Aug 19, 2005 06:05
19 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Russian term
вегето-сосудистая дистония
Russian to English
Medical (general)
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
6 mins
Russian term (edited):
������-��������� �������
vegeto-vascular dystonia
Англо-русско-английский перевод / Med. ...
... Встречается вот такое: vegeto-vascular dystonia persons, patients with symptomless
borderline hypertension, and patients with borderline ... - 28k - Нэмэлт Илэрц - Зөөр - Ижил нүүрүүд
Intellect Breathing :: Device :: Indications and contraindications ...
Vegetovascular dystonia. "The Frolov's respiration training device"® at the given
disease normalizes sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation of the ... - 51k
Note added at 9 mins (2005-08-19 06:15:17 GMT)
\"vegetative-vascular dystonia\"
ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Research Notices, Co-Cure Articles and Posts
Full Title: Vegetative-Vascular Dystonia and Osteoalgetic Syndrome or Chronic
... The incidence and prevalence rate of Vegetative-Vascular Dystonia among ... - 24k - Зөөр - Ижил нүүрүүд
[Thermography in healthy subjects and in the syndrome of ...
The effectiveness and information content of thermography were studied in 20
normal subjects and 40 ... db=PubMed&list_uids=4024817&dopt=Abstract - Ижил нүүрүүд
[Study of the vestibular analyzer in vegetative-vascular dystonia]
[Study of the vestibular analyzer in vegetative-vascular dystonia] [Article in
Russian] Bodo D, Chengeri A, Iakovleva IIa, Baranova VP. MeSH Terms ... db=PubMed&list_uids=1088012&dopt=Abstract - Ижил нүүрүүд
[оос илүү олдлоо ]
EEG Patterns in Persons Exposed to Ionizing Radiation as a Result ...
\"Vegetative-vascular dystonia\" (autonomic nervous system dysfunction or ...
Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in irradiated patients were often ...
Note added at 1 hr 23 mins (2005-08-19 07:29:46 GMT)
After a second thought, I decided that the English version of the term is:
neurocirculatory asthenia
neurocirculatory asthenia, a syndrome characterized by palpitations, dyspnea, a sense of fatigue, fear of effort, and discomfort brought on by exercise or even slight effort; considered by most authorities to be a particular presentation of an anxiety disorder, the physical symptoms being attributed to autonomic responses to anxiety or to hyperventilation. Called also Da Costa\'s syndrome, effort syndrome, and irritable or soldier\'s heart.
Note added at 1 hr 35 mins (2005-08-19 07:41:17 GMT)
[1] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
маня 27 фев 05, 02:02 Ответить
Встречается вот такое:
vegeto-vascular dystonia
persons, patients with symptomless borderline hypertension, and patients with borderline hypertension accompanied by syndrome of vegeto-vascular dystonia. ...
[2] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
маня 27 фев 05, 02:12 Ответить
ТРАВМА, ВОЗНИКАЮЩАЯ ИЗ-ЗА ПОСТОЯННОЙ НАГРУЗКИ (repetitive strain injury (RSI)) - боль, сопровождающаяся потерей функций конечности в результате совершаемых ею однообразных, постоянно повторяющихся движений или после длительного воздействия статической нагрузки. Тендосиновит и тендовагинит запястья являются наиболее распространенной травмой кистей, которая часто встречается у людей, много печатающих на пишущей машинке.
[3] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
маня 27 фев 05, 02:13 Ответить
Забыла дать ссылочку про синдром
[4] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
Vetka 27 фев 05, 09:00 Ответить
Встречается вот такое:
vegeto-vascular dystonia
Только на днях попыталась сказать так... меня не поняли.
За ссылку отдельное спасибо
[5] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
vtora 27 фев 05, 10:17 Ответить
neurocirculatory asthenia, a syndrome characterized by palpitations, dyspnea, a sense of fatigue, fear of effort, and discomfort brought on by exercise or even slight effort; considered by most authorities to be a particular presentation of an anxiety disorder, the physical symptoms being attributed to autonomic responses to anxiety or to hyperventilation. Called also Da Costa\'s syndrome, effort syndrome, and irritable or soldier\'s heart.
... Встречается вот такое: vegeto-vascular dystonia persons, patients with symptomless
borderline hypertension, and patients with borderline ... - 28k - Нэмэлт Илэрц - Зөөр - Ижил нүүрүүд
Intellect Breathing :: Device :: Indications and contraindications ...
Vegetovascular dystonia. "The Frolov's respiration training device"® at the given
disease normalizes sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation of the ... - 51k
Note added at 9 mins (2005-08-19 06:15:17 GMT)
\"vegetative-vascular dystonia\"
ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Research Notices, Co-Cure Articles and Posts
Full Title: Vegetative-Vascular Dystonia and Osteoalgetic Syndrome or Chronic
... The incidence and prevalence rate of Vegetative-Vascular Dystonia among ... - 24k - Зөөр - Ижил нүүрүүд
[Thermography in healthy subjects and in the syndrome of ...
The effectiveness and information content of thermography were studied in 20
normal subjects and 40 ... db=PubMed&list_uids=4024817&dopt=Abstract - Ижил нүүрүүд
[Study of the vestibular analyzer in vegetative-vascular dystonia]
[Study of the vestibular analyzer in vegetative-vascular dystonia] [Article in
Russian] Bodo D, Chengeri A, Iakovleva IIa, Baranova VP. MeSH Terms ... db=PubMed&list_uids=1088012&dopt=Abstract - Ижил нүүрүүд
[оос илүү олдлоо ]
EEG Patterns in Persons Exposed to Ionizing Radiation as a Result ...
\"Vegetative-vascular dystonia\" (autonomic nervous system dysfunction or ...
Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in irradiated patients were often ...
Note added at 1 hr 23 mins (2005-08-19 07:29:46 GMT)
After a second thought, I decided that the English version of the term is:
neurocirculatory asthenia
neurocirculatory asthenia, a syndrome characterized by palpitations, dyspnea, a sense of fatigue, fear of effort, and discomfort brought on by exercise or even slight effort; considered by most authorities to be a particular presentation of an anxiety disorder, the physical symptoms being attributed to autonomic responses to anxiety or to hyperventilation. Called also Da Costa\'s syndrome, effort syndrome, and irritable or soldier\'s heart.
Note added at 1 hr 35 mins (2005-08-19 07:41:17 GMT)
[1] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
маня 27 фев 05, 02:02 Ответить
Встречается вот такое:
vegeto-vascular dystonia
persons, patients with symptomless borderline hypertension, and patients with borderline hypertension accompanied by syndrome of vegeto-vascular dystonia. ...
[2] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
маня 27 фев 05, 02:12 Ответить
ТРАВМА, ВОЗНИКАЮЩАЯ ИЗ-ЗА ПОСТОЯННОЙ НАГРУЗКИ (repetitive strain injury (RSI)) - боль, сопровождающаяся потерей функций конечности в результате совершаемых ею однообразных, постоянно повторяющихся движений или после длительного воздействия статической нагрузки. Тендосиновит и тендовагинит запястья являются наиболее распространенной травмой кистей, которая часто встречается у людей, много печатающих на пишущей машинке.
[3] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
маня 27 фев 05, 02:13 Ответить
Забыла дать ссылочку про синдром
[4] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
Vetka 27 фев 05, 09:00 Ответить
Встречается вот такое:
vegeto-vascular dystonia
Только на днях попыталась сказать так... меня не поняли.
За ссылку отдельное спасибо
[5] Re: Med. terminology.Кто знает?
vtora 27 фев 05, 10:17 Ответить
neurocirculatory asthenia, a syndrome characterized by palpitations, dyspnea, a sense of fatigue, fear of effort, and discomfort brought on by exercise or even slight effort; considered by most authorities to be a particular presentation of an anxiety disorder, the physical symptoms being attributed to autonomic responses to anxiety or to hyperventilation. Called also Da Costa\'s syndrome, effort syndrome, and irritable or soldier\'s heart.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Kurt Porter
3 mins
Thank you Kurt! :-)
neutral |
Kirill Semenov
: note that all sources are Russian by their origin... + I don't think they are. The word is easily found in English dictionaries on the Web
5 mins
The sources that are related to angioneurosis seem to be Russian too.
agree |
19 hrs
Thank you Alex! :-)
agree |
Сергей Лузан
6 days
Thank you Sergei! :-)
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
7 mins
Russian term (edited):
������-��������� �������
vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia,
Print Friendly - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]
... forms and primarily chronic forms: vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia,
initial manifestations of ... Research Unit, University of Leeds, UK. ... - 70k
... forms and primarily chronic forms: vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia,
initial manifestations of ... Research Unit, University of Leeds, UK. ... - 70k
16 mins
Russian term (edited):
������-��������� �������
vegetative neurosis
распространенный вариант
13 mins
Russian term (edited):
������-��������� �������
(vegeto)circulatory dystonia
The term veget-vascular dystonia seems to exist only as translated from Russian.
...Variant forms of dystonia are marked by atypical clinical features and may be etiologically distinct from the classic form. Dopa-Responsive, Paroxysmal, X-Linked Dystonia-Parkinsonian, Myoclonic, and Rapid-Onset Dystonia-Parkinsonian are all considered variant forms.
35 patients with vegetocirculatory dystonia and hyperventilation syndrome, but without the signs of organic lesion of nervous system were treated.
Note added at 15 mins (2005-08-19 06:21:36 GMT)
i\'d probably go for just \"circulatory dystonia\"
Note added at 25 mins (2005-08-19 06:31:33 GMT)
Or, prob.
Angioneuropathy - (Med.) Neuropathy of the neurons innervating blood vessels. Called also Angioneurosis, Vasoneurosis.
The term **angioneuropathy** is now used more frequently than angioneurosis.
...Variant forms of dystonia are marked by atypical clinical features and may be etiologically distinct from the classic form. Dopa-Responsive, Paroxysmal, X-Linked Dystonia-Parkinsonian, Myoclonic, and Rapid-Onset Dystonia-Parkinsonian are all considered variant forms.
35 patients with vegetocirculatory dystonia and hyperventilation syndrome, but without the signs of organic lesion of nervous system were treated.
Note added at 15 mins (2005-08-19 06:21:36 GMT)
i\'d probably go for just \"circulatory dystonia\"
Note added at 25 mins (2005-08-19 06:31:33 GMT)
Or, prob.
Angioneuropathy - (Med.) Neuropathy of the neurons innervating blood vessels. Called also Angioneurosis, Vasoneurosis.
The term **angioneuropathy** is now used more frequently than angioneurosis.
9 mins
Russian term (edited):
������-��������� �������
angioneurosis, vasoneurosis
Note added at 10 mins (2005-08-19 06:16:29 GMT)
И Мультитран в поддержку:
мед. вегетативно-сосудистая дистония angioneurosis
мед. вегетативно-сосудистая дистония neurangiosis
мед. вегетативно-сосудистая дистония vasomotor dyscrasia
мед. вегетативно-сосудистая дистония vasoneurosis
Note added at 37 mins (2005-08-19 06:43:34 GMT)
И вот еще ссылочка:
Там Drunya авторитетно высказался.
Note added at 10 mins (2005-08-19 06:16:29 GMT)
И Мультитран в поддержку:
мед. вегетативно-сосудистая дистония angioneurosis
мед. вегетативно-сосудистая дистония neurangiosis
мед. вегетативно-сосудистая дистония vasomotor dyscrasia
мед. вегетативно-сосудистая дистония vasoneurosis
Note added at 37 mins (2005-08-19 06:43:34 GMT)
И вот еще ссылочка:
Там Drunya авторитетно высказался.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Ann Nosova
: да, что правда- то правда, у них такой болезни нет... и в МКБ-10 тоже нет, это сугубо отечественный д-з
9 mins
я просто помню, что как-то обсуждалось это не так уж давно. Только вот тот самый вопрос найти не могу, тогда очень подробно спорили
neutral |
Tsogt Gombosuren
: The sources related to angioneurosis and vasoneurosis seem to be non-native sites (Danish, Czech, Russian etc.). Drunya's does not support either your previous answer or your current answer.+I checked lingvo forum reference in my answer :-)
17 mins
| ; ; ; and many others + I don't think it's a nice thing to do to use my references to change your own answer ;-)
agree |
Anton Ivanyuk
5 hrs
1 hr
Russian term (edited):
������-��������� �������
Neurocirculatory asthenia
Neurocirculatory asthenia, a syndrome characterized by palpitations, dyspnea, a sense of fatigue, fear of effort, and discomfort brought on by exercise or even slight effort; considered by most authorities to be a particular presentation of an anxiety disorder, the physical symptoms being attributed to autonomic responses to anxiety or to hyperventilation (Dorland's Medical Dictionary)
Самый близкий "родной" диагноз, который удалось когда-то найти.
Самый близкий "родной" диагноз, который удалось когда-то найти.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: С вашей подачи ( я теперь так и перевожу :)
5 hrs
neutral |
Ann Nosova
: да, но этот диагноз входит в Somatoform autonomic dysfunction, отдельного шифра для нейроцирк. астении нет
10 hrs
5 hrs
Russian term (edited):
������-��������� �������
прочитайте, пожалуйста эту статью
The Disease of a Thousand Names - Melissa Kaplan
автор приводит практически все варианты названия заболевания (около 100), начиная с "vasomotor instability" и заканчивая "yuppie flu"
Вам надо выбрать тот вариант, который будет понятен в стране заказчика перевода
The Disease of a Thousand Names - Melissa Kaplan
автор приводит практически все варианты названия заболевания (около 100), начиная с "vasomotor instability" и заканчивая "yuppie flu"
Вам надо выбрать тот вариант, который будет понятен в стране заказчика перевода
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Svetlana Touloub
: абсолютно верно. В Бельгии, к примеру, нашу "...дистонию" не понимают. А по синдромам относят к "....хронической усталости"....Извините, сначала задала свой вопрос, а потом увидела Ваш ответ..
31 mins
neutral |
Ann Nosova
: извините, но это совсем другое заболевание ( в статье), а смотреть надо в классификации, их сейчас придерживаются все (русская версия полностью совпадает с английской)
6 hrs
12 hrs
Russian term (edited):
������-��������� �������
Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
Я полагаю, что это подходит больше всего. Кстати, сейчас много спорят о том, как шифровать- или в ранге психических заболеваний(см. ссылки), или в неврологичеких заболеваниях найти подходящее название. Среди заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой системы похожих диагнозов нет.
Кстати, диагноз, предложенный Друней,отдельно не существует(официально), он входит в эту когорту:Соматоформная дисфункция вегетативной нервной системы ( в этом легко убедиться по кодам, они полностью идентичны в обеих версиях).
Mental and behavioural disorders
Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders
F48.0 Other neurotic disorders F48.0 Neurasthenia
Код: F48.0 Название: Неврастения
F45.3 Somatoform autonomic dysfunction Symptoms are presented by the patient as if they were due to a physical disorder of a system or organ that is largely or completely under autonomic innervation and control, i.e. the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory and urogenital systems. The symptoms are usually of two types, neither of which indicates a physical disorder of the organ or system concerned. First, there are complaints based upon objective signs of autonomic arousal, such as palpitations, sweating, flushing, tremor, and expression of fear and distress about the possibility of a physical disorder. Second, there are subjective complaints of a nonspecific or changing nature such as fleeting aches and pains, sensations of burning, heaviness, tightness, and feelings of being bloated or distended, which are referred by the patient to a specific organ or system.
Cardiac neurosis
Da Costa's syndrome
Gastric neurosis
Neurocirculatory asthenia
Psychogenic forms of:
• aerophagydiarrhoea
• dyspepsia
• dysuria
• flatulence
• hiccough
• hyperventilation
• increased frequency of micturition
• irritable bowel syndrome
• pylorospasm
Невротические, связанные со стрессом и соматоформные расстройства Код: F45 Название: Соматоформные расстройства
Код: F45.3 Название: Соматоформная дисфункция вегетативной нервной системы
Diseases of the nervous system
(G00-G99)Other disorders of the nervous system
(G90-G99) G90 Disorders of autonomic nervous system
Расстройства вегетативной [автономной] нервной системы
Кстати, диагноз, предложенный Друней,отдельно не существует(официально), он входит в эту когорту:Соматоформная дисфункция вегетативной нервной системы ( в этом легко убедиться по кодам, они полностью идентичны в обеих версиях).
Mental and behavioural disorders
Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders
F48.0 Other neurotic disorders F48.0 Neurasthenia
Код: F48.0 Название: Неврастения
F45.3 Somatoform autonomic dysfunction Symptoms are presented by the patient as if they were due to a physical disorder of a system or organ that is largely or completely under autonomic innervation and control, i.e. the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory and urogenital systems. The symptoms are usually of two types, neither of which indicates a physical disorder of the organ or system concerned. First, there are complaints based upon objective signs of autonomic arousal, such as palpitations, sweating, flushing, tremor, and expression of fear and distress about the possibility of a physical disorder. Second, there are subjective complaints of a nonspecific or changing nature such as fleeting aches and pains, sensations of burning, heaviness, tightness, and feelings of being bloated or distended, which are referred by the patient to a specific organ or system.
Cardiac neurosis
Da Costa's syndrome
Gastric neurosis
Neurocirculatory asthenia
Psychogenic forms of:
• aerophagydiarrhoea
• dyspepsia
• dysuria
• flatulence
• hiccough
• hyperventilation
• increased frequency of micturition
• irritable bowel syndrome
• pylorospasm
Невротические, связанные со стрессом и соматоформные расстройства Код: F45 Название: Соматоформные расстройства
Код: F45.3 Название: Соматоформная дисфункция вегетативной нервной системы
Diseases of the nervous system
(G00-G99)Other disorders of the nervous system
(G90-G99) G90 Disorders of autonomic nervous system
Расстройства вегетативной [автономной] нервной системы
If you can't decide on your own, you may leave it to your colleagues.
I understand that in some cases, one does not like all answers, but your own. In such case, the option to close w/o grading will serve its purpose. :-
I'll leave the question open until it robogrades - let the community intelligence prevail here