Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Portuguese term or phrase:
A vaca foi para o brejo
English translation:
Things took a turn for the worse
Portuguese term
A vaca foi para o brejo
May 1, 2009 11:55: Marlene Curtis Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
Things took a turn for the worse
agree |
Beta Cummins
: "Agri"!
3 mins
agree |
Adam Prus-Szczepanowski
: Right on!!
18 mins
agree |
20 mins
agree |
Paul Dixon
: Yes - it would have to be the great translator Marlene to come up with this excellent translation!
3 hrs
Very kind of you, Paul! Have a wonderful week-end!
agree |
Katarina Peters
7 hrs
Grata Katarina!
the cow went to the swamp
agree |
Floriana Leary
: sorry I wasn't aware you had posted .... yes that's what I found also!
10 mins
neutral |
Marlene Curtis
: The literal translation is meaningless in English.
18 mins
neutral |
Beta Cummins
: Agree with Marlene, the translation does not carry the same meaning.
46 mins
disagree |
Paul Dixon
: No way, except in "embromation English" - taken "at the foot of the letter" it means nothing!
3 hrs
disagree |
Fernanda Rocha
: "Só sei que não sei p*** nenhuma de inglês. Decididamente, inglês pra mim não é grego." Introdução do livro "The Cow Went To The Swamp", de Millôr Fernandes. This expression is meaningless in EN!...
6 hrs
The cow went to the swamp
10 Ago 2001 ... Jean-Jacques Annaud. The cow went to the swamp. A vaca foi pro Brejo Millôr Fernandes. A língua de Eulália Marcos Bagno ... - 16k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
Urban Dictionary: the cow went to the swamp - [ Traduzir esta página ]the cow went to the swamp - 1 definition - Very old Brazilian expression, which means "all is (was) lost", with no turning back. Probably from rura... cow went to the... - 17k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
disagree |
aoliveira09 (X)
: You can't do an exact translation, like Marlene said, it's meaningless in English
1 hr
if you research it like I did, I did find this as a true translation, see: cow went ...
disagree |
Carlos Quandt
: Check this out:
1 hr
if you research it like I did, I did find this as a true translation, see: cow went ...
disagree |
Paul Dixon
: No way, except in "embromation English" - taken "at the foot of the letter" it means nothing!
3 hrs
if you research it like I did, I did find this as a true translation, see: cow w...
disagree |
Fernanda Rocha
: "Só sei que não sei p*** nenhuma de inglês. Decididamente, inglês pra mim não é grego." Introdução do livro "The Cow Went To The Swamp", de Millôr Fernandes. This expression is meaningless in EN!...
6 hrs
if you research it like I did, I did find this as a true translation, see: cow w... To tell you the truth I had to research the PT version myself because I've never of heard it in PT either!
see link, might be offensive to some
Things went downhill (or bogged down)
agree |
Adam Prus-Szczepanowski
3 mins
agree |
Beta Cummins
19 mins
thank you
agree |
Carlos Quandt
: to go downhill, to go down the drain, to go into a tailspin...
1 hr
right, they all end in the swamp !!! Thanks
Things went to hell in a hand basket
agree |
: probably the closest
7 mins
Grato airmailrpl, e bom fim de semana
agree |
aoliveira09 (X)
40 mins
Thanks, aoliveira09 have a good weekend
things have bitten the dust
Everything went wrong/awry/all my plans faltered/went awry.
My Collins Prático has "everything went wrong" for "a vaca foi pro brejo". But in phrases like "Foi aí que a vaca foi pro brejo", I'd use "That's when everything started going downhill" or "That's when everything went awry".
the day when everything went awry. April 25, 2008 by MYCH. nothing was right today. 1) woke up at three am and suffered insomnia. ...
this was right when i started drinking. everything went downhill ... - - 64k -
Reference comments
agree |
Marlene Curtis
: He is sandpapering himself...(Ele está se lixando...)
12 mins
"I don't give the minimum"! heheheh
agree |
: "Give me a break".."de me uma quebrada"
19 mins
"I've got a full sack"!!!! hehehe
agree |
Fernanda Rocha
: "Só sei que não sei p*** nenhuma de inglês. Decididamente, inglês pra mim não é grego." Introdução do livro "The Cow Went To The Swamp", de Millôr Fernandes. This expression is meaningless in EN!...
5 hrs
Livro hilário, por sinal
agree |
Carlos Quandt
: My response to one of the absurd "cow in the swamp" translations was interpreted as "offensive" and deleted. Apparently, somebody up there does not share the same sense of humor that you guys are displaying here...
6 hrs
Same thing happened to me, quandt. I'm sure the answerers concerned do not mind our pulling their leg "puxando sua perna". Afinal somos um time, e brincadeiras saudáveis são motivacionais.
agree |
: It seems they didn't even read what's in the reference posted... My goodness! So, "how cool!" is "que frio!"? I miss marco lessa right now... :)
1 day 7 hrs
Crikey, Marco Lessa would have a field day (dia do campo, hehehhe)