May 27, 2015 10:10
9 yrs ago
German term

Marktwirtschaft westlichen Typs

German to English Bus/Financial Economics
In dem Text geht es um einen Vergleich bzw. eine kurze Beschreibung der Vorteile der *Marktwirtschaft westlichen Typs* gegenüber der (sozialistischen, kommunistischen) Planwirtschaft.

Planwirtschaft ist relativ einfach auszudrücken. Wie beschreibe ich aber die Marktwirtschaft westlichen Typs, wenn ich nicht die Begriffswelt des Binnenmarktes nutzen möchte? Und auch (noch) keinen Hinweis auf das transatlantische Freihandelsabkommen in den Text integrieren kann, weil dies ja noch nicht in Kraft ist.

Der Begriff sollte eher formal, denn umgangssprachlich klingen. Und im Zusammenhang mit diesem Text darf es durchaus eine positiv besetzte Begriffswelt sein.
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May 27, 2015 10:14: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Social Sciences" to "Bus/Financial" , "Field (specific)" from "Government / Politics" to "Economics"

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dkfmmuc (asker) May 28, 2015:
Dear Jacek many thanks for your contribution and your insight into the German history. Indeed my text is about the contrary concepts of the "western-type" economy and the socialist/communist market model. Will send this text tomorrow and therefore will take the time this afternoon to refine and fine-tune the message involved.

This contribution and the ongoing political developments are reminding me how fragile freedom and human rights are. Again, thanks for pointing out.

Jacek Konopka May 27, 2015:
That is the difference. The difference between “western market economy’ and Western-type market economy. That is the difference between – if I may- Poland and Germany. Germany is and has been (for decades) a country in which basic rights of people have been respected since there has been in Germany a model of democracy that makes one believe democracy still exists. Past is past and now and then- now and future are kept in mind. People like me might think; my father lost his left hand because he was ‘clearing mines’ left by Germans. I can hardly remain though a situation where he would/ could have said- this is / was because the Germans. Nothing like that. What I can recall is that history is a quite complicated piece of our lives and that German people owe their respect since history is far more complicated we can imagine. History is Stalin and history is the German ‘Drang nach Ausrottung der Juden’. History is the Polish Anti-Semitism and history is the Polish unquestionable contribution in saving the Jewish people – the greatest rate among Righteous Among the Nations
Jacek Konopka May 27, 2015:
Implications included such things as living beyond the boundaries of economy model implied – on the one hand by prosperity and- on the other hand- by ‘as-if- prosperity’. The people were not only belonging- they were longing for material goods. Actually- the same thing happened after the fall of the Weimar Republic. The things that happened in Germany after 1918 and in the period before 1933 were not only- as many think- the sign of German cruelty ‘basically inscribed’ in this country’s mentality’ There were sign of great disappointment caused by unemployment rate, seeing and witnessing the vision of nothing, by decisions made by extremely stupid Western democracies. A new model of ‘ improving’ – just ‘ improving’ the life conditions of German people made this country to accept a new market economy TYPE since there were poor chances something could change without basic changes.
Jacek Konopka May 27, 2015:
There are no implications of this kind. First of all- the Western market economy developed and was constantly developing - due to political and social circumstances after WW II – so different-ly in different countries. Germany was divided; the Marshall Plan ensured this part of Germany that was part of this plan stability and contributed to normalization of the economic-al situation in Western Germany the result of which was the Adenauer- era and ‘the wonderful years.’ On the other hand; on the other part of the world there were countries belonging to the so-called Eastern Block (including East-Germany). Their economical situation basically differed from that one in West-Germany (1949) as compared to Poland/ East-Germany/ Russian ‘republics’ , Romania and so many countries that fell the victim of the economy ‘basically not- oriented’ to the Western but towards the ‘only acceptable’ Eastern model of economy; an economy (market economy model) based upon emphasizing the differences between the ‘ bad’ and ‘naturally good’ aspects of making the people ‘happy’.
Steffen Walter May 27, 2015:
Western Der "westliche Typ" ist m. E. in der Wendung "Western market economy" bereits impliziert.
Jacek Konopka May 27, 2015:
In dem Ausdruck und in der „Redewendung” zugleich- „Markwirtschaft westlichen Typs“ ist das Wort ‘Typ” doch von großer Relevanz. Dies ergibt sich auch eindeutig nicht aus zufälligen Quellen, sondern aus Büchern, in denen die Frage einer Gegenüberstellung von verschiedenartigen Arten von „Markwirtschaften“ in Kontexten dargestellt wird, die dem Kontext dieser Frage entsprechen oder gar gleichkommen.
Sollte der Autor jener Beschreibung nur „westliche Markwirtschaft“ (Weserm economy) gemeint haben, da hätte dieser (so glaube ich) nicht gewisse zusätzliche Komponenten hinzugefügt, die ihm (ihr) als wichtig erschienen.
Es handelt sich um eine Art/ ein Model/ oder gar eine Wahrnehmung. (der Marktwirtschaft).
Es recht aus, einen Einblick in die Bücher und Publikationen (LINKS; in Links, nicht links…) zu gewinnen, um dies in einem weiteren und weit-er verstandenen Kontext zu verstehen.
Man könnte sagen; na ja- wir übersetzen den Sinn und nicht Worte. Stimmt volkommen zu und trifft vollkommen zu. Kann aber diese Frage von dkfmmuc nur dazu gestellt worden sein, damit sich dieser unsrige Kollege vergewissern möchte, dass „westlichen Typs’ Western „ bedeutet? ……….
dkfmmuc (asker) May 27, 2015:
Danke! Da hab ich wohl zu kompliziert gedacht.

Proposed translations

30 mins

the market economy as practised in the West

the Western-style market economy
a market economy along Western lines

The term 'Western' has unfortunate associations with cowboys, gunfighters and lawlessness.

By reviewing the mistakes his predecessors had committed, Gorbachev succeeded in securing the backing of the Soviet people in favour perestroika (free market or market economy) as practised in the West.

Peer comment(s):

agree Wendy Streitparth : Was my feeling too (Western).
39 mins
agree Michael Martin, MA : I share none of your reservations about 'Western-style' market economy. Looks like the best version to me. Seen it in media outlets a million times.
1 hr
Thanks. I am almost inclined to agree with "in the Western mold", but shy away of that particular noun (mold/mould) unless the client has stated a strong preference for either AE or BE.
agree oa_xxx (X) : I wouldnt go for Western-style but don't mind Western on its own - but this is good too.
3 hrs
neutral philgoddard : I don't agree about the unfortunate associations. The west is the developed world.
4 hrs
The East is Red; the West is Blue.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for your support!"
5 mins

The western market economy

What context is this in? GDR with the west or East Asia with the West? In any case, this pretty much expresses what is needed I think.
Note from asker:
Sorry not being able to deliver the full context here. I am copywriting it at the moment. This paragraph should convey the advantages of the western market economy compared to the economic order of country ...
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7 mins

western [Western] market economy

Wie wäre es denn mit dieser einfachen und m. E. passenden Lösung?

Siehe z. B.
"China has embraced many aspects of the Western market-economy, but it remains a totalitarian state; it is unclear how this ever more self-confident economic dynamo will choose to exercise its growing military capabilities." (der Bindestrich ist hier allerdings fehl am Platz)
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree Darin Fitzpatrick
8 mins
agree Ramey Rieger (X) : Simple and to the point.
45 mins
agree BrigitteHilgner : Kurz und bündig
2 hrs
agree Eleanore Strauss : Western style (as per other answers) would also work. But then again western economies in Europe are basically also socialist
2 hrs
I think they are not - not by any stretch of the imagination. Otherwise, define 'socialist'.
agree oa_xxx (X) : @ElliCom I assume that was a joke!? (western economies in Europe being socialist I mean!)
3 hrs
agree philgoddard
4 hrs
neutral Jacek Konopka : Stimme nicht zu.
4 hrs
Tja, da sind wir halt unterschiedlicher Meinung.
neutral Lancashireman : Re your quote, "embracing many aspects of the Western market economy" does not qualify China as a "Western market economy", if only for geographical reasons. Therefore kurz but not really bündig.
9 hrs
I think your comment is beside the point. I was merely trying to identify examples of native usage of "Western market economy". The China reference is irrelevant to the 'question in question', as it were.
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6 mins

Western-type market economy

Manchmal - of the Western model (even "pattern"

Note added at   10 min (2015-05-27 10:21:20 GMT)

Western-type market economy ± installing the logic of market incentives.

Note that, whereas in Western-type market economies cooperatives are treated ...

When the socialist political monopoly ended in 1990, however, "market socialism" had yielded neither a western-oriented nor a western-type market economic ...

In the 1950s economic experts predicted a gloomy future for the country due to its lack ... in earnest that a 'western type market economy' is a short-cut to wealth.

Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree Lancashireman : Agree with your comment in the Discussion Box that this should not be pared down to the minimum.
6 hrs
Thank you very much!
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1 hr

market economy of the Western mold

Perhaps a slightly higher register than usual but still widely used..

Note added at 8 hrs (2015-05-27 19:08:44 GMT)

EK MUC is right.. "market economy in the Western mold"
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree EK Yokohama : Or rather "market economy in the Western mold" (?) analog zu "Marktwirtschaft westlicher Prägung" - sehr niveauvoll!
6 hrs
Thanks, EK MUC. I agree "in" would be even better..
agree Lancashireman : Creates a slight problem insofar as BE speakers really don't recognise 'mold'. Is it the same with 'mould' for speakers of AE? // Yr Wyddgrug:,_Flintshire
8 hrs
Had not been aware of the problem. But looks like you might be right on both counts
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