it (the drug) away from them

and it\'s questionable which is worse to them

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