Glossary entry

Polish term or phrase:

ucho prezesa

English translation:

The (Boss\'s) Sidekick, The (Chairman\'s) Top Aide

Added to glossary by dorro
Jan 16, 2017 12:52
7 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Polish term

ucho prezesa

Polish to English Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
jak po ang wyrazić powiedzenie. wyrażenie : ucho prezesa, mając na myśli najbliższą, zaufaną osobę szefa?
Change log

Jan 16, 2017 21:05: Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (3): Rafal Piotrowski, Darius Saczuk, Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.

When entering new questions, KudoZ askers are given an opportunity* to classify the difficulty of their questions as 'easy' or 'pro'. If you feel a question marked 'easy' should actually be marked 'pro', and if you have earned more than 20 KudoZ points, you can click the "Vote PRO" button to recommend that change.

How to tell the difference between "easy" and "pro" questions:

An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

A pro question is anything else... in other words, any question that requires knowledge or skills that are specialized (even slightly).

Another way to think of the difficulty levels is this: an easy question is one that deals with everyday conversation. A pro question is anything else.

When deciding between easy and pro, err on the side of pro. Most questions will be pro.

* Note: non-member askers are not given the option of entering 'pro' questions; the only way for their questions to be classified as 'pro' is for a member or members to re-classify it.


geopiet Feb 5, 2017:
Someone who had his ear, as they say, told him that I was doing something -
geopiet Feb 5, 2017:
to have an ear of boss, to have boss's ear They both had the ear of boss Philip Rastelli and were considered among the major captains of the family. -
mike23 Feb 5, 2017:
Z informacji w sieci i wywiadu z samym Górskim, autorem serialu, wynika, że nie chodzi o osobę zaufaną prezesa, a o to aby być fizycznie jak najbliżej ucha prezesa i móc do niego mówić i być wysłuchanym przez samego prezesa.
Andrzej Mierzejewski Jan 16, 2017:
@dorro Jeżeli błędnie odgadłem kontekst pytania, to proszę skorygować.
Andrzej Mierzejewski Jan 16, 2017:
Co to jest "ucho szefa"? Jedna z możliwych odpowiedzi:

Ja powstrzymam się od próby tłumaczenia tytułu serialu aż do obejrzenia wszystkich odcinków.
Darius Saczuk Jan 16, 2017:
@Pro This a PRO question. A possible answer is much more than a simple equivalent in a bilingual dictionary.
Darius Saczuk Jan 16, 2017:
Since this is a title, it has to be relatively brief and catchy.
Andrzej Mierzejewski Jan 16, 2017:
Chodzi o tytuł internetowego serialu, są już trzy odcinki. Wpisz tytuł w youtube.
Darius Saczuk Jan 16, 2017:
@Dorro Is the context formal or informal?

Proposed translations

3 hrs

The (Boss's) Sidekick, The (Chairman's) Top Aide

My option
Peer comment(s):

agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. : I would listen to such a person.
2 mins
;-). Thank you, Frank.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "dziękuje za tłumaczenie; sidekick wydaje się najbardziej nieformalne i o to chodzi, pozdr"
9 mins

Boss' right-hand man

kolejna propozycja
Peer comment(s):

agree Darius Saczuk
1 hr
agree magdadh
2 hrs
agree Kamila Sławińska
3 days 12 hrs
Something went wrong...
42 mins

President's confidant(e)

W zależności od zamierzonego odcienia znaczeniowego autora wypowiedzi:

powiernik, zausznik = confidant, confidante(
zausznik daw. «czyjś powiernik, potajemnie dostarczający różnych informacji»

a person who has the President's ear; to have one's ear
If someone has the ear of an important and powerful person, that person is willing to listen to their ideas.
He's a powerful industrialist who has the President's ear.

donosiciel, plotkarz = talebearer (

pochlebca = sycophant (
Something went wrong...
3 mins

president's confidant/e, trusted advisor, person who has the presiden't ear


Note added at 3 hrs (2017-01-16 16:19:44 GMT)

a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others. def...

confidante; especially : one who is a woman
Peer comment(s):

agree Darius Saczuk
1 hr
Dziękuję Dariuszu.
agree magdadh
3 hrs
Thank you, magdah. You have my ear. Actually, for you, I am all ears.
Something went wrong...
4 days

boss's/chief's MTA (most trusted advisor)

MTA (most trusted advisor)

Note added at 4 days (2017-01-21 10:40:16 GMT)

The role of the trusted and most loyal adviser has been a crucial one to family concerns throughout the ages. During the Korean Joseon Dynasty, Kim Cheo-Seon, a eunuch, advised successive kings wisely. Sir Francis Walsingham, Principal Secretary to Queen Elizabeth I of England, is remembered still by history as a powerful adviser unwavering in his loyalty to the throne. Popular culture portrayed the role dramatically in the film The Godfather in which the character Tom Hagen serves as consigliere to the Corleone family’s underworld empire.

Many family-controlled firms (FCFs) benefit from the professional and personal advice of someone outside of the family. That person, through a mix of trust, integrity, respect and experience, is accepted within the family’s inner circle and becomes their most confidential adviser and counsellor. It is a role I have designated as the Most Trusted Adviser (MTA).

The MTA differs from other types of advice provider. Theirs is often a hidden role that many people do not know exists. The MTA is privy to the most confidential of information pertaining to both the family and the business. I use the term to refer to someone who usually advises to one family only on both business and family matters, and who is often employed full-time by that family.

Note added at 4 days (2017-01-21 10:46:32 GMT)

... what do MTAs do, how do they do it, and how do they add value to their firms?

Right to be heard
“I can’t have the situation where my advisor says “I’m right, damn it all, I’m right.” There can’t be trust if egos start getting in the way.” ~

The role of the MTA is to “direct the attention” of the CEO, says Strike, and this requires a strong voice. “Most trusted advisors must be true to their values, absolutely trustworthy, and have the family’s best interests at heart. They need to be selfaware, but without a strong ego or need to win.”

An MTA also needs “weight” to gain the right to be heard.
Weight is a combination of expertise and experience. “MTAs have a depth of competency and a breadth of knowledge,” says Strike. “As one of the owners said about his MTA: ‘He ain’t God but nobody has a head like him.’”

A good soldier
“If they’ve heard and understood you, but they still make a decision that’s contrary to what you feel is right, you have to be prepared to go with whatever they decide and make it work. You have to be a good soldier.” ~ MTA

An MTA needs to understand his or her role in relation to others and to the group as a whole, says Strike. “He also understands that the decision belongs to the decision-maker.
Once the decision has been made, he has to commit to that decision.” 2009.pdf - page 4

Note added at 4 days (2017-01-21 10:55:07 GMT)

With little experience, and against all predictions to the contrary, Kushner had managed Trump’s way to the White House, and was now poised to be his most trusted adviser and enforcer in the West Wing. This left many of the staid business leaders in the audience confused about whether Kushner really shared their values and worldview — indeed, whether he had ever really belonged to their world at all. -
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19 hrs

(into) the chairman's ear

Into/in the chairman's ear
whispered in the chairman's ear

Note added at 20 days (2017-02-05 15:59:12 GMT) Post-grading

W wywiadzie sam Górski mówi o tym, że każdy chce być jak najbliżej ucha prezesa. Nie chodzi o osobę zaufaną prezesa, ale zwyczajnie o ucho samego prezesa, czy szerzej o to aby prezes wysłuchał dana osobę, aby móc być blisko ucha prezesa po to, aby móc do niego mówić i być wysłuchanym.

Zamiast Mariusza na Nowogrodzkiej rezyduje Joachim, chciałem przypomnieć.

No tak, ale mi się skleił jakoś pan Mariusz właśnie z prezesem. Był zawsze taki obrazek z Sejmu, że oni siedzą w pierwszej ławie i ten mu coś mówi do ucha albo coś mu sufluje."najbliżej ucha prezesa"

Nie od dziś wiadomo, że wszystkie najważniejsze decyzje państwowe zapadają w biurze prezesa Jarosława Kaczyńskiego (68 l.) przy ul. Nowogrodzkiej. To dlatego tam przed każdym sejmowym posiedzeniem pielgrzymują najważniejsi politycy PiS. Każdy z nich walczy o to, by być jak najbliżej ucha prezesa.

Note added at 20 days (2017-02-05 16:13:39 GMT) Post-grading

Option 2:
whisper/whispering/speaking into the chairman's ear

The series, called “Ucho Prezesa” (“The Chairman’s Ear”) pokes fun at the ruling PiS party, which came to power in Poland in late 2015. It is mainly set in the office of the party’s chairman, who receives various visitors, including ministers, the head of the public TV broadcaster and the country’s president.,G...

Note added at 20 days (2017-02-05 22:42:32 GMT) Post-grading

Wersja najkrótsza i najprostsza: The Chairman’s Ear

Note added at 2122 days (2022-11-08 23:07:21 GMT) Post-grading

The Chairman’s Ear
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