This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Feb 12, 2013 18:52
11 yrs ago
Italian term


Italian to English Tech/Engineering Petroleum Eng/Sci Airport fuel depot - inspection and checking systems
Alternative question to "cordino braccio flottante" (qv:

Whichever one happens to be the "correct" interpretation will go into the glossary on closing, as originally intended.

Original question quoted below for reference:

The problem expression is "cordino braccio flottante" as used in the paragraph below. I wonder firstly if there is simply a comma missing and this actually describes two items, cordino and braccio flottante. If so, then I'll revise the question to cover "cordino" alone, as "floating arm" for "braccio flottante" seems fairly straightforward.

Nel deposito sono presenti due serbatoi fuori terra adibiti allo stoccaggio di prodotti petroliferi per complessivi xxx m3 (xxx m3 ciascuno): entrambi sono cilindrici ad asse verticale e a tetto fisso, e sono rivestiti internamente con vernici epossidiche. La virola cilindrica dispone di passi uomo e tronchetti flangiati, necessari al collegamento tra le tubazioni, mentre lo sfiato atmosferico e i dispositivi di ispezione e controllo (livellostati, *cordino braccio flottante* etc) sono installati sul tetto. I due serbatoi sono posati entro bacino di contenimento in cemento armato e sono adibiti allo stoccaggio di cherosene (Jet A-1) destinato alla provvista di bordo per gli aerei.

Any thoughts welcome as always. Time is getting a little short now, unfortunately - replies in the next eight hours or so (say by 0300-0400 GMT Wednesday) would be ideal if possible.
Proposed translations (English)
3 string/cord floater

Proposed translations

2 hrs

string/cord floater

tricky one - I would use string-floater as it has a wide but well understood meaning in english
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