Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
societate pe actiuni de tip inchis
English translation:
unlisted (joint stock) company
Added to glossary by
Luiza Levarda
Nov 12, 2009 16:10
14 yrs ago
23 viewers *
Romanian term
societate pe actiuni de tip inchis
Romanian to English
Business/Commerce (general)
certificat constatator registrul comertului
Buna seara, dragi colegi!
Banuiesc ca e ceva de genul Joint stock company, dar cred ca acest termen nu e complet. Contextul este:
Forma de organizare a unei companii: societate pe actiuni de tip inchis
Va multumesc!
Banuiesc ca e ceva de genul Joint stock company, dar cred ca acest termen nu e complet. Contextul este:
Forma de organizare a unei companii: societate pe actiuni de tip inchis
Va multumesc!
Proposed translations
4 +6 | unlisted (joint stock) company | Georgiana Vasilescu (X) |
5 +1 | private joint-stock company | Annamaria Amik |
3 +2 | privately held company/private company | Mihaela Ghiuzeli |
3 +1 | closed joint stock company | Blanka Nagy |
Proposed translations
5 mins
unlisted (joint stock) company
Societate inchisa
Societate comerciala pe actiuni ale carei documente constitutive prevad restrictii privind libera transferabilitate a actiunilor sale, interzic orice distributie de valori mobiliare catre public, deci nu pot face obiectul unei oferte publice de vanzare a valorilor sale mobiliare pe piata de capital.
Atat proprietarii actiunilor cat si societatile comerciale nu pot efectua nici o forma de publicitate pentru vanzarea actiunilor lor.
unlisted company
A small company whose shares are not on the official list of shares traded on a particular stockmarket. [1]
Note added at 9 mins (2009-11-12 16:20:38 GMT)
Eu as pune "unlisted company", fara sa mai precizez ca este vorba despre o societate pe actiuni. Se subintelege.
Succes :)
Note added at 10 mins (2009-11-12 16:21:31 GMT)
Domaine(s) :
- finance
valeurs mobilières
. français
société non cotée n. f.
English unlisted company
Définition :
Société dont les actions ne sont pas cotées sur un marché financier organisé. .
Sous-entrée(s) : .
terme(s) non retenu(s)
société non introduite en bourse n. f.
Societate comerciala pe actiuni ale carei documente constitutive prevad restrictii privind libera transferabilitate a actiunilor sale, interzic orice distributie de valori mobiliare catre public, deci nu pot face obiectul unei oferte publice de vanzare a valorilor sale mobiliare pe piata de capital.
Atat proprietarii actiunilor cat si societatile comerciale nu pot efectua nici o forma de publicitate pentru vanzarea actiunilor lor.
unlisted company
A small company whose shares are not on the official list of shares traded on a particular stockmarket. [1]
Note added at 9 mins (2009-11-12 16:20:38 GMT)
Eu as pune "unlisted company", fara sa mai precizez ca este vorba despre o societate pe actiuni. Se subintelege.
Succes :)
Note added at 10 mins (2009-11-12 16:21:31 GMT)
Domaine(s) :
- finance
valeurs mobilières
. français
société non cotée n. f.
English unlisted company
Définition :
Société dont les actions ne sont pas cotées sur un marché financier organisé. .
Sous-entrée(s) : .
terme(s) non retenu(s)
société non introduite en bourse n. f.
Note from asker:
multumesc mult pt explicatii! |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Va multumesc din suflet!"
8 mins
closed joint stock company
A joint stock company with a limited number of shareholders.
Note from asker:
multumesc mult!!! |
22 mins
private joint-stock company
Dupa cunostintele mele, JSC pot fi private sau public (vezi chiar si pe wikipedia).
O prezentare scurta si definitie "user friendly" aici:
The private joint stock companies are like private companies whose shares are not traded in the stock market exchanges and are privately held. The public joint stock companies are companies whose shares are publicly traded in open stock exchanges.
Este corect si "unlisted", dar mai des am intalnit asa.
Note added at 26 mins (2009-11-12 16:37:37 GMT)
Vezi articolul relevant din Companies Act:
Part 20
Private and public companies
Note added at 35 mins (2009-11-12 16:46:32 GMT)
Poate ca nici nu este "joint-stock company", ci "private company limited by shares"
Confirmat si de intrebarea kudoz de aici:
Formele, denumirile acestea difera in functie de tari.
Dupa cum spune si la raspunsul kudoz indicat, este o forma obisnuita in Ungaria, care e Zrt. (zártkörűen működő - adica "de tip inchis), iar echivalentul acestuia este cu siguranta ***Private company limited by shares.***
Note added at 3 hrs (2009-11-12 20:07:14 GMT)
Vroiam sa deschid discussion, dar e prea lung mesajul :-) Asadar:
Recomand si discutia de aici:
Subiectul este extrem de interesant, tinand cont de diferentele dintre legislatii si ca de multe ori nu avem echivalente in legislatia noastra.
Definitia SA: Societatea pe Actiuni este societatea constituita prin asocierea mai multor persoane, care contribuie la formarea capitalului social prin anumite cote de participare reprezentate prin titluri numite actiuni, pentru desfasurarea unei activitati comerciale, in scopul impartirii beneficiilor, si ***care raspund pentru obligatiile sociale numai in limita aporturilor lor***.
Acum, definitia pentru "company limited by shares": A private company limited by shares is a type of company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales, Scotland, that of certain Commonwealth countries and the Republic of Ireland. It has shareholders with limited liability and its shares may not be offered to the general public, unlike those of public limited companies.
"Limited by shares" means that the company has shareholders, and that ***the liability of the shareholders to creditors of the company is limited to the capital originally invested***, i.e. the nominal value of the shares and any premium paid in return for the issue of the shares by the company.
joint-stock company
a company (usually unincorporated) which has the capital of its members pooled in a common fund; transferable shares represent ownership interest; ***shareholders are legally liable for all debts of the company***
A company which has some features of a corporation and some features of a partnership. The company sells fully transferable stock, but ***all shareholders have unlimited liability.***
In baza acestora, mi se pare ca "soc. pe actiuni de tip inchis" ar fi ceea ce propusesem mai sus: "private company limited by shares".
O prezentare scurta si definitie "user friendly" aici:
The private joint stock companies are like private companies whose shares are not traded in the stock market exchanges and are privately held. The public joint stock companies are companies whose shares are publicly traded in open stock exchanges.
Este corect si "unlisted", dar mai des am intalnit asa.
Note added at 26 mins (2009-11-12 16:37:37 GMT)
Vezi articolul relevant din Companies Act:
Part 20
Private and public companies
Note added at 35 mins (2009-11-12 16:46:32 GMT)
Poate ca nici nu este "joint-stock company", ci "private company limited by shares"
Confirmat si de intrebarea kudoz de aici:
Formele, denumirile acestea difera in functie de tari.
Dupa cum spune si la raspunsul kudoz indicat, este o forma obisnuita in Ungaria, care e Zrt. (zártkörűen működő - adica "de tip inchis), iar echivalentul acestuia este cu siguranta ***Private company limited by shares.***
Note added at 3 hrs (2009-11-12 20:07:14 GMT)
Vroiam sa deschid discussion, dar e prea lung mesajul :-) Asadar:
Recomand si discutia de aici:
Subiectul este extrem de interesant, tinand cont de diferentele dintre legislatii si ca de multe ori nu avem echivalente in legislatia noastra.
Definitia SA: Societatea pe Actiuni este societatea constituita prin asocierea mai multor persoane, care contribuie la formarea capitalului social prin anumite cote de participare reprezentate prin titluri numite actiuni, pentru desfasurarea unei activitati comerciale, in scopul impartirii beneficiilor, si ***care raspund pentru obligatiile sociale numai in limita aporturilor lor***.
Acum, definitia pentru "company limited by shares": A private company limited by shares is a type of company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales, Scotland, that of certain Commonwealth countries and the Republic of Ireland. It has shareholders with limited liability and its shares may not be offered to the general public, unlike those of public limited companies.
"Limited by shares" means that the company has shareholders, and that ***the liability of the shareholders to creditors of the company is limited to the capital originally invested***, i.e. the nominal value of the shares and any premium paid in return for the issue of the shares by the company.
joint-stock company
a company (usually unincorporated) which has the capital of its members pooled in a common fund; transferable shares represent ownership interest; ***shareholders are legally liable for all debts of the company***
A company which has some features of a corporation and some features of a partnership. The company sells fully transferable stock, but ***all shareholders have unlimited liability.***
In baza acestora, mi se pare ca "soc. pe actiuni de tip inchis" ar fi ceea ce propusesem mai sus: "private company limited by shares".
4 hrs
privately held company/private company
este o alta varianta;"unlisted company" is perfectly fine.
Note added at 4 hrs (2009-11-12 20:25:03 GMT)
The term privately held company refers to the ownership of a business company in two different ways: first, referring to ownership by non-governmental organizations; and second, referring to ownership of the company's stock by a relatively small number of holders who do not trade the stock publicly on the stock market. Less ambiguous terms for a privately held company are unquoted company and unlisted company.
este o alta varianta;"unlisted company" is perfectly fine.
Note added at 4 hrs (2009-11-12 20:25:03 GMT)
The term privately held company refers to the ownership of a business company in two different ways: first, referring to ownership by non-governmental organizations; and second, referring to ownership of the company's stock by a relatively small number of holders who do not trade the stock publicly on the stock market. Less ambiguous terms for a privately held company are unquoted company and unlisted company.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Georgiana Vasilescu (X)
: de acord :) "private company" chiar este folosit frecvent.
19 mins
Multumesc, Georgiana!:)
agree |
1 day 20 hrs
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