Jan 5, 2005 03:10
19 yrs ago
42 viewers *
Romanian term

indemnizatie de crestere a copilului

Romanian to English Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Mamele care intra in concediu maternal dupa 1 ianuarie 2005 primesc o indemnizatie de crestere a copilului de aproape opt milioane de lei, neimpozabila, exceptie facand insa femeile cadre militare, care se supun altor reguli si care primesc, in unele cazuri, o suma mai mica.

Cu multumiri,


Maria Diaconu Jan 5, 2005:
Po�i s�-mi spui, te rog, ce lege sau ce hot�r�re este asta? V�d c� e ceva nou. M-ar interesa. Mul�umesc.

Proposed translations

29 mins

Maternity grant

A maternity grant from the social fund is a fixed amount paid towards the cost of providing clothing and equipment for a baby. The grant does not have to be repaid. The amount of a maternity grant will be £500 for a baby who is born, adopted or the subject of a parental order.


Nu e chiar acelaşi lucru, pt. că maternity grant se plăteşte numai o data, la naştere, nu in fiecare lună, dar cred că ar merge...

mai e şi maternity allowance

Maternity allowance is paid for 26 weeks. The earliest it can start to be paid is the 11th week before the baby is due. The latest it can start depends on when the woman stops work and the date the baby is due. This is called the ‘maternity allowance period’.

Sper să-ţi fiu de ajutor.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 hrs

statutory maternity pay

in Marea Britanie.
statutory maternity pay e ceva diferit de maternity allowance, am impresia ca se exclud reciproc.

Conditii pt SMP:
You can choose when to start getting your SMP. The earliest you can start getting SMP is in the 11th week before the week your baby is due, and the latest is on the day after your baby is born.

You must tell your employer at least 4 weeks before you intend to stop work.

Your employer cannot pay you SMP for any week in which you are at work.

If you have more than one job, you may be able to get SMP from each employer.

SMP is subject to tax and National Insurance.

If you cannot get SMP but you have recently been employed or self-employed, you may be able to get Maternity Allowance. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/lifeevent/benefits/statutory_maternity...

Note added at 2 hrs 30 mins (2005-01-05 05:40:30 GMT)

precum vezi, la ei SMP este impozabila (dar se poate recupera http://www.inlandrevenue.gov.uk/cbr-smp/section7/q7_1.htm ). site-ul fiscului englezesc nu pomeneste nimic de maternity allowance, cu exceptia referirilor la o lege a asigurarilor sociale pt femeile care lucreaza in strainatate - vezi aici http://www.legislation.hmso.gov.uk/si/si1987/Uksi_19870417_e...
Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Diaconu : Da, deci asta era!
27 mins
multumesc :) asa s-ar zice...
agree Marcella Magda
3 hrs
agree Mihaela Nissen (X) : Corect. SMP e platit de patron.MA e platit de primarie???(daca gresesc,chiar doresc sa fiu corectata ,cand am plecat din tara nu exista ajutor social) platit celor ce traiesc din ajutorul social.SMP 90% din bruto primele 6 saptamani.
3 days 18 hrs
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2 hrs

child care allowance

Sistemul diferă în funcţie de ţară. Vezi link.
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3 days 20 hrs

Comentar la raspunsul CORECT al Mariei.

Desi scorul sta 3 la 0, Maria are dreptate.
Am votat pentru SMP, dar dupa ce am investigat raspunsul Mariei, indemnizatie este de fapt maternity grant.

Sumele platite difera in functie de data de nastere a copilului, iar daca mama/familia se califica pentru aceasta indemnizatie (depinde de situatia financiara si alte aspecte sociale), suma este platita o singura data, cu scopul de a intampina anumite dificultati financiare. Explicatia Mariei este absolut corecta.

SMP si MA nu sunt altceva decat venituri lunare pe timpul maternitatii.

Am pierdut punctele dar am invatat ceva nou :)
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