May 30, 2009 23:40
15 yrs ago
12 viewers *
French term

tableau d'assemblage

French to English Science Geography cadastral
translation du plan cadastral parcellaire de la Commune de Frimmersdorf
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 index map
4 +2 index to sheets
Change log

May 30, 2009 23:48: swisstell changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Proposed translations

10 mins

index map

according to
Note from asker:
Thank you. I was asked to translate this for a German living in New Zealand.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jill Ananyi : This would be best if it is actually a complete map that has divisions showing which part is covered by each detailed map.
2 hrs
agree B D Finch : The Asker was wrong to change this to "map index".
4092 days
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Map Index is what I used, so thank you. In this case it seems to be an acknowledgement of those people who contributed to the survey and the mapping. "
1 hr

index to sheets

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Zone habitée lil D Pass. Col. /]> !S Foot-path. Sentier. Foot-bridge. Passerelle. O. X ft u m. INDEX TO SHEETS. TABLEAU D'ASSEMBLAGE. 25-*(«.) ...

Description Brisbane : Dept. of Lands, 1993.
1 map on 4 sheets ; 168 x 160 cm., sheets 91 x 85 cm.
Map shows local government boundaries and divisions on cadastral base.
Index to sheets.
Plan no. LGB1, Aug 1993.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jill Ananyi : This would work best if the term appears, as in the map you site, as a note on a detailed map showing how the other detailed maps relate to it.
1 hr
agree Helen Shiner
7 hrs
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Reference comments

9 hrs

Definition of "tableau d'assemblage"

"Il est établi sur chaque commune, un tableau d'assemblage qui est une image schématique du territoire communal rédigé approximativement aux échelles du 1/10 000 ou 1/20 000. Sur ce tableau d'assemblage, sont représentés les détails planimétriques (agglomérations, hameaux, cours d'eau, voies de communications, limites de sections) permettant à l'usager d'identifier rapidement la section qui l'intéresse."

However, as Frimmersdorf is in Germany, you should perhaps check that this has been correctly translated into French as it is just possible that the original refers to a table rather than to an index map.
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1 day 12 hrs

X marks the spot;jsessioni...

Le tableau d'assemblage est la représentation schématique du contour de l'ensemble des sections cadastrales et des feuilles parcellaires sur l'ensemble du territoire d'une commune. Dans certains cas, plusieurs tableaux d'assemblage sont nécessaires pour représenter la situation des feuilles d'une même commune.
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