Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

benchmark value chart

Added to glossary by Malgorzata Kozarzewska
Feb 18, 2005 23:04
20 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Real Estate
Eine Vergleichsmöglichkeit über gezahlte Kaufpreise für Grundstücke in gleicher Lage und Beschaffenheit ist nur insofern gegeben, als die gültige Richtwertkarte des Landkreises XY (Gutachterausschuss), s.a. entsprechende Seite, herangezogen wurde.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 benchmark value chart
4 assessment card
Change log

Nov 28, 2005 17:43: Kim Metzger changed "Field" from "Other" to "Bus/Financial"

Proposed translations

1 hr

benchmark value chart

A Richtwert is a benchmark or reference value. I think benchmark value chart gets the idea across.
This test examines Value Model’s performance in each of the following areas:
- Its ability to deliver a value conclusion (“hit rate”).
- The variance, or difference, between the model’s estimates of value and a benchmark value,
in this case the property’s sales price.
- The dispersion of the differences between the value estimates and the benchmark values.
Dispersion is expressed as standard deviation from the mean, and can be plotted in a
- The model’s tendency to consistently under- or over-value property.
Peer comment(s):

agree Wolf Brosius (X) : Some sort of an index.
3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "danke!"
46 mins

assessment card

value assessment card

Assessment Card - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]Assessment Card. All Properties receive an Assessment Card in December. Explains Taxable Value, Assessed Value, and other Pertinent Information. ...
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