Oct 22, 2006 19:51
18 yrs ago
Italian term
servizio elenchi abbonati e servizi di informazione abbonati
Italian to English
Aggiornamento del DBU per la fornitura del servizio elenchi abbonati e dei servizi di informazione abbonati
Proposed translations
28 mins
directory (enquiry) service and subscriber information services
At 3 we offer two directory service numbers, these can be dialled from your 3 handset or ... To check the cost of calling other directory services from 3, ...
www.three.co.uk/explore/howmuch/directory.omp - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
At 3 we offer two directory service numbers, these can be dialled from your 3 handset or ... To check the cost of calling other directory services from 3, ...
www.three.co.uk/explore/howmuch/directory.omp - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
24 mins
directory and information services
"abbonati" is subscribers, but I believe it is not necessary to name them in a telecommunications context: it's understood.
1 day 1 hr
subscribers lists service and subscribers information service (or see note)
Directory services and subscribers information services
Directory services and subscribers information services
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