Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
Parchetul General Anticoruptie
English translation:
Public Prosecutor's Anticorruption Department
Added to glossary by
Anca Nitu
Oct 29, 2003 02:47
21 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Romanian term
Parchetul General Anticoruptie
Romanian to English
Raportul Comisiei va fi predat Parchetului National Anticoruptie (PNA).
Cu multumiri,
Cu multumiri,
Proposed translations
3 | Public Prosecutor's Anticorruption Department | Anca Nitu |
5 | Parchetului National Anticoruptie (PNA) | Cristina Danasel (X) |
4 | General Anticorruption Prosecutor | ANDERSON ARCANJO |
Proposed translations
13 hrs
Public Prosecutor's Anticorruption Department
asta in paranteza
as lasa definita PNA in romana si as pune definita de mai sus ca explicatie in paranteza
de ce?
parchet e preluat din franceza
parquet n. m.
Définition :
Nom donné au ministčre public attaché ŕ une juridiction, en souvenir de l'époque oů le représentant du roi ne prenait pas place sur l'estrade ŕ côté des juges du sičge.
Définition :
Se dit, en matičre judiciaire, de l'ensemble des magistrats du Ministčre public : procureurs, généraux, procureurs et leurs substituts.
Équivalent(s) English public prosecutor's department
sau eventual
Public Prosecutor's Office, Anticorruption Department
ce vreau sa subliniez eu aici e PUBLIC prosecutor
prosecutor ['prɒsıˌkjuːtə]
noun a person who institutes or conducts legal proceedings, esp. in a criminal court
public prosecutor
(Law) an official in charge of prosecuting important cases
as lasa definita PNA in romana si as pune definita de mai sus ca explicatie in paranteza
de ce?
parchet e preluat din franceza
parquet n. m.
Définition :
Nom donné au ministčre public attaché ŕ une juridiction, en souvenir de l'époque oů le représentant du roi ne prenait pas place sur l'estrade ŕ côté des juges du sičge.
Définition :
Se dit, en matičre judiciaire, de l'ensemble des magistrats du Ministčre public : procureurs, généraux, procureurs et leurs substituts.
Équivalent(s) English public prosecutor's department
sau eventual
Public Prosecutor's Office, Anticorruption Department
ce vreau sa subliniez eu aici e PUBLIC prosecutor
prosecutor ['prɒsıˌkjuːtə]
noun a person who institutes or conducts legal proceedings, esp. in a criminal court
public prosecutor
(Law) an official in charge of prosecuting important cases
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr
General Anticorruption Prosecutor
... In related news, General Anticorruption Prosecutor Ioan Amarie said at a seminar
in Bucharest on 11 December that the law establishing the National ...
... No. 43/04.04.2002, which provides that one of the attributions of The
General Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (PNA) is: “The ...
... In related news, the General Anticorruption Prosecutor said at a seminar in that
the law establishing the National Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office was ... Polaris_021213.doc
in Bucharest on 11 December that the law establishing the National ...
... No. 43/04.04.2002, which provides that one of the attributions of The
General Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (PNA) is: “The ...
... In related news, the General Anticorruption Prosecutor said at a seminar in that
the law establishing the National Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office was ... Polaris_021213.doc
5 hrs
Parchetului National Anticoruptie (PNA)
National Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office
the Comission report will be delivered at the...
the Comission report will be delivered at the...
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