Jun 12, 2012 23:26
12 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term

Méthode formulaire

French to English Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals
I am looking for the meaning of the phrase "Méthode formulaire" in the following sentence:

Le terme « Méthode formulaire » englobe tous les documents imprimés par XYZ avec un numéro d’impression unique.
Proposed translations (English)
4 Formulary method
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Jun 13, 2012 05:29: Tony M changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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PRO (3): DLyons, Yolanda Broad, Tony M

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Jenna Porter-Jacek (asker) Jun 13, 2012:
Thank you. At least I know I'm not the only one who is stumped!
DLyons Jun 13, 2012:
I'm afraid I'm drawing a blank on this. I can't even think what an alternative to a laboratory notebook might be.

Obviously this isn't programming, as I originally thought.
What I suggest is that I suppress the answer below and that you re-post to see if anyone can come up with a beeter answer.
Jenna Porter-Jacek (asker) Jun 13, 2012:
Another potentially helpful line: Les documents nommés méthode formulaire, peuvent être une méthode qui sert à la fois de méthode d’analyse et de collecte des données brutes ou simplement servir à la collecte de données brutes.
DLyons Jun 13, 2012:
That's a stylo of a different colour all right :-) I'll try and take another look in few hours.
Jenna Porter-Jacek (asker) Jun 13, 2012:
Some additional context... I have also come across this line:

"Un stylo noir ou bleu à encre indélébile est requis pour écrire dans ces cahiers ou dans la méthode formulaire."

It makes me question programming term in the answer suggested. Throughout the translation, the "méthode formulaire" seems to be an alternative to a laboratory notebook.

Proposed translations

9 days

Formulary method

the method by which medicines and perscriptions are described i.e as in accordance with British National Formulary

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