Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

ha avuto il compito di sperimentare su un gruppo di allievi

English translation:

was assigned the task of testing out with a group of pupils

Added to glossary by Pnina
Jul 9, 2004 14:57
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term

ha avuto il compito di sperimentare su un gruppo di allievi

Italian to English Other Other education
l’ITIS “XXXX” ha avuto il compito di sperimentare, su un gruppo di allievi dell’istituto, un frammento della UFC elaborata e successivamente validata

best way to express this?


Discussion Jul 9, 2004:
UFC = Capitalisable Training Units
hirselina Jul 9, 2004:
UFC = ? Test?

Proposed translations

1 day 18 hrs

was assigned the task of testing out with a group of pupils

Uno dei signigicati del verbo "sperimentare" è "to try out, test out" (quando si parla di un metodo).
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "many thanks to all!!"
10 mins

X was charged to try out part of ? with a group of pupils from the institute

More context is needed. X was charged to try out part of the ? with a group of pupils from the institute ...
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6 hrs had the task to experiment on a group of pupils

cosa? non erano cavie! e allora:
experiment with a group of pupils
Peer comment(s):

agree Nanny Wintjens
5 hrs
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