Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

bunuri de mana-moarta

English translation:

bona vacantia

Added to glossary by lilou_blue
Dec 9, 2009 18:47
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Romanian term

bunuri de mana-moarta

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general) property law
un paragraf din legea 187/1945 - este vorba de o proprietate imobiliara

Proposed translations

4 hrs

bona vacantia

Ownerless property which passes to the British Crown etc.

Bona vacantia is Latin, much like the Romanian language.

Be careful about using obsolete terms like 'escheat' - abolished by s. 45 of the UK Administration of Estates Act 1925 and replaced by bona vacantia.

Example sentence:

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you. this was the term i was looking for. all the best."
51 mins

dead hand control of property


Note added at 55 mins (2009-12-09 19:42:54 GMT)

dead hand control is a matter of wills and trusts -- the issue is to what extent a deceased person should be able to use his/her wealth to control the behavior of others, i.e., the beneficiaries of the will

Note added at 1 hr (2009-12-09 19:54:33 GMT)

actually, another term for 'dead hand control' is 'mortmain'. Further explanation: in the realm of trusts and wills, one significant issue deals with the policy question of for how long of a period should a property owner be allowed to control his/her assets after his/her death -- this is referred to as the dead hand control. For instance, can you devise your property to your great great great children? no, because there's a statutory limitation on that sort of power, called the Rule against perpetuities (which is a nightmare) codified both in the UK and in the US. This law controls the dead hand, i.e., the power of the testator to control his/her property for too long a period of time. Hope that explains it a bit :)
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1 hr

Escheated property

"Daca defunctul exheredeaza printr-o dispozitie testamentara pe toti succesorii sai, in conceptia statului mostenitor, statul nefiind rezervatar, ar fi si el indepartat de la mostenire, ajungandu-se in asa zisa situatie de **mana moarta**, adica de imposibilitate de transmitere a bunurilor pe cale succesorala..."
"If there are no legal heirs and heirs by will or if neither of the heirs has a right to inherit or all heirs have been deprived of their right of inheritance (...) or neither of the heirs have accepted the inheritance or all the heirs refused their inheritance and neither of them has indicated that the inheritance is waived for the benefit of another heir (...) the decedent's estate shall be deemed***escheat***.
"Escheated property refers to anything of value belonging to an individual who dies leaving no will and having no heirs thereby becoming the property of the State."

Note added at 2 hrs (2009-12-09 21:26:59 GMT)

Cu mare placere:)

Note added at 15 hrs (2009-12-10 10:08:12 GMT)

Intr-adevar, asa cum spune Tom Thumb, termenul "escheat" a fost inlocuit in unele dintre tarile UK. Poate ca "bona vacantia" este totusi termenul pe care il cauti. Mai exista si varianta "unclaimed property/goods". Din cate am inteles, termenul "escheat" este totusi folosit, ba, mai mult, exista si o diferenta intre cei doi termeni:"This is the main difference between escheat and bona vacantia, as in the latter, a grant takes place automatically, with no need to 'complete' the transaction."
Note from asker:
Multumesc mult. Mi-ai fost de mare ajutor.
Peer comment(s):

agree Erika Nagy, Esq. : you are right, in this case it is about property that escheats to the state in absence of testamentary beneficiaries or rightful heirs, I went off on a tangent with a somewhat different issue becuase of the close concepts of 'dead hand' and 'mana moarta'
10 mins
thank you, Erika :)
agree Simon Charass : 100% correct
43 mins
Thank you:)
agree Mahal : da...
2 hrs
Multumesc :)
agree OanaS
13 hrs
multumesc :)
agree Sandra Roselee
20 hrs
Multumesc, :)
agree Tradeuro Language Services
2 days 11 hrs
Multumesc :)
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3 days 6 hrs

property in mortmain

Domaine(s) : - droit
- urbanisme


Équivalent(s) français mainmorte

Définition :
Legal position of things which are incapable of assignment because they are owned by particular legal persons.

Mână moartă - lipsa moştenitorilor implică intervenţia statului care poate alege ca bunuri de interes muzeal să fie distribuite muzeelor specializate

s-a mai tradus astfel:
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